Curriculum Vita
I have read the following and certify that this curriculum vita is a current and accurate statement of my professional record.
ProfessorPHONE: (301) 405-4010
Department of Family ScienceFAX: (301) 314-9161
School of Public HealthE-mail:
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Educational Background
Ph.D.The Pennsylvania State University at University Park
Major: Human Development and Family Studies
Minor: Family Law
Date: 1979
M.S.The Pennsylvania State University at University Park
Major: Human Development and Family Studies
Date: 1975
B.S.The University of Nebraska at Lincoln
Major: Integrated Studies
Psychology, Human Development, and Anthropology
Date: 1973
Employment Background
2018 – PresentProfessor, Family Science
ADVANCE Professor, School of Public Health & School of Public Policy
Co-Director and Founder, Maryland Family Policy Impact Seminar
University of Maryland
College Park, MD
2008- 2018Chair & Professor, Family Science
Co-Director and Founder, Maryland Family Policy Impact Seminar
University of Maryland
College Park, MD
2004-2008Professor, Family Studies
Co-Director and Founder, Maryland Family Policy Impact Seminar
University of Maryland, College Park
1988-2004Associate Professor, Family Studies
Co-Director and Founder, Maryland Family Policy Impact Seminar
University of Maryland, College Park
1981-1988Assistant Professor, Family and Community Development
University of Maryland, College Park
1985-86Congressional Science Fellow
Legislative Health Assistant for Senator Paul Simon, Illinois, U.S. Congress
1979-1980Senior Program Review and Policy Analyst Coordinator
Connecticut State Legislature
Coordinator of a multidisciplinary staff for the Connecticut legislature charged with the evaluation of efficiency and effectiveness of state agencies, programs, and policies.
Affiliate Faculty, Bush Center in Child Development and Social Policy
Department of Psychology, Yale University
1978-1979Postdoctoral Associate, Family Impact Analysis Program
Minnesota Family Study Center, The University of Minnesota
Conducted research in collaboration with the Ramsey County Mental Health Department and Ramsey County Welfare Department, St. Paul, MN.
As a Special Assistant to the Governor's Task Force on Families in the Minnesota State Legislature, researched factors contributing to family violence across the state.
1977-1978National Institute of Mental Health Predoctoral Fellowship
The Pennsylvania State University
1975-1977Project Coordinator, “Family Interaction Patterns Related to Child Abuse and Neglect,” The Pennsylvania State University.
Managed federal research grant funded by the Office of Human Development/Office of Child Development (90-C-445).
2a. Books
2aii. Books Edited
Anderson, E. A., & Hula, R.C. (1989). Family and public policy: Impacts for government and family. A symposium published in Policy Studies Review, 8 (3, entire issue).
Anderson, E.A., & Hula, R.C. (1991). The reconstruction of family policy. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Skinner, D., & Anderson E.A. (1993). Teaching family policy: A handbook of course syllabi, teaching strategies and resources. Minneapolis, MN: National Council on Family Relations.
Anderson, E.A., Skinner, D., & Letiecq, B.L. (2004). Teaching family policy: A handbook of course syllabi, teaching strategies and resources.(2nd Edition). Minneapolis, MN: National Council on Family Relations.
2aiii. Book Chapters
Burgess, R.L., Anderson E.A., Schellenbach, C.J., & Conger, R.D. (1981). A social interactional approach to the study of abusive families. In J.P. Vincent (Ed.), Advances in family intervention, assessment and theory: An annual compilation of research, II (pp. 1-46). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
Ginsberg, M.R., & Anderson, E.A. (1988). The range of models for professional regulation: A review. In A. Maney & S. Wells (Eds.), Professional responsibilities in protecting children: A public health approach to the sexual abuse of children (pp. 23-29). New York: Praeger.
Also published in S. Wells & A. Maney (1986). Proceedings of the symposium on professional ethics and child abuse. Springfield, VA: National Technical Information Service.
Anderson, E.A., & Leslie, L.A. (1989). Coping with stress: Differences among working families. In T.W. Miller (Ed.), Stressful life events: Clinical readings in health care delivery (pp. 697-710). New York: International Universities Press, Inc.
Anderson, E.A. (1989). Implications for public policy: Towards a pro-family AIDS social policy. In E. Macklin (Ed.), AIDS and families (pp. 187-228). New York: Haworth Press.
Reprinted in Marriage and Family Review (1989), 13 (1 & 2).
Anderson, E.A. (1991). The future of family policy: A postscript. In E. A. Anderson & R.C. Hula (Eds.), The reconstruction of family policy (pp. 237-240). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Anderson, E.A. (1993). The application of systems theory to the study of family policy. In Boss et. al. (Eds.), Sourcebook of family theories and methods: A contextual approach (pp. 322-324). New York: Plenum Press.
