Mr. Reasner
Rm. D-5, phone # 937-2038 ex 128
Email: (Prefered Contact)
Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday: 2:30 - 3:00,
Subscribe toWebsite: > Academics > Classes/Homework > Biology
Course Description:
Students will examine the principles which govern living systems. Topics include, molecular biology, cytology, cellular energy, genetics and the systematic study of plants, animals and protista. Applicable material to humans is especially emphasized, including disease and its control, reproduction and development. Lab investigations, dissections, and projects or activities are included, in addition to lecture material and class discussions.
Course Materials
●Textbook: Biology: Miller and Levine; Prentice Hall
●81/2 X 11 Spiral Notebook
●1 Section in your 3 ring binder marked Biology
●Paper, pencil, blue pen, colored pencils, glue stick, highlighter
Course Objectives
The student will be able to:
1. Understand the nature, growth and function of scientific theories;
2. Use the Scientific Method in carrying out laboratory investigations in order to organize, interpret, and present data effectively;
3. Demonstrate understanding of the important theories, concepts, facts, principles, processes and terminologyof the biological sciences;
4. Appreciate the interrelationship of all living things on earth and show a reverence
for all life.
Course Units
The following units are what we hope to cover in a year. There may be some chapters we spend extra time on and some chapters in which we will just do a quick overview. The order in which the chapters are covered may change as well. Not all sections from a chapter will be covered.
First Semester:
●Unit 1. The Nature of Life
○Ch. 1: The Science of Biology
○Ch. 2: The Chemistry of Life
●Unit 3. Cells
○Ch. 7: Cell Structure and Function
○Ch. 8: Photosynthesis
○Ch. 9: Cellular Respiration
○Ch. 10: Cell Growth and Division
●Unit 6. Microorganisms
○Ch. 19: Bacteria and Viruses
●Unit 4. Genetics
○Ch. 12: DNA and RNA
○Ch. 11: Introduction to Genetics
○Ch. 14: The Human Genome
○Ch. 13: Genetic Engineering
Second Semester:
○Ch. 3: The Biosphere
○Ch. 5: Populations
●Unit 5. Evolution
○Ch. 15: Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
○Ch. 16: Evolution of Populations
○Ch. 17: History of Life
○Ch. 18: Classification
●Unit 7. Plants
○Ch. 22: Plant Diversity
○Ch. 23: Roots, Stems and Leaves
●Unit 8. Invertebrates (one of these chapters)
○Ch. 26: Sponges and Cnidarians
○Ch. 27: Worms and Mollusks
○Ch. 28: Arthropods and Echinoderms
●Unit 9. Chordates (one of these chapters)
○Ch. 30: Nonvertebrate Chordates, Fishes, and Amphibians
○Ch. 31: Reptiles and Birds
○Ch. 32: Mammals
- Unless otherwise stated, bring the following to class each day:
- iPad (Charged)
- Spiral notebook
- Pens (blue ink ONLY), pencils, and extra lined paper.
- I expect the following policies to be observed:
- Before the bell come into the classroom, turn in any assignments as necessary and sit down in your chair, if you are not in your chair you are tardy.
- There is no food or drink (a bottle of water with a lid at your desk is the only exception) in this classroom. This is a laboratory classroom. There are things in this classroom that could contaminate your food AND your food could contaminate something we are working on in the room as well. There is absolutely no food or drink allowed at the lab tables.
- Completed homework assignments are due BEFORE the bell.
- If the assignment is completed, but you forgot to turn it in, it is still considered late.
- There will be no COPYING of work. If you are found copying someone else's work, you will get a ZERO and so will the person who gave you their work to copy. If the papers in question are for another class, I will give both papers to that teacher.
- All assignments, except notes, will be done on standard sized notebook paper and will be handwritten (blue ink only) so that it is legible. If the writing is not legible then the assignment will receive a zero. Other colors may be used for drawings, graphs, highlighting or underlining of notes and editing of work only.
- Each assignment will be marked with the school “Uniform Manuscript Policy” Assignments more than one page long will be STAPLED in the upper left hand corner. All assignments should reflect the highest quality work. Work should be complete and neat, or it will not be accepted.
- Your “Science Notebook” will be turned in for grading on the day of the test. It will be graded for the completeness of the work.
- Homework will be assigned periodically. Assignments handed in one day late will be penalized 10%; one week late 50%, turned in after the chapter test will receive no credit.
- Absence: In case of excused absence, the student will make up the work in the same number of school days that he/she was absent +1 (as per the sheild). Missed lab work will be made up at the instructor's convenience. It is the student's responsibility to find out what was missed and make arrangements to make it up.
