ELG 3175 Winter 2014



Amplitude Modulation


In this lab we shall investigate some elementary aspects of conventional AM, DSB-SC, and SSB signals.

Text References:

Sections 3.1-3.3 in Fundamentals of Communication Systems, (2nd ed.) by J. G, Proakis and M. Salehi.


1. State in the most general form possible the form of a conventional AM modulated signal with sinusoidal m(t) and modulation index µ. Sketch what the power spectrum of such a signal would be, showing explictly how the power spectrum relates to µ.

2. In the demodulation of DSB-SC, if the sinusoidal carrier input to the demodulator was replaced by a periodic signal at the same frequency as the carrier used in the receiver, would the receiver still work? Assume that the periodic signal has a large component at the fundamental frequency.


1 - Spectrum analyzer (Rohde & Schwarz HMS3010)

1 - Krohn-Hite 3384 filter unit

1 - Dual channel oscilloscope

1 - DDS function generator with AM modulation (Wavetek model 29)

2 - Function generators (Agilent 33500B Series)

1 - Adder unit (custom lab box)

1- Balanced modulator (custom lab box, please check before use and some do not work properly.)

Spectrum analyzers are very expensive, delicate and sensitive pieces of equipment which can be very easily abused. Make sure that at all times the signals you apply to the input does not exceed the maximum allowable input level noted on the front of the unit. If you are unsure of a signal level, measure it on your oscilloscope or with a voltmeter before you apply the signal to the spectrum analyzer.


Part I: AM Spectra

Fig.1 AM Spectra

In this section, you set up the above system in Fig.1 using the Wavetek Model 29 DDS as a carrier generator and modulator. The input to the modulator is on the rear of the unit (the VCA input) when the Wavetek 29 has SOURCE =EXT VCA set in the AM menu on the Wavetek (see Appendix attached to this lab manual).

1. Set up the carrier signal using the Wavetek Model 29 DDS. The carrier signal is generated internally and has the frequency you set from the control panel as described in the appendix. Set this frequency to 400kHz. With no signal applied to the VCA input, observe the modulator output on the spectrum analyzer and verify that there is simply just the carrier’s frequency a spectral line at 400kHz and record the carrier’s power.

2. Apply a sinusoid (i.e., the modulating signal) of approximately 20kHz to the VCA input of the Wavetek. Adjust the signal levels of the 20kHz sinusoid (DC offset and/or amplitude) to obtain 25%, 66.7%, and 100% modulation. In each case: (1) record or sketch the spectrum analyzer displays; (2) find the total power that is in the sidebands from the spectrum analyzer display. Keep the system in Fig.1 for Part II use.

(Hint1: percent modulation=10^[(Esideband-Ecarrier+6)/20], where Ecarrier is the power you recorded in Step 1. You can obtain Esideband, and this is the value you use to adjust the modulating signal amplitude for a specified percent modulation.Hint2: Don’t overlap the carrier and the sidebands. You can do this by setting the start and stop frequency of the spectrum analyzer to 350kHz and 450kHz respectively.)

Part II: Superposition Principle for AM

Fig.2 Superposition for AM

1. In Part I, you have generated a 100% modulated AM signal using a 20kHz sinusoidal modulating signal and 400kHz carrier and observe the resulting signal on the spectrum analyzer. Repeat with a 40kHz sinusoidal modulating signal and record the spectrum as well as the sideband power.

2. Adapt the system in Fig.1to Fig.2, apply the sum of two modulating signals (20kHz and 40kHz) to the modulator and observe the spectrum analyzer display. Verify that the sidebands of the signal are the sum of the sidebands for the individual modulating signals.


A: Modulation

Fig.3 DSB-SC Modulation

1. With the carrier frequency set to 400kHz carrier and the function generator (preferably BK Precision Model 4040) set to 20kHz to the VCA input, see Fig.3, observe the output of the modulator on the spectrum analyzer. Adjust the DC offset of the function generator output to minimize the 400kHz output of the modulator (to essentially zero) so as to produce a DSB-SC modulation.

2. Keep the setting in Step 1, in particular, the DC offset you have set should be maintain through Part III and Part IV. Observe the signal on the spectrum analyzer and oscilloscope and compare to that of 100% modulated AM. Either by carefully adjusting the trigger level of the modulating signal on the oscilloscope to catch the highest carrier peak or by a small adjustment to the modulating signal frequency, “freeze” the relative motion of the carrier and signal envelope. Note the 180° phase reversals of the carrier at the zero-crossing instants.

