Digital Culture
Electronics and 3D Fabrication Class
Lab Policy
Students registered for AME's Digital Culture classes and students working on
AME approved projects are eligible to use the lab.
There are five workbenches in the lab. Each one is equipped with athree output
power supply, a true RMS bench multimeter, a 50 Mhz oscilloscope, a function
generator, a portable multimeter and soldering and breadboarding equipment.
Each workbench also has two workstations with applications networked with the
Epilog laser cutter, the Dimension 3D printer and the PCB prototyping equipment.
Each session students working in groups will assign a designated person to check
out needed materials from lab manager or attendant using the checkout form
available. Checkout items include hand tools and Physical Computing hardware
like Arduino boards and various sensing breakout boards.
This designated person will be responsible for returning all materials in good condition
and making sure the workbench is clean, no parts are missing and all pieces of electrical equipment are turned off.
A complete set of hand tools are available for check out from lab manageror attendant. Individual tools or the whole set can be checked out as necessary.This set should be
returned after each session.
Soldering and breadboarding supplies like jumper wires, lead-free solder,test clips, soldering wick, mini hook cables and USB cables are in each workbench drawer.
An embedded development kit that includes Arduinos, various sensors and wireless connectivity modules are also available for checkout. The complete list is available on the checkout form.
All small circuit building components like resistors, various capacitor types, diodes, LEDs, transistors, linear and 74ls series digital integrated circuits are filed in labeled pull out trays. These trays are in the cabinets in the south east corner of the clean fabrication area behind the workbenches.
Solid and stranded 22AWG hook up wires of all colors filed according to color code are located in the top 2 part bins next to the fenced cage.
For those working on high frequency circuits, a high end instrument cart consisting of a 300Mhz Oscilloscope, an arbitrary waveform generator, a 400Mhz logic analyzer and a
6Ghz RF spectrum analyzer can be rolled to a workbench for testing.