Electronic Device Usage Contract
All electronic devices, including cell phones, fall under the terms of this contract. The purpose of this contract is to provide a responsible and respectful environment within the classroom and lessen distractions to the education process.
I, ______, will adhere to the following electronic device rules and regulations in Mrs. Hadnott-Lucas classroom. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary actions from both Mrs. Hadnott-Lucas and Jacksonville High School administration.
- Students will not use electronic devices, for any purpose, during teacher led instruction.
- Students will ONLY have their electronic device out during authorized times. Students will be granted usage permission at the discretion of the teacher.
- Students will not use their mobile device in class for personal communication. (i.e. Calling or texting parents, family or friends; visiting websites not needed for assignments including social media sites)
- Listening to music on the device is allowed when permissionhas been granted by the teacher during selected work times. Music must stream automatically to decrease tinkering with the device to find the “right song”.
- Students will leave their electronic device in the classroom when going to the restroom or visiting another room.
- Students may not record, videotape, or take pictures of teacher or other students in classwithout permission.
- Students will respect others. This includes keeping the volume at a level only loud enough to hear with headphones, as well as leaving other students’ devices or property alone.
- The teacher has the right to discontinue the student’s use of his/her device use if she feels that the device is distracting or being used in an inappropriate way.
- Each student is responsible for reporting ANY inappropriate use of cell phones or devices by a peer to the teacher.
- Cyber-bullying is grounds for immediate loss of privilege and will result in immediate disciplinary referral.
Failure to comply with the above rules and regulations with result in the following consequences:
- 1st offense: Electronic device will be confiscated for the remainder of the period.
- 2nd offense: Electronic device will be confiscated for the remainder of the period. Parent/guardian will be contacted. Student will also attend detention at the teacher’s discretion.
- 3rd offense:Electronic device will be confiscated for the remainder of the period. Student will lose electronic device(s) privileges in class for the remainder of the semester. The device will be given to the teacher upon entering class and will be returned to the student at the end of the period. Parent/guardian will be contacted. Office referral will be completed and sent to the proper administrator. Students may regain device(s) privileges based on “good behavior” at the teacher’s discretion.
- Failure to comply with these consequences will result in an office referral.
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______
** Failure to sign this form does not exempt a student from the above established rules and regulations. A signature indicates that you have been notified about the classroom policies regarding the use of electronic devices and understand the consequences of any violations. **