Media Release
Legal releaseforuseofmedia forpublicationandinformationbytheWyomingDepartmentofEducation. Parentorguardianmustsignifstudent is under18.
Name ofParticipant:
Date of Birth: //
Name ofParent/Guardian:
Date: / /
I herebyauthorize the Wyoming Department of Education(“WDE”),and those actingonitspermissionandauthority, to take photographs andaudio/video recording ofme,and/ormychild,inwhichI/my childmaybeincludedin whole orinpart; and to usesuchmedia, or reproductionsthereof,foragency logos, programs, presentations,services,activities,orpublicationsinconjunction withthe WDE.
I hereby waive any rightto inspectorapprovesuchmedia,andI release anycopyrightinterestorclaim for royaltytherein that mayaccrue to me,irrespectiveof feesthat may be generated by the use of the same. I waive any right/privilege of confidentiality that I hold in such media examplesto the extent that they appearinpromotional materials,programs, presentations, services,activities,or publications.
I hereby release anddischarge the WDE, itsadministrators, itssuccessors,and those actingonits permissionandauthority from anyliability which may resultfrom the creation oruseofsuchmedia.
Sovereign Immunity. Bysigning thisrelease,I acknowledge thatthe stateofWyoming and the WDE do not waive sovereign immunity, and specifically retain immunity and all defenses available tothem as sovereignspursuant to Wyo. Stat.§ 1-39-104(a)and allotherstatelaw.Applicable Law/Venue.Theconstruction,interpretation,and enforcementof thiswaiver shall begovernedbythe lawsof the state of Wyoming.Thecourts of the stateofWyomingshallhavejurisdictionover thiswaiverand the parties,and the venueshallbe the FirstJudicial District, LaramieCounty,Wyoming.Parties intendandagree that the state of Wyomingand the WDE donot waive sovereign immunity by entering into this contract and specifically retain immunity and all defenses available to them as sovereigns pursuant to Wyo. Stat.§ 1-39-104(a)andall otherapplicablelaw.
I grant this authorizationas a voluntarycontributionin the interestof fostering programs,services,andactivitiesof the WDE.
I do (),donot () include the authorization to usemynameinconnection with suchphotographs,audioorvideo recordings.
I do (),donot () include the authorization to useanyphotographs,audioorvideo recordings, orlikenesses which mightidentifyme,suchas thosethat showmy face.I have readthe aboveandamcompetent to grantsuchauthority.
Parent orGuardiansignature ifparticipantisunder18