Gordis, P. 1

September, 2013

Elana B. Gordis

Department of Psychology

University at Albany, SUNY

Social Sciences 369

1400 Washington Avenue

Albany, NY12222

Phone: (518) 442-2582

Fax: (518) 442-4867

Earned Degrees

University of Southern California


Field:Clinical Psychology

Dissertation:Observed Dyadic Marital and Triadic Family Conflict and Child Internalizing and Externalizing Behavior Problems.

Advisor:GaylaMargolin, Ph.D.

University of Southern California




1992 B.A.


Professional Licenses

2006-presentNew York Licensure (Psychologist) #68 016807

2001-2006California Licensure (Psychologist) #PSY 17022


9/10 to presentAssociate Professor of Psychology, University at Albany, State University of New York

8/05 to 8/10Assistant Professor of Psychology, University at Albany, State University of New York

6/01-8/05 Research Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of Southern California

8/98-5/01Postdoctoral Fellow, UCLA Department of Psychology, Mentor John Weisz. Ph.D

7/97-6/98Intern in Clinical Psychology: University of California, San Diego Psychology Internship Consortium

Publications and Presentations

Peer Reviewed Publications

Martey, R. M., Kenski, K., Folkestad, J., Gordis, E., Feldman, L., Zhang, H., Kaufman, N., Ravkin, A., Shaw, A., Stromer-Galley, J., Clegg, B., Shaikh, S., & Strzalkowski, T. (in press). Five approaches to measuring engagement: Comparisons by video game characteristics. Journal of Theory, Practice and Research.

Friedman, R.S., Gordis, E.B., Forster, J. (2012). Re-exploring the influence of sad mood on music preference.Media Psychology, 15, 249-266.

Corey TP, Shoup-Knox ML, Gordis EB,Gallup GG Jr.(2011).Changes in Physiology before, during, and after Yawning.Frontiers in Evolultionary Neuroscience, 3:7.

Spies, LA, Susman, EJ, Margolin, G., Gordis, EB. (2011).Adolescents' cortisol reactivity and subjective distress in response to family conflict: the moderating role of internalizing symptoms.Journal of Adolescent Health.49. 386-92.

Southam-Gerow, M. A., Weisz, J. R., Chu, B. C., McLeod, B. D., Gordis, E. B., & Connor-Smith, J. K. (2010). Does CBT for youth anxiety outperform usual care in community clinics?: An initial effectiveness test. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 49,1043-1052.

Gordis, E. B.,Feres, N., Olezeski, C. L., Rabkin, A. N., & Trickett, P. K. (2010). Skin conductance reactivity and respiratory sinus arrhythmia among maltreated and comparison youth: Relation with aggressive behavior. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 35, 547-558.

Margolin, G., Vickerman, K., Oliver, P.H., & Gordis, E.B. (2010).Cumulative violence exposure: an environmental hazard for youth. Journal of Adolescent Health, 47, 198-205.

Gordis, E.B., Margolin, G., Spies, L., Susman, E.J., & Granger, D. (2010).Interparental aggression and parent-adolescent salivary alpha amylase symmetry.Physiology and Behavior,57,35-45.

Paris, J. J., Franco, C., Sodano, R., Friedenberg, B., Gordis, E., Anderson, D. A., Forsyth, J. P., Wulfert, E., & Frye, C. A. (2010). Sex differences in salivary cortisol in response to acute stressors among healthy participants, in recreational or pathological gamblers, and in those with posttraumatic stress disorder.Hormones and Behavior, 51, 35-45.

Weisz, J. R., Southam-Gerow, M.A., Gordis, E.B., Connor-Smith, J.K., Chu, B.C., Langer, D.A., McLeod, B.D., Doss, A.J., Updegraff.A., & Weiss, B. (2009).Cognitive-behavioral therapy versus usual clinical care for youth depression: an initial test of transportability to community clinics and clinicians. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 77, 383-396.

Margolin, G., Vickerman, K. A., Ramos, M. C., Duman, S., Gordis, E. B., Iturraldea, E., Oliver, P., & Spies, L. (2009). Youth exposed to violence: Stability, co-occurrence, and context. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 12, 39-54.

Gordis, E. B., Granger, D. A., Susman, E. J., & Trickett, P. K. (2008). Salivary alpha amylase-cortisol asymmetry in maltreated youth.Hormones and Behavior.53, 96-103

Granger, D. A. Kivlighan, K. T., El-Sheikh, M., Gordis, E., & Stroud, L. R. (2007).Salivary alpha-amylase in biobehavioral research: Recent developments and applications. Annals of the New YorkAcademy of Sciences, 1098, 122-144.

