EMDR East Anglia Committee Meeting (Skype)

March 6th 2017 7.00

Committee Members:

Mark Brayne (Joint Chair)Present

Sonya Farrell (Joint Chair)Present

Joe Kearney (Treasurer)Present but had to leave early c/o client

Shirley Young (Secretary)Present

Richard HolbornApologies

Eric LeggoePresent

Walid Abdul HamidTravelling

James ThomasTechnical Problems with Skype

Maeve AlisonPresent

Mike Penhaligon (Bedford)Standing down Jenny Afford sent apologies that no one was available to attend our meeting tonight

Minutes from the last meeting approved

NorwichNetworking Day 22.04.2017

Numbers Currently we have 27 paid up individuals for the event plus 2 individuals un paid. There will also be at least 6 committee members. A discussion was had around payment by committee members and it was agreed that issues would be explored with other regional groups at the AGM to find out what the practice is across the regional networks and then a decision could be reached about whether committee members should pay for the next networking day. Mark felt that we should pay to attend Networking Days to avoid being seen as elitist. Other members were neutral on the subject. Whilst Shirley was also neutral she suggested an alternative could be that committee members paid half price taking into consideration, as Joe & Sonya pointed out, the work that is done outside of the network days.

Mark was concerned that numbers were low because of the increased price. Shirley also pointed out other competing factors such as the proximity to the conference and Easter holidays and Jamie’s day in London.

Mark was also concerned that the new single tier PayPal payment structure had caused extra problems and that we might be wise returning to the previous payment system. Sonya suggested that we could use Survey Monkey to explore issues around pricing and payment with the membership. Mark is happy to set this up after the networking day.

Checking on Jobs

All committee members need to be at the venue by 9.00 at the latest.

Sonya to liase with venue over numbers and to confirm about numbers for food and for special food requirements (liaise with Joe and Mark for information) and to confirm whether we need one or two rooms.

Maeve requested that Sonya also liaise with UEA concerning the difficulties we had last time with technical issues and with individuals running up and down outside of the meeting room.

Sonya to bring banner supplied by Eric.

It was agreed that Sonya would print out a voucher for our November Networking Day as a raffle Prize and then bring raffle tickets and voucher for raffle and man the Trauma Aid stall during breaks. Posters and directions

Joe to bring attendance sheet and do welcoming and signing in with Gerry.

Shirley to bring raffle prizes and help set up room including put out onto chairs the feedback form/timetable supplied by Mark. To write up minutes of the day.

Mark to contact Jamie checking whether she needs us to doing anything for the day and to check what equipment she needs and, if there is an electronic presentation available, to request presentation so this can be set up on our equipment. Jamie is driving up from Cambridge to stay with Mark in Sheringham on the Friday night before the Norwich day and then going down to London with Mark on the Saturday night. Mark will bring Jamie to Norwich on the day.

Mark to bring Timetable/Feedback Forms and Attendance Certificates (printed by local printer)

Bring leaflets re: other events.

Help Sonya with checking out technical equipment (OHP, Computer links etc. NB Mark will have back up projector etc in car)

Maeve stated she would come early and help in whatever way is needed

Richard please help in whatever way is needed on the day

Eric is unable to come to Norwich so to take banner to conference and give to Sonya.

TBC Badges; white boards; Posters and directions at thevenue.

Ulf Jarisch (EMDR Equipment Europe) will be attending network day and Sonya has requested he bring books that Jamie has written.


Joe reported that that spreadsheet provided by his sister is working admirably so that he has been able to balance the books without difficulty.

The balance in the bank is £3526.96 and in Paypal £424.66

It was agreed that we would pay Jamie the £500 for her contribution to our networking day plus petrol and the cost of one overnight stay in London (organised and so far paid for by Mark).

November Networking Day

A date of 11.11.17 was agreed to be held in Ipswich as Eric felt enthused to pursue this as our next venue! Eric will start looking at possible meeting places suitable for 60 - 90 people. Sonya will send costings for Norwich to give a guide pricing structure.

Regional Networks AGM

Sonya and Mark to attend and speak to the following items for the agenda.

  1. There is a confusion around strictly sticking to the standard 8 phase protocol and encouragement to try the e.g. Blind to Therapist Protocol, Flashforward etc but not always endorsing Laurel Parnell - clarification needed please.
  2. EMDR UK & Ireland website - CPD trainings from various sources could be added to the web site at a cost (mentioned last AGM) the fee could possibly go to Trauma Aid? This could also include the regional and national events.
  3. Regional Groups - Defined map of each region for members needed (Please add Sonya’s name to the list with Marks as a contact)
  4. Research - Simple Excel spreadsheet on the website that members only can log into under their membership number on a monthly basis and log client results before and after EMDR - simple categories could include PTSD, Phobias Pain Abuse and Trauma. Could this be standardised and used across Europe?
  5. EMDR journal & resources - nothing on web site. A printable leaflet about EMDR and trauma would be helpful.
  6. What do regional network committees do with regard to paying for network days and conference. Are they paid for out of regional funds or do committee members pay like the rest of the membership.

Mark to mail both Jenny Athern and Paul Keenan about the regional network meeting in London on March 23 as Bedford intend to become independent of us and they therefore should be invited to attend.

Any Other Business


Maeve, endorsed by the rest of the committee, congratulated Sonya on becoming a Consultant.

This triggered Eric in owning up to having attended the Consultant training a few weeks ago. It would seem that the experience can be very emotionally challenging, emphasising how much of an achievement staying the course and achieving Consultant status is.So, Well done Sonya!


I was asked to minute the concerns from this committee that various trainees have been indicating a sense of being undermined about their supervision and there remains considerable disquiet about the lack of clarity and transparency about disciplinary procedures, leading to fears for some people about practising EMDR. It is to be welcomed that Derek Farrell, working at an International level as well as in the UK, is developing the training for EMDR, grounding it in evidence-based practice from a variety of worldwide sources and sharing this so openly with members to enhance, challenge and develop their practice. This transparency and openness and robust challenge is to be encouraged throughout all levels of the society including the documenting of meetings.

Next Committee Meeting

Shirley will email the group about 2 weeks before the Network Day to check how things are proceeding and clarifying outcomes from the London regional meeting which may need voting on, particularly the issue of payment for the network day.

Next regional steering group meeting to be confirmed, a Monday in mid-June. Mark putting a poll up on Doodle.