Anderson, E.A., & Spruill, J. (1993). The dual-career commuter family: A lifestyle on the move. In Settles, B., Hanks, D., and Sussman, M. (Eds.), Families on the move (pp. 131-147). New York: Haworth Press.
Anderson, E.A., & Feldman, M. (1993). Family-centered health policy. In Price, S., and Elliott, B. (Eds.), Vision 2010: Families & health care (pp. 38-40). Minneapolis, MN: National Council of Family Relations.
Anderson, E.A. (1995). Family policy. In Levinson, D. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of marriage and the family (pp. 269-275). New York: Macmillan.
Koblinsky, S.A., & Anderson, E.A. (1999). Extending Head Start to homeless families: A university-community partnership. In Chibucos, T., and Lerner, R. (Eds.), Serving children and families through community-university partnership: Success stories (pp.143-147). Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Anderson, E.A. (2002). Commuter marriages. In Ponzetti, J. (Ed.), International encyclopedia of marriage and family (pp. 337-340). New York: Macmillan.
Braun, B., & Anderson, E. A. (2004). A multi-state, mixed-methods study of rural, low-income families. In Bengston, V., Acock, A., Allen, K., Dilworth-Anderson, P., & Klein, D. (Eds.), Sourcebook on family theory and research (pp.484-487). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
McClintock-Comeaux, M.S., Anderson, E.A., & Kuvalanka, K.A. (2004). TANF and marriage education: Utilizing marriage legislation to design new educational curriculum that meets the needs of low-income families. In Amato, P., & Gonzalez, N. (Eds.), Vision 2004: What is the future of marriage? (pp. 77-83). Minneapolis, MN: National Council on Family Relations.
Anderson, E.A. & Letiecq, B.L. (2005). Situating fatherhood in Responsible Fatherhood programs: A place to explore father identity. In Marsiglio, W., Roy, K., & Fox, G.L. (Eds.), Situated fathering: A focus on physical and social spaces. (pp. 187-208). Boulder, CO: Rowman & Littlefield.
Anderson, E. A., Braun, B., & Walker, S.K. (2005). Teaching family policy: Advocacy
skills education. In Berke, D. L., & Wisensale, S.K. (Eds.). The craft of teaching about families: Strategies and tools. (297 pp.). New York, NY: Haworth Press, Inc.
Also published in: Journal of Marriage and Family Review, 38, 61-76 (2005).
Forry, N.D. & Anderson, E.A. (2006).The Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit: A
policyanaylsis. In Haas, L., & Wisensale, S. (Eds.),Families and social policy: National and international perspectives. (pp. 159-176). Binghamton, NY: The Haworth Press, Inc.
Anderson, E.A., Townsend, J.W.Diop, N. (2009). A feminist-ecologicalanalysis of supportive environments for female youth in Sub-Saharan Africa.In Lloyd, S.A., Allen, K.R.Few, A.L. (Eds.), Handbook of feminist studies.(pp. 316-327). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Leteicq, B.L., Anderson, E.A., & Joseph, A. (2012). Social policy and families. In Peterson, G.W.Bush, K.R. (Eds.), Handbook of marriage and the family (3rd Ed.). New York: Springer Publishing.
Anderson, E.A. & Leteicq, B.L. (2015). Family policy through a human rights lens. In Arditti, J. A. (Ed),Family problems: Stress, risk, and resilience. (pp. 290-304). Malden, MA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
2b. Articles in Refereed Journals
Spainer, G.B., & Anderson, E.A. (1979). The impact of the legal system on adjustment to marital separation. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 41, 605-613.
Anderson, E.A., & Spainer, G.B. (1980). The influence of the juvenile probation officer's perception of self and work on delinquent youth. Criminology, 17, 505-514.
Zigler, E., & Anderson, E.A. (1981). Abuse of our children: The socio-political context. UCLA Educator, 23, 14-19.
Anderson E.A., & Lynch, M.M. (1984). A family impact analysis: The deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill. Family Relations, 33, 41-46.
Reprinted in Inventory of Marriage and Family Literature (1985), Volume XI, and abstracted in The Washington COFO Memo (September 1985).
Anderson, E.A., Chen, A., & Hula R.C. (1984). Strategies for the elderly: Beyond the ecological model. Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 2, 47-60.
Anderson, E.A., & Ginsberg M.R. (1986). The health care marketplace: Perspectives on a system in transition. Policy Studies Review, 5, 654-662.
