ELTC 212 Automation and Control

Dataq DAC ADC Lab

Name: ______

Date: ______


The student will measure the output of a circuit. The student will be able to analyze the data and correctly identify what is occurring within the circuit. The student will be able to read a schematic and a technical drawing to choose the best layout of a circuit for its correct function and application.

Worth: 50 points


1 DATAQ DI-194 ADC Recorder

1 Cable to computer (Serial or USB to Serial if necessary)

1 Dual 40vdc power supply

1 5Kohm potentiometer (15 turn or 1 turn)

1 Hook up wires

1 Computer with Excel Spreadsheet

1 small screwdriver


Run VMWare

Once VMWare is fully running, from the Programs Menu select WINDAQ

See my web site for TIPS on VMWare

Connect the DI-194 to the computer. I have found success with serial port 2. Once it is plugged into the computer, bring up the WINDAQ Lite for DI-194. It might be necessary to confirm that the Dataq is set to com port 2! However, we will get it going.

5 pts if done YES NO

Helpful hints to remember:

In DATAQ program in the left hand window indicating the input channels if you right click or Left click the mouse in this area it will change the scale for you. Be careful it will switch when you least.

When saving a file and running VM Ware copy and drag into the base machines desktop. This is the easiest way to move files from VM Ware to your logged in machine.

This is now old information due to running VM Ware: It may be or may not be possible to save the settings in the Save Default Setup in the File drop down box. The reason for this is security of the computer. The Dataq software stores the data in the C: drive, which XP and Windows 2000 has a protect against certain users from storing data to the C: as a way to protect changes being made to Windows! Joy!

Initial Calibration:

Using the DI-194RS User’s Manual (Revision C). Go to Chapter 3 Calibrating the DI-194RS SerialPort Module. It is critical to always have a properly calibrated piece of equipment before taking actual data from the device. Regardless if you are doing an experiment in the classroom or an actual measure anywhere the device must be calibrated in order to get any valid results out of it.

5 pts if done YES NO

Viewing the CD to gather information:

Open the CD that comes with the Dataq software. Watch the following items:

5. Changing Display Formats

6. Channel Gain Configurations

7. Annotating Acquired Channels

8. Sample Rate Adjustment (note the DI-194 can only go up to 240 samples per second)

9. Display Mode Adjustment

10. Waveform Compression

12. Scaling into Engineering Units

15. Getting Ready to Record

16. Recording Data

32. Numeric File Export to give data to Excel

5 pts if done YES NO

EXCEL import Lab:

Using the video described in part 32 above, import a sample of data from the SAMPLE file and import it to an EXCEL file. Name the EXCEL sheet Sample Dataq.CSV. It must be saved as a .csv file in order to correctly work. Print the raw data of this out.

Before saving the file be sure to do the following:

Options: enable Time Markers

Excel import

Following the directions from the self guided CD (32) import the recorded data into Excel.

Using your best judgment create a simple x-y plot graph of the data you recorded.

5 pts ______graph was appropriate and correct

3 pts ______some graph issues but over all graph supported recorded data

0 pt ______not completed

5 pts completed correctly and no errors

4 pts was completed correctly missed small details such as x-y labels or title

3 pts satisfactory completion missed all labels and used wrong sizing or layout

2 pts was started but no finished

1 pt poor diagram and many errors

0 pt not completed

Providing a signal to the DAC ADC:

Construct the circuit below.

(Instructor Signature)

5 pts ______wired correctly

3 pts ______minor defects present

0 pt ______not completed

Set up Channel ONE 1=1 call it DCVOLTAGE (Options / User Annotation to do this)

You may also have to have In Edit User Annotation selected.

Set the vertical to read 0 to 15 volts reference

Setup a file name called Voltage

Set the Record time to record for 1 minute.How much memory did you have to set to record for 1 minute?______

Record the voltage across the potentiometer. Make sure you vary the potentiometer to record multiple changes in the 1 minute recording.

5 pts if done YES NO


Place a sine wave output from the function generator (60 Hz at 5 V peak) on Channel 2=2.

(Instructor Signature)

5 pts ______wired correctly

3 pts ______minor defects present

0 pt ______not completed

Change the view of the DAC program to show the RMS of this AC voltage.

5 pts if done YES NO

Referring to Learn the Importance of Isolation In Four Easy Lessons

See my web site in the DAC lab activities to get to this lesson

What is common mode voltage? 2 pts

Why are multimeters immune from CMV? 2 pts

What is an isolation amplifier? 2 pts

What is sample rate? 2 pts

What does is the difference between DAC to ADC? 2 pts

Optional Lab Portion

Temperature Measurement Lab

See page 113 Experiment 30 for set up of the LM 34 temperature probe. Construct to the circuit.

(Instructor Signature)

5 pts ______wired correctly

3 pts ______wired but some safety issues or minor defects present

0 pt ______not completed

5 pts completed correctly and no electrical errors

4 pts was completed correctly but not neat or some minor electrical defects

3 pts satisfactory completion

2 pts was started but no finished

1 pt poor diagram and many errors

0 pt

Excel import

Following the directions from the self guided CD import the recorded the measured voltage data into Excel. Convert the voltage into a TEMPERATURE.

Using your best judgment create a simple x-y plot graph of the data you recorded.

5 pts ______graph was appropriate and correct

3 pts ______some graph issues but over all graph supported recorded data

0 pt ______not completed

5 pts completed correctly and no errors

4 pts was completed correctly missed small details such as x-y labels or title

3 pts satisfactory completion missed all labels and used wrong sizing or layout

2 pts was started but no finished

1 pt poor diagram and many errors

0 pt not completed

Sample Wave Form use this for the excel portion of the lab.