B: Demodulation

Fig.4 DSB-SC Demodulation

Set up the above system as shown in Fig.4 using a 10kHz sinusoidal modulating signal and a 400kHz carrier. For the second modulator, use the special lab modulators, adjusted to produce DSB-SC modulation (use a similar way as Step 1 of A to do the adjustment). The carrier input to these units should be taken from the AUX OUT output on the Wavetek 29. (1) Verify that the output of the system is a 10kHz sinusoid. (2) Change the modulating signal to a triangular signal and a square wave to verify that the output of the system is the same as the function generator output. Explain any discrepancies.

Part IV: SSB


Fig.5 SSB Modulation

1. Generate a DSB-SC signal using a 400kHz carrier and 10kHz modulating signal. Observe the signal on the spectrum analyzer and oscilloscope.

2. Apply the signal to the input of the filter and adjust the filter to reject one of the sidebands. Observe the resulting signal on the spectrum analyzer and oscilloscope.

3. Decrease the modulating signal's frequency to 2kHz and repeat the above. Why is it more difficult to reject the unwanted side-band here?

4. Time permitting, verify that for the 10kHz modulating signal and the filter adjusted in step 2, the demodulator as for DSB will demodulate the SSB signal.


Wavetek Model 29 DDS Function Generator

Operator's Manual (Excerpts)


This Programmable Function Generator uses direct digital synthesis to provide high performance and extensive facilities at a breakthrough price. It can generate a variety of waveforms between 0.1 mHz and 10MHz with a resolution of 7 digits and an accuracy better than 10ppm

Direct digital synthesis for accuracy & stability

Direct digital synthesis (DDS) is a technique for generating waveforms digitally using a phase accumulator, a lookup table and a DAC. The accuracy and stability of the resulting waveforms is related to that of the crystal master clock.

The DDS generator offers not only exceptional accuracy and stability but also high spectral purity, low phase noise and excellent frequency agility.

A wide range of waveforms

High quality sine, square and pulse waveforms can be generated over the full frequency range of 0.1mHz to 10MHz.

Triangle waveforms, ramp waveforms and multilevel squarewaves can also be generated but with limitations as to the maximum usable frequencies.

Variable symmetry/dutycycle is available for all standard waveforms.

Arbitrary waveform capability

Arbitrary waveforms can be loaded via the digital interfaces and then used in a similar way to the standard waveforms.

Up to five arbitrary waveforms of 1024 10bit words can be stored in nonvolatile memory. The waveform clock is 27.48MHz maximum.

This facility considerably expands the versatility of the instrument making it suitable for the generation of highly complex waveform patterns.

In addition, numerous “complex” waveforms are predefined in ROM, including commonly used waveshapes such as sin(x)/x, exponentially decaying sine wave, etc.


All waveforms can be swept over their full frequency range at a rate variable between 10 milliseconds and 15 minutes. The sweep is fully phase continuous.

Sweep can be linear or logarithmic, single or continuous. Single sweeps can be triggered from the front panel, the trigger input, or the digital interfaces. Two sweep markers are provided.


Amplitude Modulation is available for all waveforms and is variable in 1% steps up to 100%. An internal AM source is incorporated. Alternatively modulation ran be controlled from an external generator.


Frequency Shift Keying provides phase coherent switching between two selected frequencies at a rate defined by the switching signal source.

The rate can be set from dc to 50kHz internally, or dc to I MHz externally.

Trigger/Burst & Gated

All waveforms are available as a triggered burst whereby each positive edge of the Trigger signal will produce one burst of the carrier, starting and stopping at the phase angle specified by the startstop phase setting.

The number of cycles in the burst can be set between 0.5 and 1023. The Gated mode turns the output signal On when the gating signal is high and Off when it is low.

Both Triggered and Gated modes can be operated from the internal Trigger Generator (0.005Hz to 50kHz) or from an external source (dc to 1 MHz).

Waveform Hop & Noise

The generator can be set up to 'hop' between a number of different waveform set ups either at a predetermined rate or in response to a manual trigger.