- Notebook: (81/2 x 11 Spiral Notebook- this is a notebook exclusively for Biology)
Your notebook will be the most important item in this class. This will be the majority of your homework/classwork. You will need to keep it up to date. The notebook will be turned in on the day of EVERY test for grading. The notebook will contain the following:
- The first page should be the “Table of Contents”
- Any notes taken in class should be in the correct section.
- You will also put in any drawing, chart, quiz, worksheet, lab, etc.
- This must be NEAT. I will not hunt for your work. All assignments, notes, etc., should be in the same order as the Table of Contents.
- Grading:
- Grading of all material is on the following total point/percent basis:
100% - 90% = A
89% - 80% = B
79% - 70% = C
69% - 60 % = D
59% - 0% = F
- Your grade will be weighted with the following percentages:
30% Tests
15% Quizzes
25% Labs/Projects
20% Notebook/Homework/Prelabs
10% Semester Final
- Tests and quizzes:
- Tests will be announced at least 1 WEEK in advance.
- Quizzes may be either announced or UNANNOUNCED.
- The semester final exams are comprehensive.
- Attendance/ make-up work/ LATE WORK POLICY:
- Early outs are not an excuse for not turning homework in on time. If you miss part of the day for an early out or a doctor’s appointment, retreat, etc. , homework is still due that day. Put the homework in my box before you leave school, when you arrive at school, or when you return to school.
- The Make-up work policy for excused absences is outlined in the Shield.
**Remember it is your responsibility to find out about missed work.**
- Lab Work:
- A pre-lab reading assignment or write-up will be assigned before the lab. This will be checked or quizzed on before you begin your lab work.
- Incomplete or missing pre-lab readings or write-ups may cost you up to 25% off the lab grade and/or not participating in the lab itself. If a make-up is offered, it will not be during class time.
- Preparation, cleanup, and behavior are all included in your lab grade.
- Discipline
- School procedures will be followed. Penalties for infractions may include assigning extra work, detention,sending to the Dean of Students, or parent conference, as the instructor deems appropriate.
- Inappropriate lab behavior may result in a falure of that lab and losing the privilege of doing lab work.
- The 6 Class Rules
1. Be in your seat when the bell rings
2. Respect Others
3. Keep the Classroom Clean
4. No Food or Drinks
5. Listen and read instructions the first time
6. Bring all materials to class
- Consequences:
- First Offense: Verbal Warning
- Second Offense: 30 minutes of detention with Mr. Reasner
- Third Offense: Behavioral Memo
- Fourth Offense: Referral.
- iPad Policy
- This classroom has a zero tolerance policy regarding using iPads in a non-educational manner. Use of iPads or any other electronic device in a distracting manner, including but not limited to: games, social networking, messaging, or unauthorized recording (as per The Shield p25 s4) or any distracting use of any electronic device (whether it is distracting to the class or the student) will result in a minimum 30 minutes of detention, and a potential behavioral memo or referral to the Dean of Students.
- Cheating
- Cheating will be handled as per school regulations on page 24 section 3 of the shield. Cheating on homework or quizzes will result in a zero on the assignment and a referral to the Dean of Students.
- Cheating on tests or plagiarism on major projects will result in an automatic referral and a zero on the assignment. For tests and major projects students will be able to re-do/re-take the assignment and have an opportunity to earn up to 50% credit.
- Please note, the cheating on tests includes, but is not limited to: passing on information by any means, technologically or by word of mouth, using technological devices (phones, calculators, etc.) to send information to self or another student The Shield, p. 24 s3B
- Please note, copying someones homework word for word is cheating and will result in a zero on the assignment as per The Shield p.24 s3A
- Plagiarism
- Plagiarism is taking someones ideas and passing them off as yours.
- This is not acceptable at ANY TIME. It doesn’t matter if it is homework, a quiz, test, essay, poster, presentation. EVERYTHING must be in your own words, at all times. If you can’t do it here, you are going to have problems later on!
- Anytime you use a resource other than your own brain, you MUST cite that source.
You need to READ the book!!!
Seek help before it is needed. Do not wait until problems are imminent. Create study groups with people in your classes or talk to the teacher about any problems that you may have with the information or the class.
This Syllabus is to be placed in your notebook.
Biology Syllabus Mr. Reasner
Student Name:______
I have read the class syllabus and understand the expectations of this class.
Student Name (please print):______
Student Signature:______
Parent/Guardian Name (please print): ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______