eLearning Pilot Test Survey
- Name of course completed:(Provide drop down list)
- Date you completed this course: (FILL IN)
- State in which you reside: (Provide drop down list)
- How would you describe the geographic location in which you work?
- Rural
- Urban
- Peri-urban
- Employer: (FILL IN)
- Location at which you completed the course:
- Work
- Internet café
- Home
- Other
Length of Time
- Did you complete the course in one sitting or did you start the course, stop, and return to it?
- In one sitting
- Started the course, stopped, and returned to it later
- About how long did it take you to complete the course?
- Less than an hour
- 1-2 hours
- 2-3 hours
- 3-4 hours
- 4-5 hours
- 5-6 hours
- More than 6 hours
- In your opinion, was the time it took to complete this course:
- Too short
- Just right
- Too long
- Did the course “time out” (did you get signed out of your eLearning account involuntarily) while you were taking it?
- Yes
- No
- In order to view the course, did you have to do either of the following:
- Install/updateAdobe Flash Player
- Install/update your Internet browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari)
- Both
- Did the pages download in a timely manner?
- Yes, all the time
- Sometimes
- No, never
- Did the links open easily?
- Yes, all the time
- Sometimes
- No, never
- Was it easy to understand how to start the course?
- Yes
- No
- Did you need and/or use any “help” materials?
- Yes
- No
- Was the structure of the eLearning course simple/easy to follow?
- Yes
- No
- How intuitive is it to navigate?
- The navigation is easy to understand.
- The navigation is somewhat easy to understand.
- The navigation is not easy to understand.
- Did you advance the course using:
- The arrows at the bottom of the course player
- Clicking on the page labels on the left hand side of the course player (the index)
- Both
- Did you use the glossary?
- Yes skip to 21
- No
- If you didn’t use the glossary, why?
- Ididn’t need it.
- I didn’t know about it/see it.
- Were you able to print out the certificate?
- Yes
- No
- Never received a prompt regarding the certificate
- Did you ever cancel out of the course?
- Yes
- No skip to 24
- When you restarted the course, did it start where you had left off?
- Yes
- No
- Can’t remember
- Was it difficult to read the font type and size?
- Yes
- No
- Was the text broken into small, readable sections?
- Yes, all of the time
- Sometimes
- No, not at all
- Can’t remember
Quiz-related usability questions
- Were the instructions clear for quiz questions and exercises?
- Yes, all of the time
- Sometimes
- No, not at all
Intended use
- How do you plan to use the information that you learned from this course? (FILL-IN)
- Are you interested in taking other eLearning courses in the future?
- Yes
- No
If you are willing to have us follow-up with you with more in-depth questions at a later time, please fill-in your name and email address.