Embracing Joy – Psalm 16

I started the sermon with an off handed look at how(at first glance) joy seems to diminish with age, is this extremely broad generalization true, false or ½ & ½ ?

Read Psalm 16

Eternal vs Fleeting

1.  David finds Joy in the Lord, but what about those that seek after other gods?

2.  David finds joy in the religious community around him, does this hold true today?

3.  We didn’t cover this in the sermon but read verse 4. What won’t David do with regards to other gods?

4.  Drinking a blood sacrifice sounds barbaric to us today, but how does this relate to communion? Is there any connection to this practice and our practice of communion?

5.  Verse 5 ends with the idea of David finding joy in his lot, or his inheritance from God, do we have that same promise? Do we disregard it or find joy and strength in it?

Whole vs Broken

1.  In verse 7-8 David continues to delight in God’s goodness, how does a good night sleep relate to joy, if at all, but could there be a connection? Then look at the inverse, generally speaking what are the causes of poor sleep?

2.  David says with God by his side he will not be shaken, what shakes a person, and how would a relationship with God change that?

Relationship Vs Isolation

1.  What are some times in your life where you felt really close to God? Were they joyful times?

2.  What about the opposite, when did you feel like God was nowhere to be found? Was that a joyful time in your life?

3.  We often use a familiar metaphor to understand and relate to God. Can you give a few examples form the bible?

4.  Talk about the importance of relationships in your life, do they bring you joy?

5.  The last few verses of this Psalm are very prophetic, what do they point to and how does that elicit joy?

6.  We know that we have eternal joy to look forward to but what can we do here and now to live a joyful life?