Revised, Spring 2009

El Paso Community College


Instructor’s Course Requirements

Spring 2009

I.  Course Number and Instructor Information

Mathematics 1324, Introductory Mathematics For Business

and Social Sciences. Prerequisite: Math 0305

INSTRUCTOR'S NAME: Carmen Thompson



OFFICE HOURS: MW 10:00am–12:00pm, 3:00pm–3:30pm;

TTh 10:00am–11:25am, 2:30pm–3:00pm;

F 10:00am–12:00pm; or by appointment

After Spring Break, MW 5:00pm–5:30pm instead of 3pm; F 10:00am–1:00pm

II.  Text and Materials

A.  Required Text

Finite Math & Applied Calculus, 4th Edition, Vol. I, by Waner and Costenoble (this is a custom book for EPCC and UTEP – the page numbering is the same as in the entire 4th edition)-required.

B. Materials

Scientific calculators are required, graphing calculators are recommended.

Homework will be completed online. WebAssign access code is required and

packaged with new books or can be purchased on the WebAssign website at

III.  Course Requirements

A.  Required Work

1.  Unit Exams (400 points): There will be four (4) unit exams worth up to

100 points each. There will be no retakes on exams, and no exam

grade will be dropped, but if it is to the student’s advantage the final

exam percentage grade may replace one of the other four exam grades

(see below for information on missed exams).

2.  Classwork/Homework (100 points): Classwork will be assigned throughout the semester to be picked up and graded occasionally. Homework will be completed online (see materials). It is to the student’s advantage to work on homework assignments on a daily basis and complete the assignment by the due dates. The average of the classwork/homework assignments will be worth 100 points.

3.  Final Exam (100 points): The final exam is comprehensive and

mandatory. If student does not take the final exam, he/she will receive an

“F” for the course. The final exam will not be dropped or replaced.

B.  Grading Scale

The final grade will be calculated by taking the total points earned and dividing by 6. A letter grade will be assigned based on the following scale:

Average Grade Letter Grade

90-100 A

80-89 B

70-79 C

60-69 D

0-59 F

C.  Late Work


D.  Missed Exams

It is the student's responsibility to make prior arrangements with the

instructor if unable to attend class the day of the test. Make-up exams will not

be given, except in special circumstances. If a student is absent for a unit

exam and has a valid excuse, he/she will have the option of counting the final

exam twice-once for one missed exam and once as the regular final exam

score. Final exam scores will not be used to replace a zero unless one has

an authorized excuse. If a student misses two or more exams (unexcused)

before April 17, 2009, the student will be dropped for non-course

pursuit. If a student misses two or more exams (unexcused) after April 17,

2009, the student will receive a final grade of “F”.

IV.  Instructor’s Policies
A.  Classwork/Homework

High ethical standards are prerequisites for successful careers and reflect on a person’s character. All graded work must be the student's own work. A student caught cheating will be referred to the Instructor Dean for further action by the College.

B. Attendance--Drops

It is the student's responsibility to attend class as per the schedule. It is also the student's responsibility to withdraw from the course for whatever reason. The instructor assumes no responsibility for student withdrawal from the course or for the completion of student's course work. Course expectations are outlined in this syllabus. Last day to withdraw with a grade of “W” is April 17, 2009.

C. “I” Grade

A grade of “I” (incomplete) will be assigned at the discretion of the instructor. To receive an “I” a student must complete 80% of the course with at least a 70% average. The proper forms must be signed by the instructor and the student before they may be submitted to the registrar.

D. Children and Technology in the Classroom

1.  Children will not be allowed in the classroom.

2.  Students are required to turn off radios, CD players, beepers, and

cell phones during class time.

3.  The calculators on cell phones, PDAs, etc. are not allowed during an exam.

E. This class may be taken for Honors Credit – see instructor.

V. CALENDAR FOR MATH 1324 (Approximate)


/ Dates / Lessons covered / Homework due
from these lessons
1 / January 18 – 24
January 19 – Martin Luther King Holiday / 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
2 / January 25 − 31 / 1.4, 1.5
3 / February 1 – 7 / Review, Exam I
4 / February 8– 14 / 9.1, 9.2
5 / February 15 – 21 / 9.3, 9.4. 2.1
6 / February 22 – 28 / 2.2, 2.3, Review
7 / March 1 – 7 / Exam II, 5.1, 5.2
8 / March 8 – 15 / 5.3, 6.1
March 16-20 Spring Break
9 / March 21 – 28 / 6.2, 6.3
10 / March 29 – April 4
March 31-Cesar Chavez Holiday / 6.4, Review
11 / April 5 – 11
April 10-Good Friday Holiday / Exam III, 7.1
12 / April 12 – 18
April 17 − Last day to drop course and get a “W” /

7.2, 7.3

13 / April 19 – 25 / 7.4, 7.5
14 / April 26 –May 2 / Review, Exam IV
15 / May 3 – May 19 / Review for Final Exam
16 / May 10 – 16 / Final Exams

Date for Final Exam:

For class that meets MWF at 1:00pm, Monday May 11 from 1:00-2:50pm

For class that meets MWF at 2:00pm, Wednesday May 13 from 1:00-2:50pm

For class that meets TTh at 8:30am, Tuesday May 12 from 8:00-9:50am