Committee Meeting Minutes
Via video-conferencing
119 Lower Beech St – Wilmington and 900 Public Safety Blvd – Dover
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
1:00 – 3:00 pm
The Elderly and Disabled Transit Advisory Committee (EDTAC) met Wednesday, May 13, 2015 at1:00 pm via video conferencing from DART First State Offices in Wilmington and Dover.
In attendance:
EDTAC MembersDTC Representatives
Carol Barnett
Darlene ColeBonnie Hitch, ADA Compliance Officer
Bruce Fisher, ConsumerMargaret Webb, Paratransit Manager
Brian Eng, Legal Aid (by phone)Belinda Strickland, Eligibility Supervisor
Diana Schilling, Easter SealsCarmela Tate, Chief Reservations Supervisor
Ken Moore, Cheer
Cynthia Campbell, Advocate
Members Absent
Mary Greer
Kathleen McCool
Addie Pack
Blake Roberts
Melissa Martin
Call to Order
Round Table Introductions
Minutes from January 14, 2015were approvedas amended (Diane Schilling was not in attendance)
“Reasonable Modification of Policies and Practices” – Bonnie Hitch
- DOT 49 CFR Parts 27 & 37 Transportation for Individuals with Disabilities; Reasonable Modification of Policies and Practices
- Transportation entities are required to make reasonable modifications/accommodations to policies, practices, and procedures to avoid discrimination and ensure that their programs are accessible to individuals with disabilities.
- New regulations become effective July 13, 2015
- What is reasonable (a few examples):
- Assistance during extreme weather unless it presents an unsafe situation
- Pickup/Drop off at specific door at locations with multiple entrances
- Assist with paying fare, but not to include going through pocketbooks/back packs
- Allowing customer to administer or take medication on vehicle (diabetic)
- Allowing eating or drinking if medically necessary
- Opening building doors for customers
- Five minute notification call
- Assisting some in a wheelchair around obstacles
REMEMBER: It is about what you need to make the program accessible to you – not necessarily what you want
- When can a request be denied
- When granting the request would fundamentally alter the service, program or activity
- When granting the request would create a direct threat to the health or safety of others
- Where, without the requested modification, the individual with a disability is still able to fully use the services, programs, or activities for their intended purpose
- Where granting the request would cause an undue financial and administrative burden
- What requests can be denied (a few examples):
- Dedicated vehicle
- Exclusive paratransit trip
- Outside of the service area or operating hours
- Personal Care Attendant type assistance
- Unscheduled stops
- Can’t pay fare but still want trip
- Caring of service animals
- Specific drivers
- Assistance with luggage/packages
- Requests to avoid specific passengers
- DTC will be finalizing process and seeking input. Final information will be available on website.
Update on DRAFT ADA Circulars by FTA – Bonnie Hitch
- FTA has been in the process of drafting an ADA Circular for a couple of years – it is still in draft form and per Linda Ford, Director of Civil Rights for FTA, comments are still being reviewed.
- Provides some good guidance but there are issues with the legal language in some places
- National Council on Disabilities (NCD) recently issued a report “Transportation Update: Where We’ve Gone and What We’ve Learned”. There are references in the report to the draft circular. In the future, if you are cross referencing between the two documents, you may not find the information in the draft circular in the location referenced by the NCD.
Discussion–“Providing Services for Individuals with Alzheimers/Dementia on Paratransit”-ALL
- Recertification of individuals with Alzheimers/Dementia – Belinda explained they would be eligible for the new Simplified Certification.
- There is a growing concern about the Alzheimer/Dementia population and transportation is an issue [Cheer has a waiting list for their program]
- Discussion evolved into all paratransit customers that may be non-verbal or have major communication issues
- Look at communicating using Picture Exchange Cards
- Picture of chair means “sit down”
- DTC will schedule a meeting with appropriate staff and those interested from EDTAC
Wednesday July 8, 2015
1:00 – 3:00 via video conferencing
DTC Dover Office – DTC Beech St Office in Wilmington