Election time for representatives is upon us again. If you’re interested in being the Accord Rep for your workplace here’s what’s required:
- You must be over 18 years old, have worked for LBG for at least one year and your subscriptions to Accord must be up to date.
- Let the Accord members in your workplace know that you intend to stand for the position as Rep – it’s a good idea to put the details on the Accord noticeboard so anyone else who is interested can stand. This should be done by 20 September 2013 so that the members know who is standing.
- If you’re the only person interested, then you’re elected as the rep, simple as that. Just send us the details as per point 5 below.
- If there are several candidates then an election has to be held in the final week of September. Only the Accord members in your workplace can vote. It’s up to the members how the election is carried out (either by a meeting and a show of hands or by a secret ballot – depending on the size of the workplace it may not be practical to have a meeting). The only hard and fast rule is that the election must be run by two Accord members who are not standing for the position of rep. Each candidate should provide a nomination form (below) signed by a proposer and a seconder (both of whom must be Accord members) and hand it to the organisers who will arrange the ballot. This must be done by 30 September 2013. The organisers should obtain a list of members eligible to vote from Hilary Letch at Accord HQ who can be contacted on 0118 934 7884 or
- The winner of the ballot is elected as rep and the details must be sent to Accord Headquarters using the form below. This can be done either by fax to 0118 932 0208, by post to Simmons House, 46 Old Bath Road, Charvil, Reading, Berkshire RG10 9QR or by email to . Please ensure that these are at Headquarters by Friday 11 October 2013 at the latest.
Reps will take up their position immediately after the result is declared and remain in place until September 2015, when the next elections take place. When all the details have been received, new reps will be contacted and given further information and details of training courses.
Nomination for AccordWorkplace Representative 2013 - 2015
Workplace / Dept………………………………………………………………………
Name of Candidate………………………………………………………………………
Name of Proposer ………………………………………………………………………
Membership Number………………………………………………………………………
Name of Seconder ………………………………………………………………………
Membership Number………………………………………………………………………
Accord Representative Election 2013
Workplace (name and code):……………………………………………………
Direct Dial :……………………………………………………
An election has now taken place and the Accord representative for this
Workplace / Dept is:
Union membership number:…………………………………………………….
I have been a rep before* / I am a new rep*(*please delete as appropriate)
Contact phone numbers : home……………………………………………………….
work direct dial):……………………………………..
External email: ………………………………………………………………………………….
Proposed by (name and signature):……………………………………………….
Union membership number:…………………………………………………………
Seconded by (name and signature):……………………………………………...
Union membership number:…………………………………………………………
Please return to Accord Headquarters by Friday 11th October 2013
by fax to 0118 932 0208 or email to