Risk Assessment Number:
General Information-(Note: Enter N/a in ‘FurtherAction Required’ Field if control measures are not applicable. Leave blank if no further action needed.Change risk rating as required)
Descripton of Task/Activity:
Type of fieldwork: / Date of Assessment:
Location of dive sites: / Faculty:
Participants: / Department:
Number of First Aiders:
No: / Hazard and consequences / Risk Rating / Control Measures / Residual Risk / Further Action Required / Responsibility / Date to be completed
1. / Insufficient planning – injury/loss due to inadequate planning / H / The Dive Coordinator will complete site registration before fieldtrip. Site registration will be approved by the university dive officer before commencing work. / L / DC & UDO / Prior to Fieldwork
Onsite review of site registration:Does the site registration need to be updated? Are the Emergency procedures still optimal? / DC / On site
The DC will complete a fieldwork Notification and dive plan before fieldtrip. This will be approved by the UDO before commencing work. / DC & UDO / Prior to Fieldwork
The DC will brief participants (pre-dive brief) on work to be undertaken, site emergency procedures and hazards, and contents of this risk assessment / DC / Prior to Fieldwork
On site
Dive team will have primary and secondary means of communication as assessed in the planning stage. / DC / Prior to Fieldwork
On site
2. / Weather – dehydration, sunburn, heatstroke / M / Sufficient water and nutrition will be taken to the dive site. / L / Participants / Prior to Fieldwork
Sunscreen and appropriate UV protection will be available for use by participants
Each participant will have appropriate clothing on site. / Participants
Participants / Prior to Fieldwork
Prior to deploymeny
No: / Hazard and consequences / Risk Rating / Control Measures / Residual Risk / Further Action Required / Responsibility / Date to be completed
On site risk assessment to be completed on site before commencing diving and will be revisited before each dive and if conditions change. / DC & Participants / On site
3. / Inclement weather / H / Planning will consider minimally acceptable weather conditions, fitness of participants and shelter. / L / DC & Participants / Prior to Fieldwork
Surface visibility needs to be considered in relation to your ability to conduct the research, how it will impact your ability to respond in an emergency situation, and how it may impact the ability of others to avoid you. / e.g., use lights to mark position, maintain surface watch, work close to vessel/shore, etc.
Guide: unrestricted surface visibility is lower risk, visibility <1km is higher risk. / DC & Participants / On site
Wind speed needs to be considered in relation to your ability to conduct the research and how it will impact your ability to respond in an emergency situation. / e.g., Have boat on site, maintain surface watch, use mermaid line, divers to have signalling devises, work up wind from boat, etc.
Guide: <5-10kt is lower risk, >15kt is higher risk. / DC & Participants / On site
Sea state needs to be considered in relation to your ability to conduct the research and how it will impact your ability to respond in an emergency situation. / e.g., Have boat on site, maintain surface watch, divers to have signaling devises, etc. plus anskipper with experience appropriate to see state.
Guide: calm / settled is lower risk, choppy is higher risk. / DC & Participants / On site
Tides and currents need to be considered in relation to your ability to conduct the research and how it will impact your ability to respond in an emergency situation. / e.g., Have boat on site, maintain surface watch, use mermaid line, divers to have signalling devises, work up current from boat, etc.
Guide: nil to weak current is lower risk, strong current is higher risk. / DC & Participants / On site
Lack of in water visibility may make it difficult to navigate, for buddies to find or assist each other, and it can cause some divers to panic. / Use only experienced divers who are comfortable in low visibility conditions, use full face masks or other means of facilitating communication, etc.
