Formatting Guidelines for SF424 forms
Title limited to 81 Characters with spaces
Use an Arial, Helvetica, Palatino Linotype, or Georgia typeface, a black font color, and a font size of 11 points or larger. (A Symbol font may be used to insert Greek letters or special characters; the font size requirement still applies.)

Use at least one-half inch margins (top, bottom, left, and right) for all pages. No information should appear in the margins.

Create attachments in Word‐convert to PDF

Elements Required in a Grant Application

Section of Application / Page Limits
Include a Personal statement
Up to 15 references
List all authors / 4 pages
Project summary/Abstract
succinct description of work, long term objectives, specific aims making reference to public health significance / 30 lines max.
Narrative (Relevance)
relevance of research to public health in lay terms / 3 sentences max.
Bibliography & References Cited:
Incl. all authors, article/journal/book title, vol#, pg.#, year of
publication (no page limit). Articles resulting from NIH support use reference number (PubMed Central or NIH Manuscript Submission)
Facilities & Other Resources: Facilities_Template
Describe facilities, lab space, computers, office space and sq. ft available, equipment available, (as applicable) animals, animal care and use info, vet facilities, IBC description, human subject protection,‐FWA#, Other; statistical consulting, computing, archiving, software. How environment contributes to success; institutional investment in the success of investigator. See Part I section 4.4 of Application Guide for instructions.
list major items of equipment available for project and pertinent capabilities
Introduction to resubmission / 1 page
Specific aims Specific_Aims_Template
a.  Goals of the research
b.  Expected outcomes/impact on the research field(s) Objectives / 1 page
Research strategy
1.  Significance Significance_ Template
a.  Importance of the problem
b.  How the project will improve scientific knowledge, technical capability etc.
c.  How the concepts, methods, treatments etc. are changed if aims are achieved
2.  Innovation Innovation_Template
a.  How the application challenges/seeks to shift current research
b.  Describe novel approaches, methodologies, instrumentation etc., and any advantage over existing ones
c.  Explain any refinements, improvements approaches etc.
3.  Approach Approach_Template
Overall strategy, methodology and analyses
How data will be collected, analyzed and interpreted
Potential problems, alternative strategies
Address the management of any high risk aspects
Point procedures/situations/materials that may be hazardous to personnel and precautions to be exercised
New application: Add preliminary studies (essential part), PI’s preliminary studies, data and experience
Renewal/revision: Include progress report, beginning and ending dates for the last competitive review; summarize the aims of previous project period and importance of findings + progress made. Explain any changes to aims and new directions due to budget reductions
No publications, patents or other printed material here (include them in Item 5) / 12 pages
PHS 398 Research Plan Sections 4‐17 have no page limits
(4) Inclusion Enrollment Report (Renewal Revisions using human subjects only)
(5) Progress Report Publications (Renewals Only: see Part II, Section 4.3 of Application Guide)
(6) Protection of Human Subjects: if ‘yes’ attachments 6‐9 required
(7) Inclusion of women and minorities
(8) Targeted Planned Enrollment
(9) Inclusion of Children
(10) Vertebrate Animals (if yes, attachment required)
(11) Select Agent Research (see pg. I‐112 in SF 424 Application Guide)
(12) Multiple PD/PI Leadership Plan (must be included if more than one PI‐ see pg. I‐113)
(13) Consortium/Contractual
This section should briefly describe any consortium and contractual arrangements you have made with regard to the proposed research plan. The roles of individuals or organizations with whom you have made such arrangements should be noted and reference made to any letters from them that are included in the application. Letters should describe the individual's or organization's understanding of the consortium or contractual arrangements.
(14) Letters of Support (consortium and consultant letters)
Letters of commitment in your application should clearly spell out the roles of the collaborators. The grant application should contain a signed letter from each collaborator to the applicant that lists the contribution he or she intends to make and his or her commitment to the work. These letters are often the primary assurance the reviewers have that this work will in fact be done.
Attach appropriate letters from all consultants confirming their roles in the project. For consultants, letters should include rate/charge for consulting services.
(15) Resource Sharing Plan(s): Data Sharing Plan (for projects over $500,00/yr direct costs 1 paragraph)
(16) Appendix (A maximum of 10 PDF attachments allowed‐ see pg. 1‐115 SF424)
h) Optional Cover letter see Pg. I‐01 in SF424Guide
It's a good idea to include a cover letter with your application. The letter should state the title of the application, very briefly describe the focus of the research proposed and, if applicable, identify the program announcement (PA) or request for applications (RFA) to which you are responding. In addition, you may include the names of people whom you feel should not be allowed to evaluate your application because of conflict of interest.
Requesting an SRG and Institute/Center
Your cover letter can and often should request that your application be reviewed by a specific Scientific Review Group (SRG), administered by a specific Institute or Center, or both. NIH usually accommodates these requests but reserves the right to make the final decision.

SF424 website for additional guidelines