MSME-Development Institute, New Delhi in Association with Faridabad Small Industries Association Commissioner of Indutries, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, NSIC Ltd. and Patparganj F. I. E. Entrepreneurs Association is organize a two days National Level Industrial Vendor Development Progarmme cum Exhibition at Udyog Sadan in Collaboration with District Industries Centre, Faridabad, SIDBI, NSIC & Industrial Associations.
The Programme provides a unique opportunity to Micro, Small, Medium and Large enterprises to display/demonstrate their products, capabilities, requirements and services. The exhibition provides a plat form for the buyers and seller and gives exposure to various industrial and business opportunities. Quality conscious Micro & Small enterprises desirous to join hands in promoting self reliance and leading vendors may come forward by way of participation in exhibition through display of their products and capabilities. The Programme will provide a common plat form to MSME, Ancillaries & Large Enterprises, Defence, Railways, and Other Purchasing organizations and Developmental Agencies to highlight their policies, Products Purchase procedures schemes and assistance for rapid industrialization and dynamic economic growth.
1. To develop potential MSEs vendor for Defence, Railways, Public Undertaking Govt. Deptts. & Various other large & Medium enterprises.
2. To bring Govt. Deptts., PSUs, Large Industrial Houses, MSEs and others on a common platform for business promotion and Industrial Developments
3. To show the strength and competitiveness of MSEs.
4. To Develop matchmaking ties between buyers and seller.
5. To provides opportunities to identity various potential products development, indigenization marketing sources.
The following organizations are likely to participate in the programme.
1. Ministry of Defence
2. Ministry of Railway
3. Various PSUs
4. Large & Medium Enterprises
5. SSI, Ancillary & Vendor units
9. ASRTU, New Delhi
10. D G S & D
11. Auto Parts & Engg. Items Manufacturers
12. Various Financial Institutions and Industrial Development organization
13. Various Industrial Association
14. Prospective & existing entrepreneurs.
15. Manufactures & Service Provider related Industrial Activities
Big display of items which are likely to be purchased by Defence, Railways, Govt. Deptts. PUSs & Large Industrial houses under following categories.
(a) Import substitution items
(b) Safety items
(c) Critical/Scarce items
(d) Routine items
The product classification mainly will be as follows
i) Automobile Products
ii) Fabricated items, stainless & C. I. components
iii) Casting & forging items
iv) Machines Components
v) Electrical & Electronics products
vi) Miscellaneous Engg. items
1. Defence & Railways registration procedure
2. Functions & Activities of SIDBI
3. NSIC Business Meet
4. Presentation of Schemes under NMCP
5. Export Promotion/MDA
6. PSUs
S.No. / Size / Anticipated Nos. of Stalls / Rate Per Stall (Rs.)1. / 3M X 3M / 80 Nos. / 6000/- Per Stall
for Micro & Small Enterprises
(50% Concession for SC/ST Enterprises / 12000/- Per Stall for medium & large Enterprises
One Table, Two Chairs, Light & Floor Mating.
Interested entrepreneurs/persons may book their stall by paying participation fee (Stall Charges) latest by September 30, 2011 through DD in Favour of PAO (MSME) New Delhi.
1. Sh. Kamal Singh, Dy. Director (Mech.), Mobile No. 09871517232
2. Sh. Abhishek Singh, Asstt. Director (Mech.), Mobile No. 09555122599
3. Sh. B. P. Singh, Asstt. Director (Elect.), Mobile No. 09868111031
4. Patparganj F. I. E. Entrepreneurs Association (Regd.)
Mobile No. 09810178858
Govt. of India
Ministry of MSME
MSME-Development Institute, New Delhi
National Level Vendor Development Programme
At Udyog Sadan, F.I.E. Patparganj, New Delhi
On 11th & 12th October 2011
Registration cum Stall Booking form
1. / Name & Address of the unit/Organization2. / Name & designation of contact Person with Phone/Fax no./E-mail/Mobile No.
3. / Name of products /service/Mfg./Purchasing/other
4. / Whether MSEs/Medium/Large/other sector
5. / Nos. of Stall required
Size / Nos.
3 Mtr X 3 Mtr.
6. / Draft Amount Rs.
Draft no.
Name of Branch of Bank
7. / Additional in formation like ISO-9000 Certified/NSIC/DGS&D/ Defence/Railway Approved Vendor
8. / Any other information
Note: Participation fee (Rs. 6000/- for SSI & Rs.12,000/- for Meduim & Large Entreprises) is payable through DD in favour of PAO(MSME), New Delhi
Signature of Applicants
Date Seal
The Director,
MSME-Development Institute,
Govt. Of India,
Ministry of Micro Small & Medium Enterprises
Shaheed Captain Gaur Marg,
Opp. Okhla Indl. Estate,
Okhla , New Delhi-110020
Phone No:-011-26838118,26838068,26838269,26915878