Guide: visibility >10m is lower risk, visibility <4m is higher risk. / DC & Participants / On site
4. / Participants becoming separated / H / Lost buddy procedures covered in pre-dive briefing and agreed before dive. In low visibility, buddy lines or voice communications to be considered. / L / DC & Divers / On site
5. / Equipment– injury/loss due to insufficient gear, untrained user, inadequate selection / H / The planning stage will identify all equipment required for the activity. / L / DC & UDO / Prior to Fieldwork
All dive gear to be serviced within the last 12 months. Pre-dive checks to be completed before each dive. / Divers, DC & UDO / Prior to Fieldwork &
On Site
Spare parts will be taken where necessary to ensure required equipment can function. / DC / Prior to Fieldwork
Equipment will be checked before each dive. / DC / On site
No: / Hazard and consequences / Risk Rating / Control Measures / Residual Risk / Further Action Required / Responsibility / Date to be completed
Users of equipment will be inducted and be supervised to the extent necessary to ensure safety of individuals and environment and read SOW/SWP where applicable. / DC & UDO / Prior to Fieldwork
On site
Where equipment relies on following a safe work procedure, the SWP or information necessary for the equipment to be used will be on site. / DC & Participants / On site
6. / Site Access – slip ,trip, falls / M / The best methods of reaching the dive site will be determined during planning (boat, shore, jetty, etc.) / L / DC & UDO / Prior to Fieldwork
On site
Ascent and descent lines will be used to help diver maintain proximity to vessel. / DC & Divers / On site
Less experienced divers will be pairedwill more experienced divers. / DC & Divers / On site
7. / Lack of first aid provisions – Delayed assistance, inadequate treatment / H / All participants should have first aid including CPR and O2 administration unless approved by UDO. / VL / UDO / Prior to Fieldwork
First aid kits will be carried to ensure injury is stabilised to the extent possible prior to arrival of emergency services or professional medical assistance. / DC / On site
First Aid kits will include items necessary and as identified in the planning stage. Where individuals have identified allergies etc. they will bring their own ‘Epi-pen’ and/or medication if applicable. / DC & Participants / Prior to Fieldwork
On site
Dive team to have the ability to provide 2 divers with near 100% O2 until medical assistance can be expected. Checked daily. / DC / Prior to Fieldwork
On site
During every dive operation a UDO approved standby diver must be either in the water as part of a buddy-pair, or be fully dressed in and ready to enter the water and render assistance with less than 15 seconds notice. / DC & all divers / Prior to Fieldwork
On site
8. / Hazardous wildlife – bites, stings , injection, absorption/ ingestion with poisons / M / Planning stage will consider potentially dangerous fauna and flora within area of work. / L / DC & UDO / Prior to Fieldwork
Shark shields are available for divers to use on any dive. Their use is encouraged during higher risk times (dawn/dusk, water > 20°C), during higher risk activities, or if dangerous sharks have been recently seen at the dive site. Any diver can request shark shields to be used at any point for any reason. / DC & all divers / Prior to Fieldwork
On site
No: / Hazard and consequences / Risk Rating / Control Measures / Residual Risk / Further Action Required / Responsibility / Date to be completed
Divers will be reminded during pre-dive briefing to be cautious of wildlife/fauna hazards. / DC / On site
Gloves and appropriate PPE will be worn when collecting research material as identified in dive plan and SWP. / Divers / On site
9. / Known medical risk associated with diving. / M / Divers must complete AS2299 medical within 12 months of diving. Divers are required to notify dive coordinator about any change to fitness. Diver to initial forms before each dive indicating that they feel fit to dive. / L / DC & UDO / Prior to Fieldwork
Dive only when fit. Divers to monitor their ability to equalize or any other signs / symptoms that might indicate an increased susceptibility to barotrauma. / All divers / On site
Dive within the limits of the DCIEM Diving tables (maximum bottom time/depth and maximum ascent rates) and the exposure to elevation guidance provided in AS2299.1:2007 Tables 4.1 & 4.2 / DC & all divers / Prior to fieldwork &
On site
10. / Lack of air. / All divers to return to the surface with a minimum of 30bar in their cylinder for dives less than 15m or 50bar for dives below 15m. AS2299 requires that bottom times are planned to allow 30% reserve volume based on previous RMV. / All divers / On site
SSBA bailout must be sufficient to allow diver to return to surface. / DC / Prior to fieldwork &
On site
All divers, but especially divers new to the type of work being undertaken must closely monitor their air supply. Divers should record RMV in their logbook so that they can better estimate air consumption in a variety of conditions. / DC & all divers / On site &
