Electronic Supplementary Material
Larval history influences post-metamorphic condition in a coral reef fish
Author: Scott L. Hamilton
Address: Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9610
Table S1. Mean otolith Pb/Ca concentrations (± 1 SD) at specific larval developmental periods for fish that were assigned to have developed in either a high Pb (nearshore, n = 87) or a low Pb (offshore, n = 134) water mass. Adapted from Hamilton et al. (2008).
µmol mol-1 / Early
µmol mol-1 / Middle
µmol mol-1 / Late
µmol mol-1 / End
µmol mol-1
High Pb (nearshore) / 0.45 (0.19) / 0.42 (0.19) / 0.38 (0.18) / 0.38 (0.22) / 0.46 (0.24)
Low Pb (offshore) / 0.27 (0.11) / 0.14 (0.12) / 0.09 (0.07) / 0.09 (0.08) / 0.33 (0.15)
Note: Ablation pits from the end of larval development correspond to a period 5-7 d prior to settlement, to exclude any on-reef otolith material from influencing elemental signatures.
Table S2. Repeated-measures analyses comparing hindcast (age in days prior to settlement) growth histories for Thalassoma bifasciatum as a function of site, month, and condition (i.e., using metamorphic band width as a proxy). Hindcast growth histories compare the last 30 days of growth prior to settlement. Statistically significant P-values are in bold text. Sample sizes for each recruit cohort can be found in Figure 4.
Age ´ Site / 5.7, 1195.7 (29, 228) / 6.67 / <0.0001
Age ´ Month / 11.4, 1195.7 (58, 456) / 10.15 / <0.0001
Age ´ Condition / 5.7, 1195.7 (29, 228) / 9.21 / <0.0001
Age ´ Site ´ Month / 11.4, 1195.7 (58, 456) / 1.49 / 0.13
Age ´ Site ´ Condition / 5.7, 1195.7 (29, 228) / 0.54 / 0.77
Age ´ Month ´ Condition / 11.4, 1195.7 (58, 456) / 1.25 / 0.25
Age ´ Site ´ Month ´ Condition / 11.4, 1195.7 (58, 456) / 0.93 / 0.51
Notes: †Degrees of freedom were adjusted using the Greenhouse-Geisser method in cases where the assumptions of within-class sphericity were not met. G-G epsilon = 0.197.
Figure S1. Map illustrating the location of St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands within the Caribbean. Inset depicts the locations of the two collection sites at Butler Bay (leeward) and Jacks Bay (windward) along the coast of St. Croix.
Figure S2. Linear regression depicting the relationship between mean total lipid content (mg g-1 dry weight) and post-emergence age (days). Post-emergence age represents the number of daily rings counted past the end of the metamorphic band (i.e. settlement mark). Open squares represent fish ≤ 2 d post-emergence that were included in further analyses. Error bars represent ± 1 SE.
Figure S3. Hindcast (A) and forecast (B) otolith growth histories of good and poor condition fish (threshold lipids = 220 mg g-1) at Butler Bay (BB, n = 25) and Jacks Bay (JB, n = 11) in 2001. Hindcast growth depicts daily otolith increment width backwards from the time of settlement until hatching (settlement = age 0). Forecast growth histories depict daily otolith increment width from the time of hatching until settlement (hatch = age 0). Representative standard error bars are provided for reference and represent the average SE for that group.
Figure S4. Hindcast otolith growth histories of good and poor condition fish (threshold lipids = 220 mg g-1) for successive recruitment cohorts in June (n = 14), July (n = 17), and August (n = 5) 2001. Hindcast growth depicts daily otolith increment width backwards from the time of settlement until hatching (settlement = age 0). Representative standard error bars are provided for reference and represent the average SE for that group.