City East
Early Preparation Program
Day program
Day one - Tuesday10 February 2015
Tuesday 10 February 2015Time / Early preparation program - day one activities / Location -City Eastcampus
8.45am -9.00am / Sign in / Bonython Jubilee Building, Level 2, Room 20 (BJ2-20)
9.00am - 9.15am / Welcome, introductions and program outline
*N.B. Please check optional session registration list / Bonython Jubilee Building, Level 2, Room 20 (BJ2-20)
9.15am - 9.45am / Meeting each other and identifying questions
Meet in small groups to talk with other students and identify common questions / Bonython Jubilee Building, Level 2, Room 20 (BJ2-20)
9.45am - 10.00am / Overview of UniSA
An opportunity to ask some questions and to learn about how the university works / Bonython Jubilee Building, Level 2, Room 20 (BJ2-20)
10.00am- 10.15am / MyUniSA
Learn about the online environment of the University and how to navigate around the various sites to find what you need / Bonython Jubilee Building, Level 2, Room 20 (BJ2-20)
10.15am - 10.45am / Break
Food and drink are available for purchase at the Cafeteria or Aroma Cafe / Cafeteria or Aroma Cafe
10.45am- 11.45am / Academic reading
Introduction to reading at University to meet academic requirements / Bonython Jubilee Building, Level 2, Room 20 (BJ2-20)
11.45am - 12.30am / Managing your life as a student
Ideas and skills to help you (and your family) adapt to new expectations associated with studying / Bonython Jubilee Building, Level 2, Room 20 (BJ2-20)
12.30am - 12.45am / Round up & what's on tomorrow
*N.B. Please meet in P3-20 at 9am tomorrow / Bonython Jubilee Building, Level 2, Room 20 (BJ2-20)
12.45am - 1.30am / Lunch
Food and drink are available for purchase at the cafeteria or Aroma / Cafeteria or Aroma Cafe
Day two - Wednesday 11 February 2015
Wednesday11 February 2015Time / Early preparation program - day two activities / Location -City Eastcampus
9.00am - 9.15am / Feedback from day one / PlayfordBuilding, Level 3, Room 20 (P3-20)
9.15am - 10.30am / Sample lecture
A guest lecturer will present a topic for you. The session will include a discussion about taking effective lecture notes / PlayfordBuilding, Level 3, Room 20 (P3-20)
10.30am - 11.00am / Break
Food and drink are available for purchase from the cafeteria or Aroma Cafe / Cafeteria or Aroma Cafe
11.00am - 12.00pm / Academic writing
Introduction to writing at university to meet academic requirements / Bonython Jubilee Building, Level 2, Room 20 (BJ2-20)
12.00pm - 12.30pm / Hearing from other students
Current students speak of their experiences and answer your questions / Bonython Jubilee Building, Level 2, Room 20 (BJ2-20)
12.30pm - 1.00pm / Unanswered questions, feedback and closing / Bonython Jubilee Building, Level 2, Room 20 (BJ2-20)
Optional sessions - Tuesday10 & Wednesday 11 February 2015
Tuesday10 February 2015Time / Early preparation program - optionalactivities / Location -City Eastcampus
1.30pm - 2.30pm / Introduction to library resources
What the library can offer you, including finding information for your assignments / Library, CentenaryBuilding, Level 4, Room7a (C4-07a)
1.30pm - 2.30pm / Online @ UniSA
Hands-on session to familiarise you with UniSA’s online environment / PlayfordBuilding, Level 3, Room 21 (P3-21)
Wednesday11 February 2015
Time / Early preparation program -optional activities / Location -City Eastcampus
1.30pm - 2.30pm / Introduction to library resources
What the library can offer you, including finding information for your assignments / Library, CentenaryBuilding, Level 4, Room7a (C4-07a)
1.30pm - 2.30pm / Online @ UniSA
Hands-on session to familiarise you with UniSA’s online environment / PlayfordBuilding, Level 3, Room 21 (P3-21)
2.45pm - 3.30pm / From enrolled nurse to registered nurse
The transition from EN to RN offers many challenges and opportunities. This workshop will present some ideas and strategies on how to make the adjustment. / Bonython Jubilee Building, Level 2, Room 20 (BJ2-20)