Elsinore High School
Date: May 9, 2016
From: Ken Puccio
To: English 12-6 Students
Subj: Responsibility Road Map
1. Soon you will be graduating from high school and beginning the next phase of your life. That’s why they call the ceremony in which you will participate, “commencement.”
2. I want you to describe for me exactly what will be commencing. I’m asking you to share with me your plans – I’m calling it a “Responsibility Road Map” for your future.
3. Describe this plan for me by answering the following questions. Please do NOT just give me one or two short, simple sentences. I want to see thoughtful responses that indicate you took the time to determine what you were going to write. Submit this to me electronically. It is due before Midnight, Wednesday morning.
a. What will you be doing on June 3rd, the day after graduation? (25 points)
b. What are your plans for his summer? Will you be going on vacation, taking a trip, going to the beach, or will you simply be a couch potato? (25 points)
c. If you were to check in with me at Christmas time, you might tell me that you are working. If so, tell me about the job. Where are you working? What are you doing? Do you like it? Is the pay good? Perhaps you are going to school. If so, tell me where you are attending. Are you a day student, commuting from home or an apartment, or do you live there? Perhaps you have enrolled in a vocational school and are preparing for a job that way. Once again, tell me about it. (25 points)
d. Next spring, in 2017, you might come back for a visit and check in on the English 11/12 class I’m teaching next year. What words of wisdom, what advice would you be able to share now that you’re out of high school for a year. (25 points)
e. Extra credit (25 points): Look into your crystal ball and tell what your life is like five years from now … ten years from now.