Gordis, E. B., Granger, D. A., Susman, E. J., & Trickett, P. K. (2006). Asymmetry between salivary cortisol and -amylase reactivity to stress: Relation to aggressive behavior in adolescents. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 31, 976-987.

Barnwell, S., Earleywine, M. S., & Gordis, E. B. (2006) Confirming alcohol-moderated links between cannabis use and dependence in a national sample. Addictive Behaviors, 31, 1695-1699.

Gordis, E. B., Margolin, G., & Vickerman, K. (2005).Communication and frightening behavior among couples with past and recent histories of marital aggression.American Journal of Community Psychology, 36, 177-191.

Margolin, G., Chien, D., Duman, S., Fauchier, A., Gordis, E. B., Oliver, P. H., & Vickerman, K. (2005).Ethical issues in couple and family research.Journal of Family Psychology, 19, 157-167.

Barnwell, S., Earleywine, M. & Gordis, E. B. (2005). Alcohol moderates the link between cannabis use and cannabis dependence in an Internet sample. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 19, 212-216.

Margolin, G., Gordis, E. B., & Oliver, P. H. (2004). Links between marital and parent-child interactions: Moderating role of husband-to-wife aggression. Development and Psychopathology, 16, 753-771.

Margolin, G., & Gordis, E. B. (2004).Children’s violence exposure in the family and community.Current Directions in Psychological Science, 13, 152-155.

Margolin, G., & Gordis, E. B. (2003). Co-occurrence between marital aggression and parents’ child abuse potential: The impact of cumulative stresses. Violence and Victims, 18, 243-258.

Margolin, G., Gordis, E. B., Medina, A., & Oliver, P. H. (2003).The co-occurrence of husband-to-wife aggression, family of origin aggression, and child abuse potential in a community sample: Implications for parenting. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 18, 413-440.

Gordis, E. B., Margolin, G., & John, R. S. (2001).Parents’ hostility in dyadic marital and triadic family settings and children’s behavior problems.Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 69, 727-734.

Margolin, G. Gordis, E. B., & John, R. S. (2001).Coparenting: A link between marital conflict and parenting in two-parent families. Journal of Family Psychology, 15, 3-21.

Margolin, G., & Gordis, E. B. (2000).The effects of family and community violence on children.Annual Review in Psychology, 51, 445-479.

Margolin, G., Oliver, P. H., Gordis, E. B., Garcia O'Hearn, H., Medina, A., Ghosh, C. M., & Morland, L. (1998). The nuts and bolts of behavioral observation of marital and family interaction. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 1, 195-213.

Gordis, E. B., Margolin, G., & John, R. S. (1997). Marital aggression, observed parental hostility, and child behavior during triadic family interaction.Journal of Family Psychology, 11, 76-89.

Margolin, G., Gordis, E. B., Oliver, P. H., & Raine, A. (1995). A physiologically based typology of batterers--Promising but preliminary: Comment on Gottman et al. (1995). Journal of Family Psychology, 9, 253-263.

Book Chapters

Granger, D. A., Kivlighan, K. T., El Sheikh, M., Gordis, E., & Stroud, L. (2007).Assessment of salivary -amylase in biobehavioral research.In L. J. Luecken & Linda Gallo (Eds.), Handbook of Physiological Research Methods in Health Psychology. New York: Sage.

Trickett, P. K., & Gordis, E. B. (2004). Aggression and antisocial behavior in sexually abused females. In K. Bierman and M. Putallaz (Eds.), Aggression, Antisocial Behavior and Violence Among Girls: A Developmental Perspective, (pp. 162-185). New York: Guilford.

Weisz, J.R., Southam-Gerow, M.A., Gordis, E.B., & Connor-Smith, J.K. (2003). Primary and secondary control enhancement training for youth depression: Applying the deployment-focused model of treatment development and testing. In A.E. Kazdin,& J.R. Weisz, J.R. (Eds.), Evidence-based treatments for children and adolescents (pp. 165-183).New York: Guilford.

Gordis, E. B.Margolin, G. (2001).The family coding system: Studying relations between marital conflict and family interaction. In P. Kerig and K. Lindahl (Eds.), Family observation coding systems: Resources for systemic research (pp. 111-126) Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum and Associates.

