Newcastle University Travel Risk Assessment

Travelling without appropriate risk assessment may prejudice subsequent insurance claims


Name / Staff/ student Number / Unit / Telephone
mobile & landline / E-mail
University and/or personal
Mrs. Joanne Smith / S00012345 / Human Resources / 0191 208 1234
07779 1234 /

Add more rows for additional travellers

Emergency Contacts


Tel: +44 (0) 191 208 6520 / ·  Emergency claims – Chubb Assistance: +44 (0) 207 895 3364 (policy numbers: 64811698 – UG students and 64811697 – PG students and staff
Selective Travel Management / Routine - 028 9044 2071 (8.30am- 6pm) Emergency - +44 7720 593700
British Embassy
Please note for staff/ students who are not UK nationals please enter your own Government embassies in this section. / British High Commission Kuala Lumpur
2 Jalan Binjai, Kuala Lumpur, 50450, Malaysia Tel: +6 03 2170 2200 Fax: +6 03 2170 2390
Open Mon-Fri 8:30am – 11:30am Tue- closed
In Country Emergency Services / 999
In country guide/ local contact during trip
(Address/ e-mail/ mobile/ landline) / Ms Preleen Vairan, Human Resources Manager

Newcastle University
·  Line manager/ supervising academic/office
·  Security +44 (0) 191 208 6817 (24 hours)
/ Mr Mark Jones 0191 208 4567

European Health Insurance Card
(only required if UK or European citizen visiting European Economic Area destination) / I have applied for a EHIC card prior to travel ☐

Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) Travel Advice

What is the FCO travel advice for your destination(s)? For trips to more than one country please tick all the levels of travel advice which apply for all the countries you are planning to visit.

FCO advice categories / Copy of web link to FCO travel advice / Destination Country
Please name all destination countries
☐Advise against all travel
No staff or students are permitted to travel to these destinations.
☐Advise against all but essential travel
UG students are not permitted to travel. PG students and staff may travel but the risk assessment must be approved by the Pro Vice Chancellor.
☒No specific travel restrictions but read FCO travel advice before travelling / / Malaysia, Singapore


If travel and accommodation has been booked using Selective Travel Management or one of our preferred group travel agents the traveller only needs to complete the ’Summary of Travel and Meetings and Events’ sections on the next page. I confirm I have booked using Selective Travel Management or approved group travel agents

Summary of Travel Please provide a summary of your work activity/ project/ research which requires you to travel
Visit to NUMed campus to carry out health and safety audit, provide training to support staff and meet key safety personnel.
Departing Flight
Date / From (country & city) / Flight Number / To (country & city)
01/08/16 / UK / EK030 / Dubai
01/08/16 / Dubai / EK348 / Singapore
02/08/16 / Singapore / car provided to NUMed / Malaysia

Add additional lines as necessary

Accommodation (hotels/ apartments/ hostels etc.)
Check in date / Check out date / Name & address / Website
02/08/16 / 05/08/16 / Hotel Jen Puteri Harbour, Persiaran Selatan, Puteri Harbour, 79000 Nusajaya, Johor Darul Takzim, Malaysia /

If accommodation changes whilst ‘in country’ please update risk assessment & share with School/ Institute ASAP

Meetings/ events/ research or fieldwork locations
Date(s) / Description of activity / Venue/ location/ telephone
02/08/16 / Induction and orientation visit. Meetings with key safety personnel- final agenda is still tbc / Bells Court, NUMed campus
03/08/16 / Health and safety training / The James Building, NUMed campus
03/08/16 / Health and safety audit / Various building throughout campus
05/08/16 / Morning- final meeting with health and safety manager / Bells Court

Add additional lines as necessary

Return Flight
Date / From (country & city) / Flight Number / To (country & city)
05/08/16 / Malaysia / Car provided by NEMed / Singapore
05/08/16 / Singapore / EK405 / Dubai
06/08/16 / Dubai / EK001 / UK

Risk Assessment

When carrying out the risk assessment the following four hyperlinks will provide useful information:

·  Occupational Health and Safety Service- University policy, guidance and risk assessment form

·  UK Government Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)- country specific travel advice

·  Control Risks- a more detailed travel advice service available at bottom of staff homepage

·  UK Government - Travel Health Pro- country specific advice on all aspects of health and vaccinations

