Electronic Music Class

Poetic Soundscape Planning Worksheet


1. Open a new WORD document

2. Type the following information

YOUR First Name and Last Name

Today’s Date

Your Grade

3. Answer the following questions:

a. The title of my poem is…

b. The author of my poem is…

c. The book where I found my poem is…

d. The page number(s) were…

4. Next, please re-type your poem EXACTLY the way that it appears in your poetry book.

5. Read through the poem several times. What words or phrases stand out or are important to you? Highlight them by making the text bold in your WORD document.

6. SAVE your work. Title it “Poetic Worksheet.”

7. What are some instruments and loops that seem appropriate for your poem? Explain using COMPLETE sentences.

8. Does your poem change moods? Should the music change with the poem? Explain using COMPLETE sentences.

9. Share your work with Mr. Hanika. No students will be allowed to open Garage Band until they have completed this planning worksheet and have shown it to Mr. Hanika!!!

Electronic Music Class

“A Poetic Soundscape” Project

Project Overview

You will create a musical piece based on a poem. The final product will be a poem that you have recited into Garage Band set to music.


It is very common for poetry to be set to music. In most cases, the poem’s words are placed within the framework of a melody and are sung. In this project, we will be recording an expressive reading of a poem. Then, we will add some musical loops to it as a supportive framework built around the spoken text.

1. We will go to the library and view poetry books. Once you have selected a poem, you will check-out the book. Once everyone has checked out a poetry book, we will go back to our classroom.

2. You will type the poem into a new Word document: highlight important words and answer the questions (type your answers) on the attached worksheet.

3. Once you are finished, please save your work, print it off, and submit it to Mr. Hanika for approval.

4. Launch Garage Band and create a new song. Title the song according to your poem’s title.

5. Record yourself speaking your poem expressively into Garage Band. Record each line of your poem separately. Then, drag each line to where it is best represented by the music.

6. Add musical loops that reflect the tone/mood of the poem. Make the music change: do not simply keep the same loops playing continually.

7. When you are finished, share your work by exporting to iTunes.