Elmwood Park Memorial High School
Ms. Thompson’s ELA2 Syllabus
Name: Ms. Thompson
Room #: 307
This course presents an overview of American literature from the Puritan period to the Modern period, enabling
students to read and analyze a challenging arrangement of fiction and nonfiction in the form of short stories,
excerpts, essays, articles, novels, and poetry.
Glencoe Literature, American Literature
Binder w/ Dividers
Blue or Black Pen
Red Pen (for Writer’s Workshop Editing and Revising)
Literature includes:
Reading and Writing Workshops
Summer Reading
The Crucible
The Great Gatsby
To Kill a Mockingbird
Catcher in the Rye and/or The Glass Castle
Short Stories, Articles, Essays, Informational
Texts, Poetry, and more
On Going Assignments/Assessments:
Timed In-Class Essays
Mini Grammar Lessons
Vocabulary Instruction
Literary Elements and Devices
Independent Reading
Daily Journal Writing
Group Projects
Background Information for different American Literature Periods
*Note: This is a general and tentative calendar outline, which is subject to change. Students will be notified with ample time if there are changes to be made.
Tests/Quizzes (80%):
All grades are weighted using a Points System. Test Grades are weighted twice as heavily as quizzes (100pts/50pts), unless otherwise stated. Students will be made aware of how much tests/quizzes/projects/essays will be worth. Students will be told in advance about all Tests and most quizzes. Teacher reserves the right to administer unannounced quizzes if deemed necessary. Students will receive rubrics for all major projects and essays.
For major projects and essays, they are due on the date given, during class, NO EXCEPTIONS. Students will lose 10 points for each day late. Teacher WILL NOT accept an assignment more than 5 days late. Because students are given deadlines at least one week in advance for bigger projects, an absence is not considered an excuse, and the project will be considered late.
Homework/Classwork (10%):
Homework is for practice, and is extremely important. Homework cannot be made up. Homework will be checked randomly, but is expected to be completed fully every day. Students will receive a 0, 50, or 100 for HW completion, no exceptions. Sometimes students will have an assignment to read for class. This means students must READ! There may be Homework Checks on these readings.
If a student is absent, it is the student’s responsibility to show the teacher his or her completed assignment. Students have the same number of days they were absent to hand in work, not exceeding 5 days.
For classwork, students are expected to work diligently on all classwork assignments and to complete all Do Now prompts. Classwork may be collected and Writers’ Notebooks may be checked periodically for completion, as per teacher discretion, so please make sure to date ALL assignments and follow directions.
Participation/Preparation (10%):
Participation/Preparation includes having all materials, being an active listener, participating in class, being respectful within the classroom, and asking meaningful questions. Because we will be accessing many programs online to blog, take quizzes and polls, draft essays, conduct research, and more, it is imperative that students come prepared every day with their iPads, charged. If a problem arises with the iPad, the tech department should be notified immediately, and a written note from a parent should be provided to the teacher so temporary adjustments can be made accordingly. If a student is misusing the iPad during class, the teacher has the right to ask the student to turn it off and/or confiscate the iPad. Students are still responsible for ALL work completed during class time, even if he or she comes to class unprepared and/or has materials taken away due to improper usage.
Extra Credit: Extra Credit may be given from time to time, but is not to be expected or required to boost a student’s grade at the end of the Marking Period. Teacher will give extra credit when, and if, she feels it is necessary.
A 93-100
B 85-92
C 77-84
D 70-76
Any Student receiving below a 70 will receive an F, as per new district policies.
● Students (and teacher) will RESPECT the classroom
o Includes other students, teacher(s), and objects within the classroom.
o Swearing, acting indecently, harassing, or making fun of other students or teacher(s) will NOT be tolerated. This classroom is a SAFE ENVIRONMENT and HATE-FREE ZONE.
▪ Students are to notify the teacher immediately if they feel either of these terms is being compromised.
● Students will be ON TIME for Class
o Students will be in seats and will begin working on their Do Now Prompt, with their Homework out in the left-hand corner of their desks, unless otherwise instructed, by the time the bell rings. Failure to do so will result in being marked tardy for class. Repercussions for tardiness and/or cutting class follow the guidelines outlined in the Student Handbook.
● Students may NOT have any Food, Drinks, or Electronics visible within the classroom, except for school-distributed iPad (used for educational purposes only)
● Students may leave the classroom for EMERGENCIES ONLY (includes bathroom and nurse)
● Students will follow Dress Code (Please see Student Handbook with any questions)
● Students will come to class READY TO LEARN, with a POSITIVE ATTITUDE =)
*Please provide valid note/documentation if any of these rules need to be amended for a student’s specific needs
Have Questions or Need Extra Help?
Homework is always on the Board and on my Website. If absent or forget what is for HW, please check the calendar on my website. Homework and Announcements are updated on a regular basis.
I am always available before or after class for extra help. I am also available during my lunch (7th period) upon prior approval. Please do not hesitate to ask for help if you are struggling. My expectations are high and my assignments are demanding, but I also want full success and aim to foster an enjoyable and safe learning environment. Please feel free to e-mail me at at any time, and I will respond back to you in a reasonable time frame.
I am looking forward to a wonderful and productive year!
Ms. Thompson
Student-Parent-Teacher Contract
for Ms. Thompson’s English Language Arts Classroom
Student Agreement:
I, ______(print), have read, understand, and agree to the following classroom guidelines and rules for Ms. Thompson’s ELA class. Should I fail to adhere to any of the rules, I accept full responsibility.
Parent/Guardian Agreement:
My son/daughter has discussed the classroom guidelines with me. I understand and support them.
Contact Info (Please designate preferred method of contact):
Parent/Guardian #1 (Name and #):______
Parent/Guardian #2 (Name and #):______
E-mail Address:______
**Please indicate on the back of this sheet any additional info. you would like me to know about your son or daughter. This may include, but is not limited to medical, behavioral, or academic concerns.**
Teacher Agreement:
I will be fair and consistent in administering the rules.
______Ms. Thompson Date:______
Please Return to Ms. Thompson by Friday, September ______. This assignment will be worth 25 points.