SEND & Inclusion Highlight Report
Priority 1 – Assessment Framework ---AMBER
SRO: / Jill Crosbie / Work Stream Lead(s): / Heather Wood and Amanda Daniels
Date: / March 2018 / Report Author: / Morvia Innis
1. Status Update (reason for work stream RAG rating; steps being taken to mitigate; impact if not mitigated)
Work is proceeding on activities outlined in phase one of the implementation plan, following separate meetings of Focus Groups A: SEN Support and Focus Group B: SEN EHCP Processes.
2. Progress Summary (update on activities conducted since last report)
Focus Group A: SEN Support
SEN Support plans – have developed template to trial with schools – been developed with EYS ,Colleges and schools, health also, no social care input. Being shared at SENCo networks over next fortnight. Have list of schools willing to pilot this during summer term with view to begin using more widely September 18. Template so far had two parts to it:
  1. Generic SEN support on basis of ‘my story’ includes one page profile, references termly docs already used by school to plan provision and review. Be used for anyone at SEN support in school
  2. Second half would use when considering accessing additional funding – will evidence what school already doing. Needs to link and be same info if pupil was at any stage to go for EHCP – this document would be the evidence to show over time what has taken place.
SEN Notional budget – as part of developing a code of conduct for this, are developing guidance for all schools and settings that will incorporate:
  1. Rationale as to why need one
  2. Transparency over what funding streams available to schools and settings at different stages e.g. ISEY, college age etc.
  3. Going to start with money already in schools before then including resource allocations such as CRISP etc.
  4. Will be setting specific but contained in one document
  5. Will incorporate guidance on how funding may be best used – will include costings around good practice in place – costings will be on need e.g. if intervention rehiring adult support and TA is sufficient for this, then costing will be at level of TA – setting may choose to use Graduates, but costs will be for TA.
To support development of the above – two activities took place on Friday:
  1. Developed set of questions to ask schools as means of gathering good practice – these will be trialled in schools/settings who attend work stream initially to check them out
  2. Overview of good practice documents available – one from DfE, Sheffield grid, Leicester to see what elements were useful and to inform the Birmingham version.
Focus Group B: SEN EHCP Processes
  • Project meeting took place on 25th January 2018, with representation from Parents, Education, Health, Early Years and Post 16, apologies sent from Disabled Childrens Social Care.
  • Four working groups established, review of EHC Panel terms of reference and operation (lead Amanda Daniels); Review of EHC assessment request process (lead Jill Copley); Review of quality assurance and processes including feedback to schools and SENAR (lead – Parminder Garcher); Revision of Annual Review Process and documentation (lead – Julie Fitzpatrick).

3. Work Over Next Period (key areas of focus in between now and the next report)
Focus Group A:
  • Build on work already done in three sub groups in order to have a) drafts of templates ready to trial with a clear evaluation process, b) outline of grid with content being filled, and c) understanding of how SEN notional funding should be used effectively and some draft principles read to be shared across stakeholders.
  • Development of Customer Charter with SEND stakeholders and agreed communication and consultation strategy around this.
Focus Group B:
  • All sub-groups have developed work plan and will report back at meeting in April.
  • Links established with Focus Group A to ensure consistent process between SEN support & EHC assessment.

4. Key Challenges, Risks and Issues (key challenges/blockages to delivery; update on current position incl. mitigating action)
Title and Description / Type
Issue / Risk / Dependency / RAG Status
Red / Amber / Green / Progress Update
4.2 Engagement from Children’s Social Care
- The engagement between area based Children’s Social Care is necessary, particularly prior to a child’s move into adulthood. However, involvement from Children’s Social Care has been limited, which poses a risk to identifying and implementing the right changes in relation to the transition process. / Risk / RED / - TOR and draft implementation plan shared with the Alastair Gibbons (Corporate Director of Children’s Social Care) following initial meeting in December. Further discussion on the engagement of area based children’s social care will take place with Alastair, the Programme SRO and the Priority Lead on 29 January 2018. Meeting with Alastair Gibbons has been cancelled. SRO to follow up.
4.3 Engagement from Adults Social Care
- Adult social care would previously engage in the weekly EHC panel but more recently have not attended and have not offered a representative for the workstream / Risk / RED / -SRO to follow up.
5. Other Items Requiring Escalation to / Guidance from the Programme Board