Margolin, G., John, R. S., Ghosh, C. M., & Gordis, E. B. (1996). Family interaction process: An essential tool for exploring abusive relations. In D. D. Cahn & S. A. Lloyd (Eds.), Family violence from a communication perspective (pp. 37-58). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Other Publications

Gordis, E. B. (2007). Beyond nature vs. nurture in the study of aggression: A review of Developmental Psychobiology of Aggression. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 38, 293-295.(Invited book review)

Medina, A.M, Margolin, G., & Gordis, E. B. (2002). Violence, children's
exposure to: General effects. In James W. Guthrie (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Education, second edition, (pp. 2623-2627). New York: MacMillan Reference.

Peer Reviewed Presentations

Gordis, E. B., Trickett, P. K., Susman, E. J., & Granger, D. A. (2009, April).Child maltreatment, SNS/HPA Axis asymmetry, and adolescent aggressive behavior. In J. Noll (Chair), HPA and ANS asymmetry: Stress matters in the development of psychopathology. Symposium presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO.

Gordis, E. B., Margolin, G., Spies, L. A., Granger, D. A., & Susman E. J. (2009, April). Effect of interparental aggression on parents’and adolescents’salivary alpha amylase responses to family conflict discussions. In M L. Sturge-Apple & P. Davies (Chairs), Children’s psychobiological functioning in the context of interpartner violence. Symposium presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Soceity for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO.

Gordis, E. B., Olezeski, C., & Minns, D. (2008, March).Aggressive parenting, sympathetic arousal, and aggression during late adolescence.In K. Blades (Chair), Biopsychosocial considerations on relational aggression and related aggressive and antisocial behaviors.Symposium presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Chicago, IL.

Olezeski, C., & Gordis, E. B. (2008, March).The Effects of Different Parenting Practices on Physiological Arousal in Late Adolescence. In A. Fauchier, Chair.Discipline in context: Discipline methods, parenting, and adolescent outcomes in diverse families. Symposium presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Chicago,


Feres, N., Trickett, P. K.m, Gordis, E. B., Negriff, S., & Blankson, A. N. (2008, March).The role of attachement security on physiological reactivity to conflict among maltreated and nonmaltreated adolescents. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Chicago, IL.

Gordis, E. B., & Trickett, P. K. (2007, March).Psychophysiology and behavior problems among urban maltreated youth. In W. R. Mills-Koonce and P. T. Garrett-Peters (Chairs), Integrating Psychophysiological and Family Process Research: How Family Functioning Influences and is Influenced by Physiology. Symposium presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Boston, MA.

Oliver, P. H., Gordis, E. B., Duman, S., Vickerman, K. A., & Margolin, G. (2007, March).Child behavioral adjustment related to family and community violence: Mediating effects of family subsystems.In P. M. Mitchell (Chair), Context of the Influence of Marital Relationships on Child Adjustment. Symposium presented at the Biennial Meeting for the Society for Research in Child Development, Boston, MA.

Gordis, E. B., Granger, D. A., Susman, E. J., & Trickett, P. K. (2007, March). Maltreatment, asymmetry between salivary alpha-amylase and cortisol, and adolescent delinquent behavior.In D. A. Granger (Chair), Salivary alpha-amylase levels and stress reactivity: Cross sectional and prospective associations with children’s behavior problems. Symposium presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Boston, MA.

Olezeski, C. L., Gordis, E. B., & Trickett, P. K. (2007, March).Skin conductance in maltreated and comparison youth in response to conflictual movie clips.Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Boston, MA.

Gordis, E. B., Granger, D. A., Susman, E. J., & Trickett, P. K. (2006, March). Salivary alpha-amylase and cortisol response to social stress among maltreated and comparison youth. In D. A. Granger (Chair), Physiological Reactivity, Behavior, Cognition, and Health: A New Approach Involving Salivary Alpha-Amylase and Cortisol. Symposium presented at the Biennial meeting of the Society for research on Adolescence, San Francisco, CA.

Trickett, P. K., Gordis, E. B., & Horn, J. (2006, March).Resilience and cortisol dysregulation in maltreated young adolescents. In J. Noll (Chair), Diverse Cortisol Stress Reactivity Patterns and Genotype Risk in Maltreated Children Across Development. Symposium at the Biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, San Francisco, CA.

Trickett, P. K., & Gordis, E. B. (2005, August).Stress reactivity in abused and neglected young adolescents. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.

