Robin P. Petersen

P.O. Box 1788

Queen Creek, AZ 85142 (480) 993-5344

June 20, 2010

U.S. Department of Justice

950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20530-0001

Attn: Mr. Eric H. Holder, Attorney General

Re: The Boeing Company, U.S. Passport Confiscation, False Imprisonment, and Fraud

Dear Sir:

Please find enclosed a letter that I sent to President Obama on June 16, 2010. I am also enclosing two letters that were written to the Phoenix FBI. I have asked the President for his assistance in having someone contact the FBI here Phoenix, Arizona to inquire as to why they have not initiated an investigation into my allegations of U.S. Passport Confiscation, False Imprisonment, Fraud and other violations committed by the Boeing Company and its wholly owned subsidiary Boeing International Support Systems, Saudi Arabia (BISS).

As you know, the Boeing Company's CEO, Mr. James McNerney testified before the Armed Forces Service Committee in August 1, 2006 and admitted to past criminal wrongdoing by Boeing Executives. He personally stated during that hearing that he had taken corrective action to ensure his company would never be involved in unethical or criminal behavior again. Mr. McNerney and his "Ethics Hotline" were contacted about this recent wrongdoing, but never bothered to respond. I believe what I and others experienced in Saudi Arabia will prove that Mr. McNernery and his subordinates have not learned their lesson about ethics or compliance. I also believe that the Boeing Company and its wholly owned subsidiary BISS should experience the full force of the U.S. Justice Department for knowingly and willfully violating the rights of American Citizens and violating the laws of our country.

If the FBI was the wrong point of contact for disclosing these violations by "The Boeing Company" and its subsidiary BISS, please let me know. Additionally if criminal charges can be brought by the Department of Justice, and your office as Attorney General please let me know as well. Feel free to contact me at the above address or at my cell number (480) 993-5344. Thank you for taking the time to review the contents of this letter.


Robin P. Petersen

Encl: Letter to President Barack H. Obama, June 16, 2010

Letter to Phoenix FBI, January 8, 2010

Letter to Phoenix FBI, May 31, 2010