The master thesis is conducted in the framework of the following program component: t Master of Statistics……………………………………………………….
Between :
Universiteit Hasselt,
a public law institution sui generis, having its registered offices at Martelarenlaan 42, B-3500 Hasselt, Belgium,
hereinafter referred to as “the UHasselt”;
[Name, adress]…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
hereinafter referred to as “the host institution”;
student at the UHasselt, enrolled in the program [Master of Statistics]………………………………..…….
living at [Adress]……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
hereinafter referred to as “the student”;
it is agreed as follows:
- The master thesis starts at … / … / …… and shall last until … / … / …… .The purpose of the master thesis is to allow the student to answer specific research questions by analyzing a specific dataset in order to obtain the degree of master of statistics.
- The UHasselt supervisor is [Name]…………………………………………………………………………………………….…. The external master thesissupervisor at the host institution is [Name]…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……..
- The student, the UHasseltsupervisor and the externalsupervisor respect the thesis projectas set out in attachment to this agreement and signed by all the parties.
- The student carries out the master thesis as a student of UHasselt and therefore cannot be considered as an employee of the host institution. There is no employment agreement between the student and the host institution. The student shall not receive any payments from the host institution and shall not be subject to social security.
- In accordance with the Codex Higher Education, the student is only liable for the damages caused to third parties or the host institution in the event of willful or gross negligence. For slight negligence, the student is only liable when it occurs rather ordinarily than coincidental.
The UHasselt maintains (i) a work injury compensation insurance and (ii) an insurance against civil liability claims that might be brought against the student or the UHasselt. Both insurances are applicable for all master thesis activities. However, during transport between the UHasselt and the host institution on the one hand, and between the student’s place of residence and the host institution on the other hand, only the work injury compensation insurance shall apply. The host institution is responsible for its own missions and omissions which cause physical or material damage to the student.
- In agreement with the host institution, the UHasselt supervisor can visit the student or the externalsupervisor during the activities of the student at the host institution. During any such visit, the normal working standards shall not be disturbed.
- The student shall observe all applicable rules, regulations, instructions and procedures of the host institution with respect to discipline. He/she shall carry out the tasks appointed to him/her efficaciously. The student shall be present during normal working hours and shall provide immediate written notice to both the UHasselt supervisorand externalsupervisor in case of illness or other circumstances which prevent him/her from completing the master thesis.
- The student shall refrain from any willful conduct that would adversely reflect on the host institution.
- The student agrees that UHasselt and the host institution exchange information for the student’s evaluation and supervising. The host institution shall keep this information confidential and shall maintain this confidentiality after the termination of the master thesis.
The student shall keep confidential any and all confidential information[1] made known to him/her during and after the course of the master thesis. Except with the explicit authorization of the host institution, no confidential information shall be disclosed to any third party.[2]
The student can only use confidential information for the execution of this agreement and the confidential information remains property of the host institution. In case the student processes confidential information of the host institution, the student will submit every publication on the achieved results made possible by this agreement for approval. The host institution has a period of 14 calendar days to comment on the publication regarding the removal or anonymization of confidential information.
If the student does not receive comments within the 14 calendar days period, the publication is ought to be approved by the host institution. Further, the student will act in accordance with the deontology of the profession to which the program leads and acts discrete. The student will act in accordance with the deontology applicable to the profession he is trained for and performs his duties with the necessary discretion.
- In the event the student produces creations that might be protected by intellectual property rights, the student shall immediately report this to both the UHasselt and the externalsupervisor. Any and all intellectual property rights, with the exception of copyright, shall be the property of the host institution.
- The host institution shall immediately report to the UHasselt any and all infringements of articles 7, 8, 9 and 10 of this agreement and any injury that might occur.
- The student shall submit a written report of the master thesis to both the UHasselt and the externalsupervisor.
- The host institution shall issue anevaluation form as attached that confirms to what extent the master thesishas been completed to an acceptable standard. This evaluation formshall be sentto the master thesis coordination team by e-mail () or by post.
- Under the Belgian “welzijnswet” (law on the welfare of employees) dd. 04.08.1996, student-interns are considered to be employees, subject to a compulsory medical examination. In particular, the royal decree of 21.09.2004 concerning the protection of students applies. Hence, the following is being agreed upon:
-The host institution submits the results of arisk assessment to the UHasselt, if necessary supported with ancillary information.
-If necessary following the risk assessment, a medical examination shall be executed by the occupational health physician of the UHasselt, who shall hand the student a risk assessment evaluation form in threefold (one copy for the UHasselt, one for the host institution and one for the student).
-The host institution shall organize additional examinations or periodical occupational health examinations if this is deemed necessary.
- The student and the host institution commit themselves to discuss all problems with regard to the agreed obligations, the continuation, the premature termination or the evaluation of the master thesiswith each other. If the student or the externalsupervisor does not fulfill their obligations, the other party will notify UHasselt in writing.
The parties cannot terminate the master thesisprematurely without prior consultation of the other parties. The master thesisagreement can be terminated:
A. By the host institution:
- if the student fails to comply with the obligations under art. 7, 8, 9 and 10;
- in case of serious misbehavior of the student.
B. By UHasselt:
- if the student by his conduct has demonstrated the incapacity to exercise a profession to which the program he follows, educates him;
- in case of unavailability of the student;
- in case of a mismatch between the needs of the host institution and the objectives of the program;
- if the physical or mental health of the student is endangered.
The party that wishes to terminate this master thesis agreement prematurely, notifies the other parties in writing.
- The parties agree that all disputes arising from this agreement are submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Hasselt courts. Disputes will be settled in accordance with Belgian Law.
- Contacts
UHasselt supervisor: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
e-mail: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
telephone: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Externalsupervisor: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
e-mail: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
telephone: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Student: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
e-mail: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
telephone: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
The present agreement is made and signed in three copies in Hasselt, each Party acknowledging receipt of one copy.[3]
For the UHasselt
Sarah Vercruysse……………………………………………..
Master thesis coordinatorUHasselt supervisor
On behalf of the Dean of Faculty of Sciences
Prof. Karin Coninx………………………………………
Date :Date :
For thehostinstitution
Duly authorized representativeExternalsupervisor
Date :Date :
The student
Date :
[1]Confidential information means all information and data communicated as confidential by the host institution to the student for the execution of this agreement, with the exception of information that (a) is publicly available; (b) was rightfully learned by the student from a third party who is not under any requirement not to disclose the information; (c) that was known by Student or UHasselt before the date it received the Confidential Information from the host institution (d) that was independently developed by Student or UHasselt without using the Confidential Information of the host institution; or (e) that has to be revealed by law or by a court’s decision on the condition that the intern notifies the host institution.
[2]With the exception of the internship supervisor of the UHasselt if he needs to know in the context of adequate supervision or grading of the intern.
[3]Attachments: master thesis project form, evaluation form