Teacher: Mr. David Lester

In this class, we will analyze Earth / Space Science, as well as some Chemistry, and Physics.


1 inch 3 ring binder/notebook. Pencil, blue/black pen ONLY other colors not preferred

Notebook paper Colored pencils/ crayons/ etc

Drawing compass (handy, the ones I have are old) Good English/Metric ruler Calculator also nice.

These items are needed, and must be brought to class every day, and should not be left in this room.


Earth / Space Science Rubric
Test / 100pts each
Daily / Weekly Quizzes / 50pts each
Labs / 50pts each
Activities / 50pts each
Daily Notebook check / 10pts each
Daily Book check / 10pts each
In class notes (variable) / 25pts each
Handouts (variable) / 25pts each
DQ/Weather maps / 50pts each

Most assignments will be taken up when complete and you will be awarded your points depending on the amount you have completed correctly. When I return to you a graded assignment with a score over another that means you earned that score. EXAMPLE: 45/50 or 90%.

You will rarely have homework on the weekends. So, I will not be grading much on the weekends. I will work on tests but I am sorry if I don’t get finished. I have a life too.


100-90%=A 89-80%=B 79-70%=C 69-60%=D 59-00%=F


Once the tardy bell rings you must have your notebook out on your desk be working on bellringer. ALL OTHER MATERIALS MUST BE IN YOUR POSSESSION but not necessarily out on desk. If your notebook is not where I can see it, then you do not have it. If you do not bring your materials to class 3 times in any period of time, you will be assigned break detention as per your hand book.

Every thing you do during class, as homework, labs, notes, etc should be put it in the notebook before and after I have graded it. Always keep it organized and ready because you never know when I’ll say “You can use it on a test.”


1.  In Class Notes (anything you write on paper) from lecture, board, overhead, PowerPoint

2.  Assignments (every other thing you do)

3.  Bellringer: Daily Questions DQ and Weather Map Section: (taken up every other Friday). Every day you must do the following:

·  Write the DQ, .DQ number, Date, and Answer the question on your sheet provided. On Fridays, Drawing the weather map as it appears on the board in color with all symbols, the weather forecast, the date.


You will be given a bathroom pass that will have 6 “punches” on it to use in case of an emergency, but no more than six can be used in a semester, period. That is 6 total. If you do not use them they are worth 5 bonus points for each punch remaining and can be turned in to any teacher at any time for bonus. NO PASS NO GO. If you lose it you will have to see Mrs. Hoffman between classes.


You should not let something outside this class interfere with your learning in this class. For example, if you come to class angry, sad, etc, you will be given a time out pass and be sent directly to Mrs. Hoffman’s office. Once you are in there “cooling off” Mrs. Hoffman will determine if further action is necessary, such as speaking to a counselor, ISD, ASD, or break detention.


I now have a better website for you to access notes, presentations, dates etc. I am just getting it started as are most of your teachers, so it may take me a while to get it fully up and running. I will give you instructions on how to get to it later.


You will be assigned a computer that will be your computer to use ALL year in this class, do not change computers. If it is necessary for a change to be made I will make that change. This will be the computer you will take tests on as well. So take care of it.


1.  It is your responsibility to bring your book and materials to class everyday.

2.  It is your responsibility to go to the restroom/locker before class.

3.  It is your responsibility to get; to do, and to turn in any work missed due to an excused absence. For all involved, it is best if this is done after I take attendance.

a.  Makeup work for tests, quizzes, and some lab work may only be completed during ESS.

4.  Late work does not exist. If for some reason you do forget to turn in an assignment turn it in as soon as possible, remember, every day it’s late is 10% off, to a maximum of 50% (5 days) after that it is not accepted.

5.  No food or drinks are allowed in class and must be disposed of before class begins.

6.  Remember act sensibly at all times, after some one gets hurt it is too late to say, “I’m sorry”.

You are held accountable for your learning, materials, and behavior, I don’t care if your friend is absent and your stuff is in their locker you are unprepared for class.

Course Tentative Syllabus

Chapter / TOPIC
No chapter / Measurements, scientific method
Ch 16 / Properties of Matter
Ch 18 / Atomic structure
Ch 19 / Chemistry of elements
Ch 20 / Chemical equations
Ch 1 / Time and distance
Ch 2 / Using Scientific models
Ch 3 / Force Mass and Acceleration (Newton’s Laws)
Ch 9, 10 Modern Earth Science MES / Minerals and Rocks
Ch 11 MES / Earth’s Energy
Ch 22.2 / Carbon reactions/ Carbon Cycle Greenhouse effect
Possible Portfolio entry
Ch 25 / Measuring heat and its transfer
Ch 28 / Relative and Absolute dating Use Modern Earth Science Book Ch 4 - 7
Ch 17.1 density / Plate Tectonics Test
Earthquakes Test
Volcanoes Test
Ch 29.2 / Geo-hazards Test
Ch 26 / Energy in Atmosphere, Atmosphere
Ch 27 / Heating of Earth’s surface, winds
Weather/ Storms
Ch 31 / Solarsystem/ and the Sun
Ch 32 / Stars, Galaxies, and the universe


I have read and understand the syllabus for this course and that I will be held accountable for information in it. It is my responsibility to follow the rules while in my Integrated Science class, if I do not choose to do so I am aware that disciplinary action will be taken.

I also understand that at any point throughout the semester projects, labs or presentations may be video taped/photographed for educational and evaluational purposes.

Student Name/Signature: ______Date:______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date:______

Contact Information


Name / Name
Address / Address
City/zip / City/zip
Phone work / Phone work
Phone home / Phone home
Email / Email