Up to 16 different hop waveforms can be defined in terms of frequency, amplitude, function, offset and duration, which is variable in 1ms steps up to 60s. The generator can also be set to simulate random noise within the bandwidth 0.03Hz to 700kHz with adjustable amplitude and off set.

Multiple phaselocked generators

The signals from the Clock In/Out socket and the Sync Out socket can be used to phase lock two or more generators.

This can be used to generate multiphase waveforms or locked waveforms of different frequencies.

Easy and convenient to use

All of the main generator parameters are clearly displayed together on a backlit LCD with 4 rows of 20 characters. Sub menus are used for the modulation modes and other complex functions.

All parameters can be entered directly from the numeric keypad. Alternatively most parameters can be incremented or decremented using the rotary encoder.

This system combines quick and easy numeric data entry with quasianalog adjustment when required.


Front Panel Connections


This is the 50Ω output from the main generator It will provide up to 20V peaktopeak e.m.f. which will yield 10V peaktopeak into a matched 500 load. It can tolerate a short circuit for 60 seconds.

Do not apply external voltages to this output.


This is a TTL/CMOS level output synchronous with MAIN OUT Symmetry is the same as that set for the main output but the phase relationship between MAIN OUT and AUX OUT is determined by the PHASE setting specified on the TRIGger menu.

AUX OUT logic levels are nominally 0V and 5V from typically 50Ω. AUX OUT will withstand a short circuit.

Do not apply external voltages to this output.


This is the external trigger input for Trigger, Gate, Sweep, FSK and HOP operating modes. It is also the input used to synchronize the generator (as a slave) to another (which is the master).

Do not apply external voltages exceeding ±10V.

Rear Panel Connections


The function of the CLOCK IN/OUT socket is set from the SYStem menu as follows:

INPUT The socket becomes an input for an external clock.

OUTPUT This is the default setting. The internal clock is made available at the socket. When two or more generators are synchronized the 'master' is set to OUTPUT and the signal is used to drive the CLOCK IN inputs of the slaves.

PHASE LOCK When two or more generators are synchronized the slaves are set to PHASE LOCK.

As an output the logic levels are nominally 1 V and 4V from typically 50Ω. CLOCK OUT will withstand a shortcircuit. As an input the thresholds is TTL/CMOS compatible.

Do not apply external voltages to this output exceeding +7.5V or –2.5V.


This is the input socket for external voltage controlled amplitude (VCA). Input impedance is nominally 6kΩ. Apply 2.5V for 100% level change at maximum output.

Do not apply external voltages exceeding ±10V.


When two or more generators are synchronized the SYNC OUT socket on the master generator is connected to the EXT TRIG inputs of slave generators.

SYNC OUT logic levels are nominally 0V and 5V from typically 50Ω. SYNC OUT will withstand a shortcircuit,

Do not apply external voltages to this output.


The function of this output is automatically determined by the generator operating mode.

Except in sweep and HOP modes the output is that of the internal trigger generator, a fixed amplitude squarewave whose frequency is set on the TRIG or GATE menus. The rising edge of the trigger generator initiates trigger, burst, gate, etc.

In sweep mode the output is a 3level waveform, changing from high (4V) to low (0V) at start of sweep, with narrow 1 V pulses at each marker point.

In HOP mode the output goes low on entry to each waveform step and high after the new frequency and waveshape of that step have been set.

Output levels are nominally 0V and 4V from 1kΩ. TRIG/SWEEP OUT will withstand a short-circuit.

Do not apply external voltages to this output.

General Operation

This section is a general introduction to the features and organisation of the function generator intended to be read before using the instrument for the first time. Detailed operation is covered in later sections starting with Main Generator Operation.

DDS Principles

In this instrument waveforms are generated by Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS). One complete cycle of the waveform is stored in RAM as 1024 10bit amplitude values. As the RAM address is incremented, the waveform values are output to a DigitaltoAnalog Converter (DAC) which reconstructs the waveform. Sinewaves and triangles are subsequently filtered to smooth the steps in the DAC output. The frequency of the waveform is determined by the rate at which the RAM addresses are changed. Further details of how this rate is varied, i.e. how the frequency is changed, are given later in the DDS Operation section; it is sufficient to know that at low frequencies the addresses are output sequentially but at higher frequencies the addresses are sampled. The major advantages of DDS over conventional analog generation are: