Electrical equipment includes computers, computer-peripheral equipment and related office equipment, such as modems and printers, electronic typewriters, photocopiers, fax machines, laminators, electric staplers, book binders, shredders, and guillotines.
Yes / NoWork Practice
Is an Electrical Equipment Procurement Policy in place?......
Are procurement specifications in place which requires designers
and/or suppliers to meet all legal requirements for components, equipment and installation?
Has a register of electrical equipment used in the school been compiled and kept available for inspection by staff?
Are procedures in place to ensure the competence and the qualifications of people (including contractors) who undertake installation, modification and repair of any electrical equipment at
the school?......
Have protocols for testing and maintaining electrical equipment been agreed and incorporated into written procedures?
Are corrective actions required promptly after routine and spot inspections have been taken?
Have warning signs and tags been applied to non-operational equipment?
Is correct electrical equipment used in hazardous areas (such as laboratories)?
Do all relevant staff and students receive appropriate information, training and supervision to ensure their safety when working with, or near, electrical equipment?
Is a system in place to ensure that all accidents, incidents and near misses involving electrical equipment are reported, investigated and recorded, and appropriate corrective measures are implemented?
Are all items of electrical equipment protected by an electrical safety switch?
Is I.T and business equipment protected by a surge arrester?......
Are heaters fitted with thermostat control?......
Does the electrical equipment conform to Australian Standards?.....
Does the electrical equipment have a current electrical test certification?
Are all office machines and electrical equipment in good condition?...
Yes / No
Are all office machines and electrical equipment regularly maintained?.
Are all chemicals for use in machines and equipment stored correctly?.
Are all chemicals clearly and correctly labelled?......
Is first aid equipment available in all locations where office machinery and electrical equipment are being used?
Additional Comments
Name / Date
NB: In order to meet duty of care responsibilities and worker obligations under WHS Legislation it is essential that safe operating procedures are followed and where personal protective equipment (PPE) is indicated, it is worn as recommended and maintained in good condition.
© CSO Broken Bay 2006 – Electrical Equipment