In divers logbook
SSBA to be used by qualified divers with requested certificate when appropriate. / DC & UDO / Prior to fieldwork
11. / Handling animals – bites, biohazard risk, acquired infection/illness / M / Animals and wildlife are handled as per safe system of working and in line with university animal ethics policy and guidelines and training / VL / DC & Participants / On site
Protective clothing and equipment will be worn and used as per safe working procedure and training / DC & Participants / On site
Participants on fieldwork will be advised to have tetanus inoculations and relevant inoculations and will be advised to inform their doctors that they have been on a recent field trip if they become ill on, or after a trip. / Covered during Induction by UDO / Prior to Fieldwork
No: / Hazard and consequences / Risk Rating / Control Measures / Residual Risk / Further Action Required / Responsibility / Date to be completed
12. / Manual handling of heavy items / M / Only lift what each individual participant feels comfortable lifting / L / N/A / DC & Participants / On site
Using correct manual handling techniques and requesting training if need be / L / Training offered as appropriate / DC & Fieldwork Managers / Prior to Fieldwork
When loading / offloading air cylinders into cars or boats, ensure that lift is done properly (bending legs not backs) withou twisting of the chest / L / Regular monitoring of lifting techniques of participants / DC & Participants / On site
Two-person lift, or using trolleys / wheelie bins if available for very heavy items / L / N/A / DC & Participants / On site
13. / Volunteers – Inexperienced volunteers/contractors resulting in accident and injury to self or others / M / DC will discuss with UDO the use of volunteers and contractors. Volunteers have to be added to UDR.
Volunteers will be given information and instruction necessary to ensure their safety and the safety of others.
Contractors will be selected so far as reasonably practicable taking into account previous safety record, experience, insurance cover, certification and their safe working procedures. The work will be discussed with them and the fieldwork leader on site and where practical the fieldwork manager prior to the fieldwork. / L / Yes. / DC & UDO / Prior to Fieldwork
On site
Personal Protective Equipment Required
Walking Boots/Shoes / Gators / Full Length Trousers / Hard Hat / Sunscreen / Sun Hat / Personal Locator Beacon / Steel Capped Boots / Other –
Coveralls / Gumboots / High Visibility Clothing / Gloves – Specify Type Nitrile, Dive gloves / Life Jacket / Eye Protection / Other –
Equipment and Transport Required(It is the responsibility of the Fieldwork Team Leader to ensure items are checked and loaded before departure)
Safety Equipment Required
First Aid Kit Torches Matches/lighters Flares Spare warm clothing/specialist survival clothing Emergency equipment/shelter Maps EPIRBs/PLBs
Sat Phone GSM phone GPS Compass Other (specify)
Vehicle Equipment Required (Winches & Snatchem Straps requires formal training & experience. See Fieldwork Manager for advice.)
Tow bar and tongue Spade Snatchem Strap Shackles Drag Chain Chock blocks Gloves Jump leads High visibility Vests
Tools Wheel brace Spare tyre Car jack High visibility Jacket Spare fuel Spare bulbs Spare fuses Other (specify)
Transport Required: University Private Hired Public Transport Boat (refer to Marine Fieldwork risk assessment)
Vehicle registration / Vessel name / Colour / Make and Model / Public Transport
( e.g. Busways route 66) / Flight Number
and Carrier / Hire company and branch
NB: any private vehicles MUST be registered with Veronica Peralta. Contact her or UDO for more info.
Accommodation (overnight and extended trips)
Date / Location / Address / Email/Website (if known) / Comments
Notes: (Include any hazards and control measures or equipment required not listed above)
Email completed document and any supporting documentation to:
By signing below theDive Coordinator agrees to follow the relevant control measures and actions identified above and is satisfied the controls will eliminate or reduce so far as reasonably practicable theforeseeablerisks to health and safety. The Supervisor and UDOare satisfied that the control measures identified above will eliminate or reduce the risks to health and safety so far as reasonably practicable and will not approve a risk assessment where the remaining risk is unacceptable.
Participant forms attached Y N (if not attached, please state reason) -*Authorisation and Agreement
Dive Coordinator: / Name / Signature
Academic Supervisor (if different from above) / Name / Signature
University Dive Officer: / Name / Signature
Hardcopies of this document are considered uncontrolled.
Please refer to the Health & Safety internet site for latest version.
Page 1 of 7 / Source: Manager, Health & Safety
Created: 23/01/2013
Document No: 106
Revised: N/A
Version No: 1