Election procedure 2016
- A new Board is elected every three years on the occasion of the ICOM triennial conference.·
- The year before the ICOM triennial conference, an Election working team is appointed during the Board meeting. The Elections 2016 team consists of:- Arja van Veldhuizen, Head of the Elections and CECA Board member- CinziaAngelini, CECA Secretary (with assistance of Andrea CiascaMarra)- AniAvagyan, CECA Webmaster- Juliette Fritsch, CECA social media coordinator·
- The Election working team establishes a CECA Election Committee, consisting of- the Head of Elections- two CECA members, NOT being part of the Board and NOT running for a Board membership themselves, preferably living close to the Head of the Elections, so that they can easily meet for counting the votes – see step 4).·
- The Board includes eight members: a President (or Chair), a Secretary and six Regular Board members, among which the Board chooses a Treasurer, five regional coordinators, website coordinator or other functions necessary – see below.·
- Since the Board itself only consists of 8, the Board adds a number of so-called co-opted members. With their contribution the work load can be divided, so the Board manages to realise all the tasks. The number and the functions of these members depend on the decision of the president, who takes advice from the Board.The president presents his/her proposal for CECA-members to be co-opted directly after the installation of the new Board in the CECA General Assembly.
The voting procedure includes the following steps
Step 1 / Nominationof candidates / End Nov/early Dec 2015 / Nomination form available on the CECA-website as a Word-document.
All members are informed and invited to run for a position in the Board within the specific deadline to submit candidacy.
All members are kindly requested to make sure they are registered as members (ICOM membership number required), so that they can vote.
Applications can be sent electronically toArja van Veldhuizen.
February 15. 2016 / Closing date for candidacies.
Step 2 / Voting call / April 1st, 2016 / All members receive a call to vote. They receive a link by email to the voting page of the CECA website.
All information on candidates and the voting procedure will be available on the CECA-website.
Step 3 / Voting / April 1st to May 1st, 2016 / Every voting member can vote electronically through the selected system. Every member can vote only once.
Step 4 / Counting the votes / start of May / Election Committee will check the validity of the votes,
count them and inform the CECA board and the candidates about the voting results.
Step 5 / Results / End May / The voting results and the new CECA-Board are presented to the members through the regular communication channels.
Step 6 / Installation of the new Board / During the CECA General Assembly
(July) / Official installation of the new CECA Board.
Approval of proposed co-opted members.
More information about the Roles corresponding to each position in the Board
Procedure for Nominations
Someone interested in standing for the CECA Board must make sure to meet the following conditions:
- Being a CECA voting member (individual or institutional).
- Finding two other voting CECA members to support his/her candidacy.
- Filling in the Nomination Form completely – including the signatures of the two supporters and a portrait - and sending it to the Head of the Elections by the indicated deadline. The form shows exactly what information is required and how many words can be used for every answer. The length of the ’open’ text written by the candidates is 100 words for regular board member, and 200 words for the candidates running for the presidency and secretary positions .
- All candidates have to make sure they will attend the two yearly Board meetings, which are usually planned immediately before and after the Annual Conference.As CECA cannot provide funding for attending to the latter, candidates have to solicit their own institution or another organization for paying their expenses, unless they are prepared to do it themselves. The Secretary could provide them with a letter stressing the importance of their participation to the Conference and to these meetings.
Candidates can run for either
a) President,
b) Secretary or
c) Regular board member.
Ad c: ‘regular board members’ can indicate in their open text what function in the Board they are interested in, BUT it is only decided in the new board how tasks will be divided.(so you cannot apply as e.g.regional coordinator, you can only write that you would like to carry out this function).
Click here for the nomination form