Anderson, E.A. (1986). Family day care provision: A legislative response. Child Care Quarterly, 15, 6-14.
Anderson, E.A. (1988). AIDS public policy: Implications for families. New England Journal of Public Policy, 4, 1-18.
Reprinted in P. O'Malley (1989), The AIDS Epidemic (pp. 411-427). Boston, MA: Beacon Press.
Leslie L.A., & Anderson, E.A. (1988). Men's and women's participation in domestic roles: Impact on quality of life and marital adjustment. Journal of Family Psychology, 2, 212-226.
Leslie, L.A., Branson, M., & Anderson, E.A., (1988). The impact of couple's work profile on husbands' and wives' performance of child-care tasks. Family Perspectives, 22, 327-332.
Anderson, E.A. (1989). An exploration of a divorce statute: Implications for family impact analysis. Journal of Divorce, 12, 1-18.
Leslie, L.A., Anderson, E.A., & Branson, M. (1991). Responsibility for children: The role of gender and employment. Journal of Family Issues, 12, 197-210.
Anderson, E.A., & Leslie, L.A. (1991). Coping with employment and family stress: Employment arrangement and gender differences. Sex Roles, 24, 223-237.
Anderson, E.A. (1992). Decision-making style: Impact on satisfaction of the commuter couples' lifestyle. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 13, 1-19.
Anderson, E.A., & Spruill, J. (1993). The dual-career commuter family: A lifestyle on the move. Journal of Marriage and Family Review, 19, 131-147.
Koblinsky, S.A., & Anderson, E.A. (1993). Serving homeless children and families in Head Start. Children Today, 22, 19-23, 36.
Anderson, E.A., & Koblinsky, S.A. (1995). Homeless policy: The need to speak to families. Family Relations, 44, 13-18. Reprinted in L. Stone (1998), Selected Readings in Marriage and Family. San Diego: Greenhaven Press.
Anderson, E.A., & Skinner, D.A. (1995). The components of family policy education. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 16, 65-77.
Letiecq, B.L., Anderson, E.A., & Koblinsky, S.A. (1996). Social support of homeless and permanently housed low-income mothers with young children. Family Relations, 45, 265-272.
Koblinsky, S.A., Morgan, K.M., & Anderson, E.A. (1997). African-American homeless and low-income housed mothers: Comparison of parenting practices. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 67, 37-47.
Buda, B., Anderson, E.A., & Koblinsky, S.A. (1997). Preschool gender differences among homeless and housed Head Start children. National Head Start Association Research Quarterly, 1, 181-186.
Holland, C., Koblinsky, S.A., & Anderson, E.A. (1997). Parental strategies for protecting Head Start children from violence: Implications for family-focused violence education programs. National Head Start Association Research Quarterly, 1, 171-173.
Letiecq, B.L., Anderson, E.A., & Koblinsky, S.A. (1998). Social support of homeless and housed mothers: A comparison of temporary and permanent housing arrangements. Family Relations, 47, 415-421.
Koblinsky, S.A., Gordon, A.L., & Anderson, E.A. (2000).Changes in social skills and behavior problems of homeless and housed children during the preschool year.Early Education & Development, 11, 321-338.
Anderson, E.A., Kohler, J.K., & Letiecq, B.L. (2002). Low-income fathers and “Responsible Fatherhood” programs: A qualitative investigation of participants’ fathering experiences and perceptions of program efficiency. Family Relations, 51, 148-155.
Hoard, L.R., & Anderson, E.A. (2004). Factors related to depression in rural and urban non-custodial, low-income fathers. Journal of Community Psychology, 32, 103-119.
Kohler, J.K., Anderson, E.A., Oravecz, L., & Braun, B. (2004). Relationship constellations and dynamics of low-income rural mothers. Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work, 19, 160-173.
Vandergriff-Avery, M., Anderson, E.A., & Braun, B. (2004).Resiliency capacities among rural low-income families: Implications for practitioners. Families in Society, 85, 562-570.
Anderson, E.A., Kohler, J.K., & Letiecq, B.A. (2005). Predictors of depression among low-income, non-residential fathers. Journal of Family Issues, 26, 547-567.
Anderson, E. A., Braun, B., & Walker, S.K. (2005). Teaching family policy: Advocacy
skills education. Journal of Marriage and Family Review, 38, 61-76.
Kim, J., Kwon, J., & Anderson. E. (2005). Factors related to retirement confidence: Retirement preparation and workplace financial education. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 12(2), 77-89.
Forry, N.D., & Anderson, E.A. (2006). The Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit: A
policyanaylsis. Journal of Marriage and Family Review, 39(1-2), 159-176.
