Colorado Judicial Branch
Mary J. Mullarkey, Chief Justice
Gerald Marroney, State Court Administrator
Nov. 30, 2004
1-800-888-0001 Ext. 633
ElbertCounty courthouse to begin preoccupancy testing
The mitigation and reassessment of mold contamination in the Elbert County Justice Center is proceeding into what is hoped will be the final phase of the project. Until all post-mitigation testing can be completed, citizens are being asked to continue to use the alternative facilities currently in use as outlined below.
Verification testing by the state is anticipated to begin on Dec. 1, 2004, and is expected to take a minimum of two weeks.
Please reference the following information if you need to conduct business through Dec. 15. Additional updated information will be distributed as it becomes available:
- Court personnel are accepting filings, posting data, processing files, and payments from 8 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the county annex building. However direct phone access is not available in this location.
- To contact clerk’s office personnel by phone, please call 303-621-2131 and press ext. 1013.This will connect you with court clerks located in the district attorney’s trailer.
- Proceedings set on Judge Sidel’s county court docket for Dec. 1, 6, 13, and 15 will be heard at the Agricultural building at the Elbert County Fairgrounds.
- Magistrate Christine Chauche’s dependency and neglect docket will be held in Arapahoe District Court Div. 306 on Dec. 1.
- Magistrate Louis Gresh's dockets for Dec. 3 and 10 will be held at the DouglasCountyJusticeCenter.
- Judge Arkin will be holding a sentencing hearing in the case of People v. McCuenat 1:30 p.m. on Dec. 15 at the Agricultural building at the Elbert County Fairgrounds. All other Elbert County District Court matters set in Division 1 in December, 2004 will be heard in Division 4 of the DouglasCountyJusticeCenter.
- Magistrate Beth Elliott-Dumler will be conducting status conferences on Dec. 17 in DouglasCounty, Division 4W.
- There are no jury trials set for the month of December.
- Probation business will be conducted out of the DouglasCountyJusticeCenter until further notice. Please call the main number with any questions: 303-814-7170.
*The Eighteenth Judicial District includes Arapahoe, Douglas, Elbert and Lincoln counties.
This information is provided as an e-mail service of the Colorado State Judicial Branch, Office of State Court Administrator, 1301 Pennsylvania Street, Suite 300, Denver, Colo. 80203. To discontinue this service or update your e-mail address, please respond to this message with your name, contact information and any comments.