Religion 11: Elements of the Christian Life

Syllabus for 2009-2010

Instructor: Mr. Kevin Ferdinandt

Class location: N315

Class time: Period 3, M-F, Quarters 1-4, 2009-10

Availability: Lunch time, After school, or By appointment

Phone: 763-258-5500


Course Overview:

·  Students in the eleventh grade are lead to differentiate the Christian life from other philosophical and religious possibilities presented by the culture. The course texts are used to demonstrate our responsibility to our vocations and how we ought to act as Christians in the modern world.

·  This class corresponds to the core curriculum course V “Sacraments as Privileged Encounters with Christ,” and elective course D “Responding to the Call of Jesus” of the Doctrinal Elements of a Curriculum Framework of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Text, Readings, Materials:

·  C. S. Lewis, The Great Divorce

·  Leo Trese, The Faith Explained

·  St. Thomas Aquinas, various excerpts from the Summa Theologiae

·  St. Francis de Sales, Introduction to the Devout Life

·  St. Theresa of Avila, Conversation with Christ

·  C. S. Lewis, The Four Loves

·  Supplementary reading(s): From Internet, Newspapers/News magazines as needed

·  Materials for class every day: Notebook, folder, Bible, Blue/black pen, loose-leaf paper

Course Policies:

·  Grading policy

o  You do not receive grades; you earn grades. You have the choice to earn a good grade or a bad grade.

o  Grades are based on the following:

§  Points on Tests, Quizzes, Papers, Homework Assignments (worth 90% of your grade)—@ 120-150 pts. per quarter

§  Class Participation/Citizenship (worth 15% of your quarter grade)—1 pt. per day

§  Semester Grades are based on the following: 40% Quarter 1, 40% Quarter 2, then Semester exam influences that grade by 20%.

o  If you have a question about your grade at any time, see me before or after class.

o  Extra Credit may be granted only to students who have all of their homework completed regularly.

·  Missed exams, quizzes, or assignments will be dealt with in the following manner: You may miss one quiz each semester without penalty (though it is highly recommended that you take each), and the rest of your quizzes will be averaged together. After you have missed one quiz, you will have 2 days for every day you were absent to make up a quiz and/or assignment. After two days, you will lose 1/3 credit per day. Tests will be made up on the day you return unless you have made alternative arrangements with me prior to that day.

·  Scholastic dishonesty will result in a “0” for each act. Each instance of dishonesty will be reported to the Academic Dean, and may be subject to further disciplinary action by the Dean of Students or US Director, as appropriate.

Course Calendar/Schedule:

Aug. 31 Dom J. B. Chautard, “Stages of Spiritual Life”

C. S. Lewis, The Great Divorce, preface

Sept. 7 C. S. Lewis, The Great Divorce, Chapters 1-6

Sept. 14 The Great Divorce, Chapters 7-10

Sept. 21 The Great Divorce, Chapters 11-14

Sept. 28 The Faith Explained, pp.33-75, “Original Sin & Actual Sin”

Oct. 5 TFE, pp.76-94 “Incarnation & Redemption”

Oct. 12 TFE, pp.95-122 “Holy Spirit and Grace” [MEA weekend]

Oct. 19 St. Thomas, “Beatitudes & Gifts”

TFE, pp.295-306 “Sacraments”

Oct. 26 TFE, pp.307-334 “Baptism”

End of the First Quarter

Nov. 2 TFE, pp.335-346 “Confirmation”

Nov. 9 TFE, pp.347-370 “Eucharist”

Nov. 16 TFE, pp.371-412 “The Mass”

Nov. 23 TFE, pp.413-432 “Holy Communion”

Thanksgiving Break

Nov. 30 TFE, pp.433-468 “Penance, Contrition, Confession”

Dec. 7 TFE, pp.479-490 “Annointing of the Sick”

Dec. 14 TFE, pp.491-506 “Priesthood”

Dec. 21 Christmas Vacation

Jan. 4 TFE, pp.507-528 “Matrimony”

Jan. 11 Review

Jan. 18 Final Examination

Second Semester

Jan. 26 Malcolm D. Eckel, “Buddhism” (Teaching Company DVD)

Feb. 4 TFE, pp.535-558 “Prayer & The Our Father”

Feb. 11 St. Francis de Sales, Introduction to the Devout Life

Feb. 18 St. Francis de Sales, Introduction to the Devout Life

Feb. 25 St. Francis de Sales, Introduction to the Devout Life

March 3 St. Teresa of Avila, Conversation with Christ

March 9 St. Teresa of Avila, Conversation with Christ

March 17 Spring break

March 23 Spring break

March 31 St. Teresa of Avila, Conversation with Christ

End of the Third Quarter

April 7 St. Teresa of Avila, Conversation with Christ

April 14 St. Francis de Sales, Introduction to the Devout Life

April 21 Aristototle, Nicomachean Ethics, Book VIII

April 28 Aristototle, Nicomachean Ethics, Book XI

May 5 C. S. Lewis, The Four Loves

May 12 C. S. Lewis, The Four Loves

May 19 C. S. Lewis, The Four Loves

May 26 Test & Final Examination Review

June 2 Review

End of the Second Semester

Print this page, sign and date, and then hand in to Mr. Ferdinandt.

This syllabus may be subject to revision as the course progresses.

I have read this syllabus and understand its contents and my responsibilities.

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