Elevation 2015
Elective Names and Description
NL– New LeaderCM– Childrens MinistryGM– General MinistryYM– Youth Ministry*new elective for 2015
SESSION 1 – 80minsType / No. / Elective / Description / Trainer
NL / 1. / Leadership 101 / Discover and discuss the basics of ministry leadership. Discover what a leader is & how to disciple young people in your sphere of influence. / Juliette Warnes | LYQ Leadership Trainer
CM / 2. / *Starting and sustaining a Playgroup from Scratch / Forming a new church at North Lakes has seen many ups and downs, but the playgroup ministry has been a real highlight. Find out how to form and sustain a playgroup ministry which will bring new people to church and keep them coming. / Rev Dan and Kerry Berris | The Lakes Anglican
CM / 3. / Opening the Bible with children / Creative ways to break open Scripture with people of all ages to nurture a love of the Bible. / Carole Danby | Biblical Storyteller and member of Evangelisation Brisbane, Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane
GM / 4. / Mental Health First Aid / Recognise & provide immediate care to those with mental health struggles (ie. depression, anxiety etc), and connect them with on-going professional support. / Sean Conry | Community Chaplain, Good News Lutheran Church, Middle Park
GM / 5. / *Starting up Youth and Children’s Ministry: The Foundations For Engagement. / Starting or restarting a new youth and children’s ministry in a church can be daunting, especially with an ageing congregation, but this elective will reveal how it can be done successfully, using St Peters Anglican Church, Bribie Island as a case study. / Jeremy Couch | YCF Minister, Sunshine Coast
GM / 6. / *The Importance of Mentoring / Mentoring creates relationships which in turn help create community within a congregation. It is a way of inviting people to share their lives, their stories and their faith together. It leads to growth in faith in both younger and older people, as well as creating relationships that will enhance the life of the church. It’s one way that every congregation can be involved in youth ministry in an enriching and substantial way. / Vicki Rochow | Resource Coordinator, Grow Ministries
YM / 7. / *Hyper Reality in Youth Ministry / Hyper Reality presents a version of reality that is more intense, more colourful, and more emotionally fulfilling then daily life. Youth ministries have often presented following Jesus as a "say a prayer and everything will be peachy from here on out". How do we reclaim Jesus' words "who ever want to come after me must take up his cross and follow me" in an age of hyper real products, photos and sometimes people? / Garth Calder | Youth Ministry Coordinator,
YM / 8. / *Opening the Bible with Teenagers / How to make the most of your time on camp to create an environment that helps teenagers be open to God as we open the Bible together. / Graham Stanton | Youth Ministry Advisor, Matthew Hale Public Library, Brisbane
SESSION 2– 80mins
Elective / Description / Trainer
NL / 1. / Leading Effective Small Groups / Learn how to prepare & lead a small group. Includes tips on managing personalities & building positive and meaningful relationships. / Juliette Warnes | LYQ Leadership Trainer
CM / 2. / Going Deeper: Children’s Ministry from the Kiddie Pool to the Deep End / When Sunday school seems to be a relic from the past, how do we begin to engage young people on their faith journey (swim)? A deeper look into planning thematic Bible engagements on worship days. / Ps Reid Matthias | Pastor, Faith Lutheran College and Lockyer Valley Lutheran Parish
Christine Matthias | UpStream coordinator LVLP
CM / 3. / *Get Resourced! 101 ideas for children's ministry! / Wondering what to do in your Sunday school this year? Want to hear about a range of tried and tested resources? How does social media fit this scene? Ask questions, gather ideas and leave with new tools, links and thoughts to re-energise your Sunday morning children's ministry? This might just be for you! / Rachel Schilling | Sunday school teacher and Playgroup Coordinator, Immanuel Lutheran Church, Buderim
GM / 4. / Children & Youth Ministry in a small congregation / Discover how churches with minimal resources and even with no ‘program’ can successfully support and disciple children and youth. / Ps Matt Thiele | Senior Pastor, Immanuel Lutheran Church, Buderim
GM / *In their shoes: engaging with young people from other cultures / This session will explore the issues and challenges faced by refugees, migrants, and people from other cultures when they settle in a new community and will look at practical ways youth workers can develop their cultural awareness and practice. The session will also include a cross cultural panel and shared stories from refugees in our community. / Lisa Ng | Camps Coordinator and YM trainer ACSQ
GM / 6. / Blessing those who Mourn / Young people face loss and grief in many places: death, illness,family separation,breakups and other changes. Weaving together research and experience, this workshop presents multiple ways of understanding, connecting and helping rebuild the lives of those who mourn. / Jim Schirmer | Child and Youth Counsellor
YM / 7. / *Journey to Womanhood / This interactive presentation will delve into some of the issues girls go through as they voyage through the tricky world between childhood and womanhood in our modern society, and how you can support them. Guys are encouraged to attend! / Sarah Mayer | Youth Leader, CLW Director and High School Teacher
YM / 8. / *Youth Ministry that Matters / LYQ's young adult research showed us that the average QLD youth group struggles to have a significant impact on the faith of those attending. Does this mean we should give up on youth group or does it simply show us we need to rethink how and why we do youth ministry. This workshop will give you a concrete foundation for you to build a youth ministry that matters, and help you explore how to implement this is your own setting. / Tom Schmidt | LYQ Young Adult Ministry Coordinator
