Ellington Volunteer Ambulance Corps November General Meeting
The Ellington Volunteer Ambulance Corps November General Meeting was called to order by President Peter Hany on 11/20/17 @ 7:00 p.m.
Citizen’s Forum: A patient that we responded to and treated last December, came to thank us for all our hard work as well as our fast response in treating her.
ERP: They Rescue Post will be having a training on 11/21/17, and another in December.
The Rescue Post also wanted to thank EVAC for the Thanksgiving Dinner that they were invited to attend.
Membership : The committee will be bringing names forward of members that are not in compliance with their hours, as well as reminders to others that need to work on being in compliance with the 30 hours requirement.
Emergency Management: The drill held at Natural Country Pure Foods on 11/13/17, went very well.
Sgt. Santa from the Resident Troopers Office will be providing EVAC, with clear, detailed , maps of the schools for us, when we respond.
Driver Training: Joe reported that Ed and Lindsey have been released as drivers. Joe also reminded EVAC that he is at the ambulance building every Saturday, from 10-12 for anyone who wants to practice driving.
Advisory Board: Next meeting will be on 11/27/17
Technology: New I-Pads are being ordered with cell service, the tough books will be phased out. The program we will be using is called EMS Mobile Charts- there will be training on the new I-Pads next month.
Town Staff Meeting: Nothing to Report
Incentive: The inconsistencies were fixed regarding the last incentive period.
CPR: Peter has had two classes for the Public Works Department. If anyone is interested in becoming a CPR instructor, contact Peter.
Social: A very special thank you to both Doreen and Angie for putting the Thanksgiving Dinner together.
Old Business
TWCAA: Banquet is being held on 11/21/17, meet here at EVAC for 5:00.
EFD: The Torch Light Parade is being held on 12/2/17, line up on Berr Avenue for 4:45 p.m., start time is 5:15 p.m.
NAEMT: A membership card was mailed to us, as well as a thank you card for continuing with renewing our membership.
Volunteer of the Year Ballots were taken and will be counted, the winner will be announced at next month’s general meeting.
I Am Responding: We have discontinued this program due to lack of interest.
New Business
Selectman’s Meeting: Both Crystal Lake FD and EVFD had their requests for new fire trucks approved.
- Tom Dillon’s resignation was accepted
- The paid staff contract was also approved.
Ambulance Association: Gary Wiemokly spoke about the program called Paramedicine- the State of CT is looking into this program.
Tolland County Meeting: Radio Committee is being put together, and they will be coming out with programming to help identify radio holders.
Flu Clinic : Simon is setting up an upcoming clinic.
Patient Surveys: All positive reports, keep up the good work!
Torch Light Parade: On 12/10/17 @ 1:00 p.m. there will be a parade that will start on 4 West Road and through the Center of Town to celebrate the birth of Prophet Muhammad.
President: Peter gave us an update on how many calls we have done so far this year.
Vice President: Please update your certifications, and make sure Simon has copies of your current certification cards.
Training: Tonight’s training will be on Rehab with a guest speaker from the CT Fire Academy
-December’s training will be on Operative IQ, January’s training will be a hands on training, and for February will be doing LVAD training.
Secretary: Minutes accepted as read.
Treasurer: Financial Reports given. Balance for CAG is $31,993.10 and Medicare is $5,144.00
Scheduler: There are still slots open, we still continue to have members that are not meeting their 30 hours.
Supplies: Please be mindful of the cold weather and keep the ambulances stocked with blankets.
-We are looking into new pagers that would have both alpha and voice capabilities.
-Our radios are going to need to be reprogrammed
-Both ambulances passed inspection today, we only needed to add an updated ERG.
Maintenance: The final two cameras have been added, the monitor in the hall now has all the cameras views.
-Collins Insulation will be here to insulate the boiler room
-Both ambulances have been serviced, and have snow tires on.
-John will be adding side lights
-Pete put up a piece of sheet metal to fix the hole that was left in the boiler room.
Public Relations: We had an advertisement in the Ellington Events Magazine.
-Our annual banquet will be held on 1/27/18, if anyone has any ideas for a d.j. and members gifts, please see Doreen.
-Any pictures that you might have to be used for the banquet, please submit them to Doreen through EMS Manager.
- A reminder to make sure we pick up after ourselves. If you are sleeping at the building, bring your own sheets and make sure you make the beds, wash the rigs.
-There are two new ice cream scoopers in the kitchen, they can not be placed in the dishwasher. Hand wash only.
-Angie reviewed the recycling bin policies, we have two recycle bins.
-Angie also informed us that if we are having any trouble with the computers, there is a gentleman at the Senior Citizen Center that is willing to come look at them for free. See Angie if you need this service.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jean-Marie Currier
Ellington Volunteer Ambulance Corps.