May 8, 2017

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The Board of Trustees of the Village of Winnebago met at 7:00 p.m.with President Frank Eubank Jr. presiding.



GAINES - absent

Guests: Sally Bennett,Todd Weegens,Attorney Mary Gaziano, Chad Insko, Chief Todd Stockburger, Lori Schultz, Jeremy Graham, Seth Gronewald, Dennis Machajewski, Nate Allen, Alta Straley, and Randy Cook.

There was nodisclosure of any conflict of interest.

Item 2 under the President was moved to right after Public Comment.

A motion was made by MRS. KIEPER MACHAJEWSKI, seconded by MR. ELSENto accept the agenda as amended. Motion carried on a voice vote.

A motion was made by MRS. KIEPER MACHAJEWSKI, seconded by MR. ELSEN to accept the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried on a unanimousroll call vote of those present.


No one requested the opportunity to address the Board.



2. A motion was made by MR. KIMES, seconded by MR. ELSEN to

ratify the contract for the purchase and sale of 307 W. Main Street

by the Village. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of

those present. The property was purchased at a price of $21,000.

President Eubank thanked Paul Elsen for his eight years of service. The Board offered their thanks.

Swearing in of Elected Officials

Attorney Mary Gaziano swore in the Village Clerk, Sally Jo Huggins. The Clerk swore in Franklin J. Eubank, Jr. as President. The Clerk swore in the elected Trustees: Jeremy Graham, Kris KieperMachajewski, and Stan Maligranda.

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The new Board was seated with ongoing members Mrs. Gaines, Mr. Kimes, and Mr. McKinnon.

  1. A motion was made by MR. MCKINNON, seconded by MR. MALIGRANDA to award the contract for the 2017 road project to William Charles in the amount of $149,439.26 from line 15-46-850. The project includes Phillips Drive. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of those present.
  1. A motion was made by MR. MCKINNON, seconded by MRS. KIEPER MACHAJEWSKI to approve the bid from NITE Equipment for $12,060.00 from line 51-44-831 for the purchase of the snowplow, body, and installation. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of those present.
  1. Based on committee recommendation a motion was made by MR. MC KINNON to accept Phase 1 Environmental Assessment by Fehr Graham of 307 W. Main Street at a cost of $2,000.00 from line 51-44-833. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of those present.
  1. MRS. KIEPER MACHAJEWSKI and MR. MCKINNON met with Josh Harding, owner of 406 Prairie Hill Parkway, to discuss a drainage issue on his property. Public Works Committee will review the matter.

The Admin Team will draft a policy of who will respond when correspondence is addressed to all Board Members.


  1. Mr. Weegens’ monthly report was provided in the Board packet.

Mr. Weegens introduced Seth Gronewald. Mr. Weegens plans to retire at the end of the year and Mr. Gronewald is being groomed to take his place.



  1. A motion was made by MR. KIMES, seconded by MR. MALIGRANDA to accept the CAM Music Entertainment Contract for the 4th of July

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Family Fest and have the contract signed by President Eubank. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of those present.



  1. The reserves were included in your packet.
  1. MRS. KIEPER MACHAJEWSKI reported the Audit of 2016 is coming alongnicely.

1 & 2. Based on committee recommendation a motion as made by MRS. KIEPER MACHAJEWSKI to adopt Ordinance 2017 – 05

Ordinance Authorizing Sale of Surplus Personal Property (2013 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon and 2011 Dodge Charger Police Squad Car) Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of those present.

  1. The President’s Report was provided in the Board packet.
  1. A motion was made by MR. KIMES, seconded by MRS. KIEPER MACHAJEWSKI to ratify the Aggregation of Electricity Agreement with Dynegy Energy for a two year term beginning July 1, 2017. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of those present.

President Eubank will include information on the agreement in

the next newsletter.

  1. The Board agreed with President Eubank’s appointment of Dennis

McDougall to the Village of Winnebago Zoning Board to fill the

vacancy left by Clark (Skip) Leden.

  1. The Board chose to take no action on the Special Use Permit for

9151 Edwardsville Road in Winnebago Township.

Upcoming Meetings:
Public Works Committee / June 5, 2017 / at 5:00 p.m.
Police Committee / May 31, 2017 / at 5:30 p.m.
Community Development / June 14, 2017 / at 5:00 p.m.
UDO / June 7, 2017 / at 6:30 p.m.
Liquor Commission / TBA
Errant Water Subcommittee / June 12, 2017 / at 6:45 p.m.
Admin Team / TBA
WIPC / June 15, 2017 / at 4:30 p.m.
Pecatonica Prairie Path / June 16, 2017 / at 9:30 a.m.

President Eubank announced the committee chairs as follows:

Public Works - MR. MCKINNON

Liquor Commission - MR. MALIGRANDA

Community Development – MRS. GAINES

Finance (temporarily) and Police – MRS. KIEPER MACHAJEWSKI

President Eubank will be on vacation during the June 2017 meeting. If any Board member plans to be gone June 12, 2017 please let Mrs. Schultz know.


Attorney Gaziano reported that she tried to contact the County about the stockpiling of cars at Denny’s Towing and learned the County is very short handed because of retirements and people changing jobs.

A motion was made by MR. KIMES, seconded by MRS.KIEPER MACHAJEWSKI to adjourn at 7:50p.m. Motion carried on a voice vote.


Sally Jo Huggins, Village Clerk

Approved June 12, 2017