Liechty, J.M., & Anderson, E. A. (2007). Flexible workplace policies: Lessons from the Federal Alternative Work Schedules Act. Family Relations, 56, 304-317.
Quach, A.S. & Anderson, E.A. (2008). Implications of China’s Open Door Policy for families. Journal of Family Issues, 29(8), 1089-1103.
Pegorraro-Schull, C. & Anderson, E. A. (2008).The effect of home visiting and home safety on children’s school readiness.European Early Childhood Education Research (EECER) Journal, 16(3), 325-336.
Simmons, L.A., Anderson, E.A., & Braun B. (2008). Health needs and health care utilization among rural, low-income women. Women & Health, 47(4), 53-69.
Vesely, C.K. & Anderson, E.A. (2009). Child Care and Development Fund: A thematic policy analysis. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 36(1), 39-59.
Braun, B., Kim, J, & Anderson, E.A. (2009). Family health and financial literacy – Forging the connection. Journal of Family & Consumer Sciences, 101(3), 51-56.
Speirs, K., Braun, B., Anderson, E.A., Zoumenou, V., & Finkbeiner, N. (2009).An exploratory study of the role grandmothers play in preschool-aged children’s consumption of fruitsand vegetables.ICAN: Infant, Child, & Adolescent Nutrition Journal, 1(6), 332-337.
Cha, S., Kim, J., & Anderson, E. (2012). Chronic health condition, depression and the role of financial wellbeing: How middle age group (45-64) and older adults (65-74) differ? International Journal of Human Ecology, 12(2), 77-93.
Fitzgerald, M., Roy, K., Anderson, E.A., & Letiecq, B.L. (2012).The effect of depressive symptoms on low incomemen in Responsible Fathering Programs.Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice About Men as Fathers, 10(1),47-65.
Vesely, C.K.,Ewaida, M., & Anderson, E.A. ( 2014). Cultural competence of parenting education programs used by Latino families: Areview.Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences,36(1), 27-47.
Fanflick, P.L., Troutman, D.R., Nugent-Borakove, M.E., & Anderson, E.A. (under revision, 2015).Unlikely partners: Prosecutor attitudes and participation in offender reentry. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation.
Letiecq, B.L. & Anderson, E.A. (2017). Translational Research in Public Policy Dissemination. Special Issue of Family Relations, 66(4), 729-740.
Anderson, E.A., Letiecq, B.L., & Most, P.L. (in progress, 2018). Responsible fatherwork and social interest among economically-marginalized African American fathers. Journal of Family Theory.
Stejskal, T. M., & Anderson, E.A. (in progress, 2018). Traumatic brain injury, the “silent” epidemic: Families and the TBI Act.
2c. Monographs, Reports, and Extension Publications
Anderson, E.A., Jensen, J.E., McAloon, A.E., & Reardon, G.J. (1980). Weatherization assistance for low income persons. Hartford, CT: Connecticut General Assembly, Legislative Program Review and Investigations Committee.
Anderson, E.A., Garber, R.J., Downs, J., Reardon, G.J., & McAloon, A.E. (1980). Family day care homes in Connecticut. Hartford, CT: Connecticut General Assembly, Legislative Program Review and Investigations Committee.
Koblinsky, S.A., & Anderson, E.A. (1997). Baltimore City Head Start Homeless Families Demonstration Project: Evaluation report (Grant # 90-CD-1074). Washington, D.C.: Administration for Children, Youth and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Anderson, E.A. (2001). Child Support, Child Care and Head Start Collaboration: Evaluation report. Baltimore, MD: Child Support Enforcement Administration, State of Maryland.
Anderson, E. A., & Kohler, J.K. (2002). Dads Make a Difference: Demonstration project evaluation report. Baltimore, MD: Department of Human Resources and Child Support Enforcement Administration, State of Maryland.
Anderson, E. A. (2002). The Maryland Responsible FatherhoodDemonstration Project: Evaluation report (Demonstration Grant funded by Department of Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). Baltimore, MD: Departments of Human Resources, Community Services, and Child Support Enforcement Administration, State of Maryland.
Anderson, E.A, & Grutzmacher, S. (2005). Dads Make a Difference: Final evaluation report.
Baltimore, MD: Department of Human Resources and Child Support Enforcement
Administration, State of Maryland.
Anderson, E.A., & McClintock-Comeaux, M.S. (2005). Maryland Food Nutrition Education
Program: A Meta-analysis evaluation report. Maryland Cooperative Extension,
University of Maryland, College Park, MD.
Public Policy Briefs
Policy Papers for Presidential Campaign of Senator Paul Simon (D-Illinois), 1987-1988
Anderson, E.A. Medicare: Issue paper.
