Child DevelopmentNeonate and Infant
51. Infants deprived of loving contact:
A. Will have birth defects
B. Will mature the same as other children
C. May suffer slower cognitive development
D. Have a clearer understanding of childhood needs
52. An infant becomes securely attached to an adult who:
A. Responds consistently to the child’s needs
B. Frequently leaves the child with strangers
C. Always allows the child to cry it out
D. Gives the child toys to play with
53. Children begin to feel safe when they:
A. Can stand and walk on their own
B. Trust their parents and other adults who care for them
C. Greet strangers warmly
D. Are punished if they do dangerous things
54. Which environment would be developmentally beneficial for a 12 month old child who is crawling?
A. A playpen full of colorful toys
B. A bedroom full of books and educational toys
C. Free access to a child proof house
D. A bathtub with boats
55. Immunizations often cause a child to get a low-grade fever and show mild symptoms of illness because:
A. The shot was painful
B. The child was hurt and acts like he/she does not feel well to get parental sympathy
C. All immunizations cause children to catch colds the next day
D. An immunization actually gives the child a mild case of the disease
56. All of the following communicable diseases can be prevented by immunization EXCEPT:
A. Chicken pox
B. Mumps
C. Rubella
D. Common cold
57. When a child masters a basic developmental task:
A. He/she may move on to the next level
B. He/she will mature more slowly than other children
C. His/her physical development will show down
D. His/her small muscles will develop before large muscles
58. Children develop most rapidly
A. From three to five years of age
B. After the age of seven
C. From seven to nine years of age
D. In the first three years of life
59. Which of the following statements defines growth from simple to complex?
A. The child can creep before he/she can crawl
B. The child can hop on one foot before he/she can jump on two feet
C. The child can skip before he/she can jump
D. The child can roll over before he/she can lift his/her head
60. Motor development during early childhood involves gaining:
A. Better control over the muscles and using gross and fine motor skills
B. Control over the trunk
C. Only the use of gross/large motor skills
D. Control of the leg muscles
61. The usual order of the development of the gross motor skills is:
A. Walking, crawling, rolling over
B. Rolling over, crawling, walking
C. Rolling over, walking crawling
D. Walking, rolling over, crawling
62. The development of small muscles is also referred to as:
A. Fine motor skills
B. Gross motor skills
C. Cognitive skills
D. Motor skills
63. Gross motor skills are:
A. Movements of the large muscle groups
B. Disgusting movements preschool children make
C. Movements of the small muscle groups
D. Exact, acute movements
64. Motor skills refer to:
A. The coordinated movements of body parts
B. The ability to understand how small motors work
C. Children developing coordination in the fingers and hands before their arms and legs
D. Creative ideas children think of
65. The process of learning to get along with others is:
A. Socialization
B. Egocentrism
C. Conservation
D. Concrete operational stage
66. Which reflex is shown when an infant turns its head toward an object that touches its cheek?
A. Swimming
B. Rooting / Sucking
C. Startle/Moro
D. Babinski
67. Which reflex can be observed by making a loud noise?
A. Sucking
B. Rooting
C. Startle/Moro
D. Babinski
68. The test done one minute and again five minutes after delivery is:
A. Apgar
B. Physical
C. Ultrasound
D. Reflex irritability
69. Which reflex is caused when the baby’s foot is stroked, making the toes fan out?
A. Sucking
B. Babinski
C. Rooting
D. Moro
70. Newborns learn primarily through:
A. Example
B. Practice
C. Their senses
D. Their mothers
71. Right after birth, babies usually experience a slight:
A. Fever
B. Chilling
C. Weight loss
D. Weight gain
72. Newborns prefer to look at:
A. Bright colors
B. Things that move
C. The human face
D. Blinking lights
73. Soothing a crying newborn helps it develop a sense of:
A. Self-actualization
B. Trust
C. Independence
D. Anxiety
74. If an infant is jostled back and forth and its head is not supported, the baby is at risk for:
A. Shaken baby syndrome
B. Downs’s syndrome
C. Turners syndrome
D. Elephant man syndrome
75. Crawling develops the same motor skill and brain pathways necessary for:
A. Climbing
B. Running
C. Reading
D. Skipping
76. What does an infant usually do with toys or other objects placed into its hands?
