Program 4: CA CCSS for ELA


Standards Maps are completed by the publisher/manufacturer to demonstrate the alignment of their instructional materials programs to the California’sCommon Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects (CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy).

The Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects (CCSS) were produced by the Common Core State Standards Initiative, a state-led effort coordinated by the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and the Council of Chief State School Officers. The State Board of Education (SBE) adopted those standards, with California Additions (CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy), on August 2, 2010, to reflect the rigor of the existing California 1997 standards. Pursuant to Education Code 60605.10, the CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy were modified and adopted by the SBE on March 13, 2013, to include the addition of the College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards and technical changes.

The CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy are comprised of three main sections: a comprehensive English language arts/literacy K–5 section and two content area-specific sections for grades 6–12 (one for English language arts and one for literacy in history/social studies, science, and technical subjects). For this adoption of English language arts instructional materials, reference to the CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy includes only the K–5 English language arts/literacy and the 6–8 English language arts standards (CA CCSS for ELA).More information about the Common Core State Standards Initiative is available at (Outside Source), while the standards with California additions are available at that California additions to the standardsare identified in boldface text followed by the abbreviation “CA.”

Themapping of the standards requires thorough knowledge and accurate notations of the standards as they are presented in each publisher’s instructional program.

Highlights of the Standards

The subset of CA CCSS for ELAin this map are organized bythe five grade levels by strands, which include Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, and Language. In Reading, the standards are further divided by domains, including Literature, Informational Text, and Foundational Skills (kindergarten through grade five only). The sub-headings (or sub-strands) that organize the standards within each strand are consistent across the CCR Anchor Standards and the grade-level and grade-band standards. For example, the sub-strands in Reading are Key Ideas and Details, Craft and Structure, Integration of Knowledge and Ideas, and Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity; these appear in all grade levels and grade bands.Program 4: Intensive Intervention English Language Arts also utilizes Matrix 1 from Chapter 12 of the 2014 ELA/ELD Framework.

  1. Fill in the header for each grade-level map with the publisher's name, the program's title, and list of components (including abbreviations used, such as SE for student edition).
  1. The first two columns have been completed with the required information regarding theCA CCSS for ELA.
  • Column one contains the grade level standardswhich are identified by their strand, domain (only applicable in reading), grade, and number (or number and letter, where applicable).
  • Column two contains the text of each grade-level ELA content standard.
  1. Column three (Publisher Citations) is reserved for publishers to use to identify accurate and exemplary citations for each standard. Publishers provide this information to help reviewers locate and determine the extent to which each standard is covered in the program.
  1. The gray-shaded columns are to be left blank. These columns are provided for reviewers to use as they evaluate whether the program is aligned or not aligned to the standards.
  1. Publishers may use the “Appendix” section at the end of each grade-level standards map to provide additional comments regarding their citations on coverage of specific standards, if it is necessary. Publishers should keep the actual citations simple and clearly reference the page number, span of pages, URL, or Digital Object Identifier (DOI).

If you have questions about the standards maps, please contact Jim Long, Education Programs Consultant, Instructional Resources Unit, at 916-323-4583 or via e-mail at . [Note: the preceding phone number and e-mail address are invalid. For information, please contact the Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division at 916-319-0881.

©California Department of Education – SBE Approved Revised: 02/02/2015
Posted September 2014