Barnwell, S. S., Earleywine, M., & Gordis, E. B. (2004, November).Alcohol moderates the link between cannabis use and cannabis dependence in an Internet survey. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New Orleans, LA.

Gordis, E. B., & Trickett, P. K, & Susman, E. J. (2003, August).Hormone-Behavior Relations among Sexually Abused and Comparison Girls. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, CA.

Southam-Gerow, M. A., Weisz, J. R., Gordis, E. B., & Connor-Smith, J. K.(2002, August). The UCLA Project: The nuts and bolts of an effectiveness trial. In T. H. Ollendick (Chair), Empirically supported treatments: Transporting effective procedures into practice. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association
Convention, Chicago, IL.

Margolin, G. & Gordis, E. B. (2001, April). Stress as a moderator of the association between marital aggression and parents’child abuse potential. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Minneapolis, MN.

Gordis, E. B., Margolin, G., & Medina, A. M. (2000, September). Moderators of the association between husband-to-wife aggression and child abuse potential. Paper presented at the meeting of the Family Violence and Sexual Assault Institute, San Diego, CA.

Birchler, G. R., Gordis, E. B., & Fals-Stewart, W. (1999, August).Conflict responses and depression among maritally distressed husbands and wives. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

Gordis, E., Garcia O’Hearn, H. & Margolin, G. (1998, November). Anger and withdrawal: Do patterns that characterize violent and non-violent couples’home interactions emerge in a structured laboratory setting? In S. Dimidjian (Chair), Innovations in the study of domestic violence: Implications for research methodology and public policy. Symposium conducted at the 32nd Annual Convention of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Washington, DC.

Gordis, E., & Margolin, G. (1998, November). Methodological issues in triadic coding: Studying marital conflict and family interaction. In A. Mahoney (Chair), Observational research on triadic family interactions: Conceptual and methodological issues with families of preschool and elementary-age children. Symposium conducted at the 32nd Annual Convention of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Washington, DC.

Gordis, E. B., & Margolin, G. (1998, October). The role of coparenting in the relation between marital aggression and parenting. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Children Exposed to Family Violence, San Diego, CA.

Birchler, G. R., Miklic, J. L., Fals-Stewart, W., & Gordis, E. B. (1998, August).Typology of couples based on the Marital Relationship Assessment Battery. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA.

Margolin, G., & Gordis, E. B. (1997, December).Co-parenting as it affects children. Paper presented at the University of Washington Conference "Toward a Common Definition of a Successful Couple: Criteria for Evaluating Couple Interventions," Seattle, WA.

Gordis, E. B., Garcia O'Hearn, H., John, R., & Margolin, G. (1997, November). Observed interparental conflict in the absence and presence of the child. Poster presented at the 31st Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Miami, FL.

Gordis, E. B., Morland, L., Garcia, H., Medina, A., John, R., & Margolin, G. (1997, June).Relations among marital aggression, marital and family interaction, and children's internalizing and externalizing behavior problems. Paper presented at the Second International Conference on Children Exposed to Family Violence, London, Ontario, Canada.

Morland, L., Gordis, E. B., Margolin, G., & John, R. S. (1996, March). Parent-child interaction and early adolescent adjustment in the school setting. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Adolescence, Boston, MA.

Margolin, G., John, R., Gordis, E., & Ghosh, C. (1995, July). Children's exposure to marital violence: Direct and indirect effects. Paper presented at the Fourth International Conference on Family Violence. Durham, NH.

Gordis, E. B. (1995, April). Marital conflict and family interaction in a triadic setting. Poster presented at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Indianapolis, IN.

Invited Talks

Gordis, E. B., Feres, N., Olezeski, C., Rabkin, A. N., Trickett, P. K.,& Susman, E. J. (2009, June).Skin conductance reactivity and respiratory sinus arrhythmia among
maltreated and comparison youth: Relation with aggressive behavior. Invited talk presented at the Bretesche International Colloquium on Stress, Puberty, and Health, Missillac, France.

Session Chair, University at Albany Conversations in the Capital District Conference on Hormones, Session on Corticosteroids, October, 2008, Albany, NY.

Invited Panelist, Research to Practice Symposium, “The Relationship of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) to Adult Health and Well-being,”University at Albany School of Social Welfare, September, 2008.

Trickett, P., & Gordis, E. (2005, January).Impact of neglect on adolescent development: Preliminary data. Presentation at the Federal Child Neglect Research Consortium (NIH), Rockville, MD.