A. It ignores them
B. It manipulates them and puts them in its mouth
C. It watches them but does not try to touch them
D. It cries because the object has startled it
77. What is SIDS?
A. A sleep disorder
B. An infant sleep-induced delirium
C. The instantaneous shut down of the infant’s renal system
D. The sudden, unexplained death of an apparently healthy child
78. When lifting a young infant, the MOST important thing to remember is to:
A. Make sure the child is face up when lifted
B. Grasp the child with one hand on its stomach and one on its back to give the child a sense of
C. Bounce the baby slightly to soothe it
D. Place one hand under the child’s neck to support its head
79. Which of the following is one of the first gross motor skills to develop?
A. Crawling
B. Sitting
C. rolling over
D. Lifting the head
80. Which of the following describes a typical gross/large motor skill of an average 6 month old infant?
A. Showing hand preference
B. Fitting blocks inside one another
C. Sitting alone
D. Picking up small objects using thumb and forefinger
81. By the end of the first ear, an infant’s weight has:
A. Increased by one-half
B. Decreased
C. Tripled
D. Increased by five pounds
82. By the end of the first year, an infant’s length has:
A. Increased by 5-6 inches
B. Increased by one-half
C. Doubled
D. Tripled
83. Which item would be the best choice to help develop the infant’s eye muscles?
A. A fast moving object held 6-8 feet away from the baby’s face
B. A pastel picture hung on the wall across the room form the baby’s crib
C. A slow moving mobile attached to the side of the baby’s crib so that it hangs above the
baby’s head
D. A brightly colored painting hung on a wall near the ceiling
84. Knowing an object still exists, even when it is out of sight, is an example of:
A. Assimilation
B. Eye/hand coordination
C. Object permanence
D. Accommodation
85. You can encourage a baby’s language development by:
A. Speaking more than one language
B. Using baby talk, which is easier for a baby to understand
C. Using specific exercises to strengthen the muscles of the baby’s tongue
D. Giving the baby positive feedback for the sounds he/she makes
86. Babies are motivated to learn when:
A. Learning is scheduled
B. They receive positive reinforcement
C. Behaviors are ignored
D. They are confined to the same area every day
87. When grandparents come to visit and the child cries or appears to be afraid of them the child is:
A. Showing stranger anxiety
B. Showing object permanence
C. Using assimilation
D. Using accommodation
88. Which statement regarding the emotional development of infants is true?
A. Playtime is essential for emotional development when the child is able to crawl or walk.
B. Emotional development begins the day the child is born
C. Emotional development is established when a positive relationship has been
D. The more toys an infant has in the crib, the better the emotional development
89. When choosing safe toys for children, the most important rule to remember is:
A. Not to buy anything that has small parts
B. Pick a toy that is suitable for their age and level of development
C. Avoid expensive toys
D. It is soft
90. Communicable diseases:
A. Are not passed from one person to another
B. Are usually fatal
C. Are passed from one person to another
D. Cannot be treated or prevented
91. If a small child is running a low-grade fever, is irritable, and is pulling at an ear:
A. The child has a stomach ache
B. The child probably has the flu
C. The child will have a convulsion
D. The child probably has an ear infection
92. When a child is ill the first thing a parent should do is:
A. Cuddle together and read them a story
B. Note the symptoms of the illness
C. Call the doctor immediately
D. Make the child comfortable
93. The safest place to put a car seat is:
A. In the front seat next to the driver
B. In the back seat next to the window
C. In the front seat next to the window
D. In the center of the backseat
94. What is the best thing to do when the child gets a minor burn?
A. Put butter on it
B. Put it in cool water until it stops burning
C. Go to the hospital
D. Suck on it
95. What is the most common cause of convulsions in children under the age of five?
A. High fever
B. Choking
C. Poisoning
D. Getting burned
96. What is the best thing to do for bleeding?
A. Place the wounded area under water
B. Apply direct pressure
C. Apply ointment and a bandage
D. Treat the victim for shock
97. How should you put a baby to sleep to prevent SIDS:
A. On their back
B. On their stomach
C. On a pillow
D. On a fluffy blanket with stuffed animals