Anderson, E.A. Health Care Cost Containment: Issue paper.
Anderson, E.A. AIDS: Press Statement.
Anderson, E.A. Long-term Care: Speech
Anderson, E.A. Long-term Care: Issue paper.
Anderson, E.A. Trends in Privatization of Health Care: Speech
Anderson, E.A. Mental Health: Issue paper.
Hayes, S., & Anderson, E.A. A Continuum of Health Care: Issue paper.
Multi-State, USDA NC-223 Research Rural Families Speak
Braun, B., Rudd, M., & Anderson, E.A. (2003).Social support: Key to educational outcomes for teenage mothers. Policy research brief for citizens and policy makers. Available at: and Mothers.pdf/
Maryland Family Impact Seminar (Issue briefs based on research conducted on Maryland families). Available at:
Anderson, E.A., & Kohler, J.K. (2003). Responsible fatherhood policy brief.
Anderson, E.A. et. al. (2004). Family Issues Voting Guide. University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Anderson, E.A. et. al. (2006). Regulatory Family Issues Voting Guide. University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Anderson, E.A. et. al. (2008). Family Issues Voting Guide. University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Anderson, E.A. (2010). A Family Impact Analysis of the Health Care Reform Legislation, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Anderson, E.A. (2012). Presidential Election Guide onFamily Issues. University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Anderson, E.A. et al. (2014). Family & Health Policy Research Briefs. University of Maryland, College Park, MD
2d. Book Reviews, Other Articles, Notes
Book Reviews
Anderson, E.A. (1979). Review of the book Dissolution: No-fault divorce, marriage, and the future of women, by R.T. Eisler. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 41 (3), 677-678.
Anderson, E.A. (1995). Review of the book Homeless families: The struggle for dignity, by Seltser, B.J. and Miller, D.E. National Forum: The Phi Kappa Phi Journal, 75 (3), 46-47.
Anderson, E.A. (2004). Family and community policy: Strategies for civic engagement. (Ed.) Carol L. Anderson, Alexandria, VA: American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences.
Articles in Professional Association Newsletters and Professional Meeting Proceedings
Koblinsky S.A., & Anderson, E.A. (1993). Studying homeless children and their families: Issues and challenges. American Psychological Association, Division 7 Newsletter, Spring/ Summer Issue, 1-3.
Koblinsky, S.A., & Anderson, E.A. (1994). Family functioning and child development in homeless and housed Head Start families. In Translating Research into Practice: Implications for Serving Families with Young Children, Administration for Children, Youth and Families (ACYF), Department of Health and Human Services, National Council of Jewish Women Center for the Child, and Society for Research in Child Development. Proceedings of the 2nd National Head Start Research Conference, Washington, D.C.: ACYF, 17 pp.
Anderson, E.A., Hoard, L.R., & Kohler, J.K. (2001). Stress and resilience among economically disadvantaged fathers: Implications for Responsible Fatherhood Programs. National Council on Family Relations Report, 46 (2), F7-F8.
Anderson, E.A., Braun, B., Oravecz, L., & Kohler, J.K. (2003). Relationships of rural low-income mothers: Implications for marriage-promotion policy initiatives. National Council on Family Relations Report, 48 (1), F4-F5.
Kaye, S. Braun, B. & Anderson, E.A. (2004). Engaging unheard voices in public policy. National Council on Family Relations Report, 49 (3), F3-F4.
Articles Published by Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC)
ERIC is a journal abstract and manuscript publisher with a refereed acceptance rate of 50%. The service publishes a one page abstract and provides the full manuscript upon request.
Anderson, E.A. (1979). Satisfaction with the legal system and adjustment to marital separation. (ERIC/CAPS Resources in Education No. 2ED172121)
Anderson, E.A. (1983). The politics of family day care: Legislatively what can be done. (ERIC/EECE Resources in Education No.ED220194)
Leslie, L.A. & Anderson, E.A. (1986). The social network of employed couples: The role they play in coping with stress. (ERIC/CAPS Resources in Education No. ED276941)
2e. Talks, Abstracts, and Other Professional Papers Presented
2ei. Invited Presentations
Anderson, E.A. (1984, March). Coping strategies for decision making in commuter marriages. Paper presented at the Conference on Work and Family, Yale University, New Haven, CT.
Anderson, E.A. (1984, March). Family policy analysis: Implications for research and practice. Colloquium presented to the Department of Psychology, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI.
Anderson, E.A. (1986, May). 20th century family structures: Changes and new developments. Lecture for academically talented students in VIEWPOINTS: An Honors Experience at the University of Maryland, College Park, MD.