Gordis, E. B. (2004, January). Family conflict and children’s adjustment: The role of sensitization. Invited address to the Annual USC Symposium on Occupational Science, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.

Gordis, E. B. ,Margolin, G., & John, R. S. (1994, June). Marital conflict and family interaction: An observational study. Paper presented at the UCLA Close Relationship Interest Group, Los Angeles, CA.

Gordis, E. & Margolin, G. (1998, November). The family coding system. Invited presentation at the Couples Research and Therapy Coding Meeting conducted at the 32nd Annual Convention of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Washington, DC.


9/07-8/09NIH/NICHD Research Grant: Child Maltreatment, HPA axis and ANS activity, and Youth Aggression, R03 HD 56060. $151,292 total costs. Role: PI

4/06-4/07Faculty Research Award Program, University at Albany, SUNY

“Family Violence and Youth Adjustment: The Role of Psychobiological Responses to Stress.” Faculty seed grant, $9,555. Role: PI

1/05-6/05USC Urban Fellow. Faculty seed grant“Links Between Maltreatment Experiences and Problem Behavior Among Urban Youth: Role of Physiological Variables”. $30,000. Role: PI.

6/05-5/07Alcoholic Beverage Medical Research Foundation Research Grant. “Role of ANS Activation and PTSD in Links Between Maltreatment and Adolescent Alcohol Expectancies and Use” $86,347 Role: PI

3/02-2/07NIH Patient Oriented Research Career Development Award K23HD041428 “Physical Abuse and Child Aggression: Role of ANS Arousal”(mentored). $477,627, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Role: PI

10/94-9/96NIH National Research Service Award F31MH10947 "Observing Child Involvement in Marital Conflict". National Institute of Mental Health. Sponsor: GaylaMargolin, Ph.D.

8/96-5/97College Dissertation Fellowship, University of Southern California

Unfunded Grant Applications:

NIH Challenge grant: “Health disparities during economic uncertainty: The role of communal coping.” Submitted to the National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities (T. Afifi, PI). Role: Co-Investigator. Submitted April, 2009.

R21 MH 077865 "Family Violence and Youth Mental Heatlh: Combined Roles of ANS and HPA Axis Activity"Role: PI. Direct costs: $275,000. Sumbitted 10/05, scored 181. Revision submitted 7/2006, scored 219.


2010-2011Career, Leadership and University Excellence Fellow, University at Albany

2009Psi Chi Psychology Honors Society Award for Excellence in Mentoring and Student Advising

2003University of Southern California “Teaching Has No Boundaries”Award

11/97Honorable Mention, 1997 Robert Weiss Couples Research and Therapy Special Interest Group Outstanding Student Presentation Award, Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy

4/92Yale University President's Commendation for Outstanding Leadership in the Service of the New Haven Community

Teaching Experience

University at Albany, SUNY:

Spring 2010Psychology 671: Clinical Methods II

Psychology 676: Practicum in Clinical Psychology

Fall 2009Psychology 338: Abnormal Psychology

Psychology 676: Practicum in Clinical Psychology

Spring 2009Psychology 338: Abnormal Psychology

Psychology 780: Clinical Seminar: Family Assessment and Treatment

Fall 2008Psychology 338: Abnormal Psychology

Fall 2007Psychology 338: Abnormal Psychology

Fall 2006Psychology 676: Practicum in Clinical Psychology

Spring 2006Psychology 338: Abnormal Psychology


Summer 2000Abnormal Psychology

Summer 1999Family Conflict through the Life Span (undergraduate seminar)


Departmental/Ad hoc Committees

2012-13Curriculum Committee

Clinical Faculty Search Committee

I/O Faculty Search Committee

2010-2011Executive Committee

2009-10Awards Committee

2008-9Awards Committee

Program Assessment Committee

2007-8Assessment Committee

I/O Search Committee

Neuroscience/Biopsychology Search Committee

2006-7Assessment Committee

Honor’s Committee

I/O Search Committee

2005-6 Undergraduate Admissions Committee

College Service

2012-2013Faculty Council Chair

2011-2012 Faculty Council Vice-Chair/Chair Elect

2010-2011Faculty Council

Chair, Academic Planning Sub-committee

University Service

2010-2011CLUE Committee on Faculty Retention

Commencement Marshal Spring 06, Winter, 07, Spring 08, Winter 09, Spring, 2010