What are the hazards (bold text)/ risks (bullet points)? / What controls have you put in place? /
·  Physical defects
·  Risk of fire
·  Risk of robbery, physical or sexual assault
·  Terrorist incident e.g. bomb
·  Falls from balcony’s / ·  I have chosen reputable accommodation close to my working location.
·  I have visited the country and NUMed campus twice before so am familiar with the country, my hotel and campus.
·  I will be vigilant when registering at my hotel especially if the area is crowded. I will keep all luggage in view and check in using work address.
·  I will ensure my room number remains confidential.
·  I will use the safe if provided in my room for valuables.
·  I will use the key chain, deadlock, spyhole and any other safety devices.
·  I will make sure I know the location of fire exit routes and know what to do if an alarm is activated.
Work activity
·  Risks from work activities including fieldwork e.g.
o  Operating machinery
o  Hazardous substances / ·  I will attend a local induction given by NUMed staff.
·  I will take local advice and raise any concerns with colleagues or contacts in the country and with my Newcastle University contacts as soon as possible.
·  My work activities are all low risk on the secure campus site.
Travel and transportation
·  Risk of theft/ attack at airport or on public transport
·  Road traffic accident whilst self-driving or passenger in taxi or other vehicle
·  Carjacking or road blocks
·  Struck by vehicle whilst walking
·  Falls from vehicles
·  Poor road infrastructure
·  Density of traffic
·  Poor driving standards
·  Poorly maintained vehicles
·  Lack of emergency response or help after accident / ·  I have arranged to be picked up from the airport and taken from Singapore International airport to my hotel.
·  I will ask local contacts/ hotel staff about the best way to travel around my destination if I need to.
·  I will only use licensed taxis.
·  I will sit in the rear of the taxi and not discuss personal details with the driver.
·  If I feel uneasy with the driving or the route (or the driver), instruct the driver to stop at the first secure or busy place.
Location and or regional factors
·  Crime- risk of robbery, physical or sexual assault
·  Kidnap and ransom
·  Terrorist attacks/ bombs
·  Political instability
·  Corruption- requests for bribes
·  Remote working
·  Poor communications
·  Religious tensions
·  Cultural misunderstandings e.g. clothing, alcohol or other behaviour / ·  I will carry out online research into my destination.
·  I will review the UK Governments Foreign and Commonwealth Travel advice and sign up for e-mail travel alerts and download the Control Risks app onto my smartphone prior to departure.
·  I will take precautions against petty crime including:
o  Keeping valuables and passport safe especially in public places. I will ensure I keep a colour copy of my passport separately.
o  Keeping my credit card in sight
o  Using ATM’s in secure locations e.g. hotel lobby.
o  Being aware of people around me when using ATM’s
o  Keep bag close to my body and on pavement side to avoid bag snatching from motorbikes
o  In the event of a confrontation surrender items to aggressor.
·  I will maintain a low profile and avoid ostentatious displays of wealth.
·  I will observe and respect local clothing customs and dress modestly to avoid attention.
·  I will always carry a working mobile phone pre-programmed with important numbers.
·  I will learn the basic geography of my destination and ensure I familiarise myself with key routes.
·  I will follow the Stay Safe guidance in the event of a terrorist incident. I will be vigilant, monitor local media and follow the advice of the local authorities.
·  I will only carry enough cash for the day.
·  I will be alert to my surroundings.
·  I will not accept food or drink from strangers. There have been incidents of spiked drinks which have resulted in assault or robbery. I will always keep my food and drink in sight in entertainment venues.
General health/ environmental factors
·  Natural disasters e.g. floods/ cyclones/ earthquakes
·  Food and drink (poor hygiene)
·  Infectious diseases
·  Biting insects or animals including risks from rabies, malaria, Zika virus etc.
·  Poor or distant medical facilities
·  Sexually transmitted diseases / ·  I will follow country specific health advice from UK Governments Travelhealthpro website for Malaysia.
·  There is a risk from mosquito spread diseases including Zika virus and Dengue fever. I will take precautions against mosquito bites.
·  I will read Travelhealthpro factsheets which contain information on sun protection, personal safety, general advice, insect and tick bite avoidance, medicines abroad and food and water hygiene.
·  I will ensure I have the contact details for the Universities insurers Chubb's 24 hours helpline if I need medical assistance.
·  I will bring clothing appropriate for a hot and tropical climate.
Individual factors
·  Disability
·  Level of cultural awareness
·  Inability to speak Language
·  Cultural/ religious or sexual orientation leading to increased risk
·  Pre-existing medical conditions, physical injuries or weaknesses or mental health conditions requiring management / ·  Most colleagues and hotel staff are fluent in both Malay and English.
·  I have no pre-existing medical conditions.
·  I have visited this campus twice and I am familiar with the locality and have met many of the staff at NUMed before.
Other hazards
Please change hazard title and enter additional hazard(s) as required. / ·  None



Name: / Mrs. Joanne Smith / Date: / 30/06/16

The completed risk assessment form should be e-mailed to authorising staff member to provide an audit trail.

Authorised by (line manager, supervising academic, PVC)

Name: / Mrs. Alison Jones / Date: / 01/07/16

The authorising staff member should approve, refuse or modify risk assessment e.g. suggest further controls. A copy of the final risk assessment should be kept by the traveller/ travel authoriser and central location e.g. shared drive maintained by Unit office in case of emergency outside normal hours.