SESSION 3 – 80mins
Elective / Description / Trainer
NL / 1. / *Sharing Faith on a LYQ Camp / Explore the key foundations of Lutheran theology and learn how to share your faith without switching teenagers off! / Ps Reid Matthias | Pastor, Faith Lutheran College and Lockyer Valley Lutheran Parish
Christine Matthias | UpStream coordinator LVLP
CM / 2. / *Awesome Children’s Addresses / Why do you need a children’s address? What’s the purpose and when is it unhelpful?! Join us as we wrestle with these questions plus more, and consider the components that make an Awesome Children’s Address! / Ps Matt Thiele | Senior Pastor, Immanuel Lutheran Church, Buderim
CM / 3. / Creative ways to Pray the Bible / Participants will be treated to a variety of simple ways to engage children in prayer based on Bible stories and will learn some simple craft ideas to enhance prayer. / Carole Danby | Biblical Storyteller and member of Evangelisation Brisbane, Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane
GM / 4. / *Do what Matters! / Discover how both home and church can partner together in passing on the faith to both children and families, by looking at Grow Ministries 12 guiding principles. Based on Deuteronomy 6, this workshop will explore the guiding principles for effective child, youth and family ministry, and how these ideas and resources can be used and shared in your ministry context. / Vicki Rochow | Resource Coordinator, Grow Ministries
GM / 5. / *Messy Church / The all-age, Christ-centred, creative, hospitable ministry of Messy Church goes from strength to strength. This session is suitable for those who’ve never heard of it before, through to those who are confident leaders. / Glen and Sue Taylor | Messy Church Regional Coordinators, Qld/NNSW)
YM / 6. / *New Evangelism / Beyond techniques, the latest courses and gimmicks discover how to do effective youth evangelism in Australia today / Dean Eaton | LCA Church Planting Mentor & Mission Facilitator
YM / 7. / *Let’s Talk About Sex / Sexualisation and objectification of children and women is increasing as pornography is easily accessed and widely available. How do we enable and empower young people to make positive and healthy choices? / Juliette Warnes | LYQ Leadership Trainer
D / 8. / Camp Director Training (Session 3 & 4) / Learn how to direct a large camp; discover the secrets to building community, selecting leaders, developing a strong program, managing a crisis and more! This elective has been developed to equip directors of LYQ camps but is open to all. / Jim Schirmer | Child and Youth Counsellor
Melissa Schirmer | Primary School Teacher, Springfield Lakes State School
SESSION 4 – 80mins
Elective / Description / Trainer
CM / 1. / *Important Stuff – The Journey into Kids Ministry / Whether going well or struggling, Kids Ministries go through different seasons. Hear about some learning times, celebrations and how God is working and shaping the kids and families at St Marks Lutheran Church in Mt Gravatt.Opportunity will be given to look at what is important to your church setting, share ideas and resources about Kids Ministries and be encouraged - God is at work in our kids lives! What a privilege to be a part of it! / Sarah Kubenk | Children Ministry Worker, St Marks Lutheran Church, Mt Gravatt
CM / 2. / *Mixing Generations / There are many great reasons for intentionally programming church activities which combine two or more generations. This elective will give you a host of practical ways to mix the generations to facilitate mentoring, learning and serving together, as well as ways to have fun. / Jonathan Kemp | Director of Youth, Children and Families Ministry for the Anglican Church Southern Queensland
GM / 3. / *Activity Toolbox / Brand new games and activities to play with your youth group or on camp. Learn how to effectively run awesome games! / Jesse Miegel | Secondary School Teacher
GM / 4. / Enabling young people to find God in pop culture / Kidsspendhoursconsumingmovies,TVandvideogameseveryweek.WhatiftheyhadtheskillstoseewhereGodregularlybreaksthroughintothatworld?Developtheskillstohelpkidsdojustthat.Oh,andwatchlotsofvideo clips! / Jonathan Sargeant | Education Officer for the ACSQ and film reviewer for FOCUS magazine.
GM / 5. / *Let’s go outside today: eco-spirituality for all ages / How can we use a love of our natural environment to enable young people to learn more about the mystery of God? Using your church or school’s natural setting and resources may be easier than you think. This elective will suggest practical local projects and ideas suitable for a range of ages. / John Wrench & Team | Angligreen
YM / 6. / *The Great Young Adult Challenge / Every church struggles with young adult ministry. It is seen as one of the most difficult areas to do significant ministry into. Recognising the unique and individual challenges of young adult ministry this elective will combine an open Q&A environment, along with some concrete takeaway teaching on young adult ministry. Come with your questions and struggles andbe ready to help others with theirs. / Tom Schmidt | LYQ Young Adult Ministry Coordinator
YM / 7. / The Big Issues – Boys / Uncover the ’Big’ issues that teenage boys wrestle with today and discover the role you can play in supporting, encouraging and empowering them in their struggle. / Sean Conry | Community Chaplain, Good News Lutheran Church, Middle Park
D / 8. / Camp Director Training (Session 3 & 4) / Continued from Session 3. / Jim Schirmer | Child and Youth Counsellor
Melissa Schirmer | Primary School Teacher, Springfield Lakes State School