Electricity Sector Regulatory Agency ARSEL

Open International Invitation to Tenders Notice

No.000002/AAOIO/ARSEL/DG/DGR/CPM/2012 of February 24, 2012

For the technical audit of AES-Sonel’sproduction, transport, and distribution facilities or structures

Funding: Special Budget allocated after proofreading of the concession and license contract signed between the State of Cameroon and AES-Sonel

1.Subject of Tender

As part of the proofreading of the framework contract forconcession and license, as well asderivative contracts of the public electricity company (AES-Sonel), the Director General of the Electricity Sector Regulatory Agency (ARSEL) is hereby launching an open international invitation to tendersfor the technical audit of AES-Sonel’s production, transport, and distribution facilities or structures.

2. Content

The services include:

• Identification of facilities and infrastructure under concession in the file of AES-Sonelfixed assets;

• Expertise and reassessment of facilities and infrastructure under concession;
• a memorandum listing the facilities or structures missing or defective because of poor maintenance

3. Participation and origin

This tender is open to consultants with the required skills and experience. Partnership with a local firm is encouraged.
The bidder should have experience in similar work and studies.


The services covered by this tender are funded by the Special Budget allocated after proofreading of the concession and license contract signed between the State of Cameroon and AES-Sonel.

5.Consultation of tender invitation documents

The tender invitation documents are available during working hours at the headquarters of ARSEL, located near the Orthodox Church in Bastos (Yaounde, Cameroon) upon publication of this Notice or on ARSEL website (

6.Acquisition of the tender invitation documents

The tender invitation documents,drafted in French or English, may beacquired at the headquarters of ARSEL, located near the Orthodox Church in Bastos (Yaounde, Cameroon), as soon as this invitation to tender notice is published, upon presentation of a receipt testifying the payment of a non-refundable sum of 100,000 CFA francs, as document acquisition fee payable to the special account CAS- ARMP N° 335988 in BICEC branches in all regional headquarters and those towns of Limbe and Dschang.

7. Submission of bids

The bids, drafted in French or English and in seven (7) copies, that is one (01) original and six (06) duplicates shall be submitted at the headquarters of ARSEL, located near the Orthodox Church in Bastos, Yaounde, Cameroon, Tel: 2221-1012, latest on March 30, 2012 at 12 o'clock am local time and shall be labeled as follows:

Open International Invitation to Tenders Notice

No./ AAOIO/ARSEL/DG/DGR/CPM/2012 of February 24, 2012

For the technical audit of production, transportation, and distribution facilities or structures of AES-Sonel

"To be opened only during evaluating session"

8.Bids admissibility

Each bidder shall include to their administrative documents, a bid bond issued by a first rate banking institution approved by the Ministry of Finance, for an amount of Francs CFA 5,400,000.

Subject to rejection, only the originals of the other administrative documents or true copies thereof certified by issuing services or an administrative authority (divisional officer, sub divisional officer, etc.) shall be accepted; in accordance with the specifications of the special tender regulation.

Such documents shall be dated less than three (03) months previous to the date of their submission or must have been established after signature of this tender invitation.

Any bid non-complying with this tender invitation and the tender invitation documents shall be declared inadmissible. In particular, the absence of the bid bond issued by a first rate bank approved by the ministry of finance or non compliance with the formats specified in the tender invitation documents shall led to rejection of the bids.

9. Opening of the bids

The opening of administrative and technical documents shall take place on March 30, 2012 at 1.00 pm by the Public Contract Commission in the meeting room of ARSEL.

Only bidders or their duly authorized can attend this opening session.

10. Executing time limit

The service shall be provided by the contractor over a maximum period of three (03) months.

11.MainEliminatory criteria

• Incomplete Administrative documents;

• False or forged documents;

• Incomplete Technical documents;

• Non proposal of a Head of Mission who meets the required profile in the Terms of Reference;

• Presence of information on the financial bid in the administrative or technical documents;

• Technical mark below the threshold at 70 points out of 100.

12.Essential criteria

No. / Criterion / Mark
1 / Bidder's References / /30
2 / Presentation of the bid / / 02
3 / Experience and qualifications of staff assigned to the mission / / 30
4 / Partnership with a local firm / / 05
5 / Technical proposal(methodology of execution of the mission) / / 30
6 / Overview of the offer / / 05

13.Method of selecting the consultant

The consultant will be selected through the quality-cost selecting method, according to the procedures described in this tender invitation.

14. Maximumnumber of lots:

Single lot

15.Duration of the tender validity

Bidders shall be bound by their bids for 90 days with effect from their submission deadline.

16.Further information

Additional information may be obtained during working hours at the abovementioned at the headquarters of ARSEL located close to the Orthodox Church in Bastos (Yaounde, Cameroon), Tel: 2221-1012.