EmeraldCoast Chapter of DSDCTA

Presents a Dressage Clinic


Gina Krueger

Oct 20-21, 2012

Baker Arena, Baker FL

Rider / Horse
Name: / Name:
Address: / Age:
Phone: / Level:
E-mail: / Owner:
Riding Level:

Preferred ride times: Sat AM ______Sat PM ______Sun AM ______Sun PM ______

Riding goals? ______


Any medical conditions or medications that could affect your riding ability or stamina? Yes No

(If yes, please discuss your limitations prior to your ride)

Clinic fees must be paid at the time of Applicationto reserve your ride time. No refunds unless we are able to fill the slot.

Please note your chapter of DSDCTA if a member: ______

Fee schedule:

ECC Members / $70.00 / ______Rides @ ______$ / ______
DSDCTA Members / $90.00
Non-Members / $110.00 / ______Stalls @ $25/night $ / ______
Baker Stalls per night / $25.00
Auditing / FREE / RV hookup $ / ______
2 Ride Discount / - $20
RV hookup per night / $15 / 2 Ride Discount (if applicable) $ / - 20
Checks should be made out to: / ECCDSDCTA
Total $ / ______

Mail Application, Fees & Release to:

Jan Fernald, 8632 Bristolwood Cir, Navarre, FL 32566

For additional information, please contact Jan Fernald, 850-803-8632 or

Emerald Coast Chapter

of the

Deep South Dressage and Combined Training Association

Hold Harmless Clause

The undersigned competitor and any signing parent or guardian hereby (1) agrees to release the management of this event, their officers, directors, employees, members, or agents, and the owners or managers of the grounds where this event is held, from any loss, damage, liability, or injury arising out of or resulting from this show or competitors participation therein; (2) agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the Emerald Coast Chapter (ECC) of the Deep South Dressage & Combined Training Association (DSDCTA), the organizer, facility owner, and the management of this show from and against any and all claims for loss, damage, liability, or injury, however caused, resulting directly or indirectly from competitors entry or participation in this show or from acts or omissions of competitor or competitor's agents; and (3) acknowledges that activities with and around horses and horse shows involve inherent risks that are understood by the persons signing and are expressly assumed. In the event of injury to competitor or to competitor's animals permission is hereby granted to management for emergency medical treatment.

Under Florida law, an equine activity sponsor or equine professional is not liable for an injury to, or the death of, a participant in equine activities resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities.

Signed: ______Date: ______


Signed: ______Date: ______(Parent/Guardian if rider is under age 18)

For additional information, please contact Jan Fernald, 850-803-8632 or

Notes (Please feel free to add any additional information you’d like Gina or the clinic organizers to be aware of):

Gina’s Bio

Gina Krueger owns Garland Farms with her husband John and coordinates all instruction and training.Gina is a USDF Certified Instructor and currently has 10 horses and their owners in training at the farm and her day is rounded out with local students that trailer in. Gina teaches clinics in GA, FL, AL, ME, NC, IN, and NV. Her students and horses range in their careers from beginners/just started 4 year olds to FEI competitors.

Gina's education began here in the United States under the tutelage of Suzanne Hoppman, who is the former Vice President of Education for the German National Equestrian Federation, and the author of the re-written "Principles of Riding". Gina has spent several years in Germany in the German National Equestrian Federation Riding Program in an effort to understand the organization of their very successful Educational System. Her education has been enhanced greatly over the years by participation in many USDF programs including Instructors/Trainers Forum with Jaap Pot; Judges Forums with Edgar Hotz and Axel Steiner; Regional Instructors Seminars with Major Andres Lindgren, Pre-r Judges Programs with Elizabeth Madlener, Michael Mathews, and Bill Woods; USDF Vi Hopkins Seminars and the USDF National Dressage Symposiums.

Gina has had the distinct privilege of working closely with Maryal Barnett, an FEI "C" Judge and Clinician from Michigan. In this capacity, she organized, hosted and co-taught the Region 3 Annual USDF Regional Instructor's Workshops and Dressage Seminars held at Garland Farms.

Gina has also taught and co-taught; Instructor's Workshops sponsored by the Central Maine Dressage Association, and has been an instructor at many Regional Dressage Adult Camps over the years.Gina's goal is to do all she can to provide learning opportunities that educate riders and thus improve the wellbeing of our horses.

“Increasing the riders’ awareness of how the seat and aids affect the horse and the how the horse naturally responds to those influences is at the heart of my teaching philosophy.”

For additional information, please contact Jan Fernald, 850-803-8632 or