Part 1 - Ministry Report
(1 January – 31 December 2017) /
We will collate your responses in order to identify the variety of ways in which Readers minister across the Diocese; this information then enables us to shape the support and ministerial development on offer to Readers alongside other ministries.
Reader’s Name:
Ministry Practice
Below you will find a list of ways in which you might have exercised ministry over the past year inside the church and in the wider community. Please mark the box next to any of the ones which apply to you.
At the end of each section there is space to add further things and any comments you wish to make (just expand the box as you type into it or use a separate piece of paper).
Tending the SoulWays in which you have tended to your own spiritual needs, eg participating in a retreat, quiet day or meeting regularly with a trusted person to review your spiritual life
Met with a trusted person/ soul friend/ prayer partner / Met with a Spiritual director/ accompanier / Retreat
Quiet Day / The Living Well facilities / Pilgrimage
Other/additional comments:
Leading Worship
Occasions when you have led or assisted in leading worship regularly in a church within your own benefice and/or elsewhere
Daily Offices in church / BCP/CW Morning Prayer / BCP/CW Evening Prayer
Service of the Word / All-age/Whole Church worship / Seasonal services eg Easter, Christmas, Remembrance etc
Act as ‘deacon’ at holy communion / Public worship with communion by extension / Musician, choir, lead worshipper
Chalice bearer / Leading the intercessions / Assist at Baptism service
Other/additional comments:
Preaching and Teaching
Occasions when you have communicated the Gospel in church, homes, schools, places or work or elsewhere
Preaching at least monthly / Lead small group / Confirmation preparation
Baptism preparation / Marriage preparation / Children’s work
Youth ministry / Older people / Families
Alpha, Emmaus etc / Deepening Discipleship / Pilgrim course
Godly Play / Bible study / ALM courses
Lead Lent/Advent group / School assemblies/ collective worship / Open the Book
Class visits to church / Class visits in school
Other/additional comments:
Pastoral Care
Occasions when you have provided pastoral care to people in church, in their homes, in residential care, in the workplace and/or elsewhere
Listening / Home visiting / Home communions
Funeral ministry / Bereavement ministry / Residential care visits
Prayer network/partner / Workplace / Chaplaincy
Being a trusted person, soul friend or spiritual accompanier to someone on a regular basis
Other/additional comments:
Passing on the Faith
Occasions when you have engaged in specific missional and evangelistic activities to communicate the Gospel mostly to those who are outside the church
ALSO ways in which you make a positive contribution to the community, not necessarily in an overtly Christian way
Messy church / Café church / Cell church
Other fresh expression (pleased give details)
Charity volunteer / Charity trustee / Foodbank
Winter shelter / Soup kitchen / Community/Street Pastor
Lunch club / County, District or Town/Parish Councillor
Other/additional comments:
Leadership Roles
Please indicate ways in which you are involved in church leadership and any areas of responsibilities you have held, eg Pastoral Care team leader, lead baptism preparation, coordinate church rotas
PCC member / Deanery Synod / Diocesan Synod
General Synod / Church leadership team / Church rotas
Team Leader (eg pastoral care) / Coordinate church rotas / Edit parish magazine, bulletin, etc
School governor / Church School governor / Chair of Governors
Other/additional comments:
Ministry Development and Formation
Please list below (or on a separate piece of paper) details of any CMD, Reader-related or ministry specific events, training or activities which you have attended during the past year.
Date / Event / Venue / Additional informationPRINT/RETAIN A SAVED COPY – for your own records and share it with your parish priest at your Ministry Review meeting.
SEND A COPY TO THE WARDEN OF READERS – by emailing a saved/completed copy to efore 12thMarch 2018 THANK YOU