Office of Education Equity
EL Improvement Plan – Pilot - Fall, 2013
Title III EL Improvement PlanSY 2013 – 2014 / Please return to:
Leslie Casebeer
Due Dates:
2 and 3 year plans due 10/18/13
4 year plans due 10/31/13
Please use this tool to analyze the AMAO district data for the 2012-13 school year. Later, this data will inform the content of your district’s EL Improvement Plan.
- Download the AMAO Detailed Data File from Achievement Data Insight.
- Complete this “AMAO Data Analysis Worksheet” to identify areas of concern.
USD Number / District Name
District Address / City / Zip Code
Superintendent Name / Telephone Number / Email Contact
EL Coordinator / Telephone Number / Email Contact
Please mark the applicable box with an X:
District has not met allAMAOs for: / Two consecutive years
Three consecutive years
Four or more consecutive years
Please mark Met, Not Met, or Not Rated where applicable:
2012-2013 / 2011-2012 / 2010 – 2011 / 2009 – 2010 / 2008 - 2009
AMAO 2(a)
AMAO 2(b)
Developing your AMAO Improvement Plan
Webinar – September 19, 2013 / 1
Office of Education Equity
EL Improvement Plan – Pilot - Fall, 2013
The goals of Title III English Language Acquisition are to ensure that all English Learners (ELs) attain English proficiency and meet rigorous state academic standards. To measure progress in meeting these goals, States receiving funds under Title III must develop annual measurable achievement objectives (AMAOs) which include three components:
- Annual increases in the number or percentage of children making progress in learning English.
- (a) Measures the total number of English learners (ELs) in a district obtaining proficiency; (b) applies to EL students that have been in English language development programs for five or more years.
- Meet performance goals as measured by the Oregon Assessment of Knowledge exam in ELA and Math for the ELL subgroup as required in the (Oregon) ESEA Flexibility Waiver.
The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) annually determines the targets for each of the Annual Measureable Achievement Objectives (AMAO). Targets for school year 2013-14 are set after the end of school year 2012-13. Districts must meet all three AMAOs each year in order to meet the Title III accountability requirements.
- If a Title III district does not meet all AMAOs for two consecutive years, it is required to develop an improvement plan that addresses the factors that prevented it from achieving all AMAOs.
- The plan will be in effect for two years.
- If the district fails to meet AMAOs for four consecutive years the state is required to have the district modify its curriculum, program, and method of instruction; or determine whether the district will continue to receive Title III funds related to the failure to meet the AMAOs, and require the district to replaceeducational personnel relevant to the district’s failure to meet the objectives. [Section 3122(b)(4)]. Please refer to the required criteria above in your improvement plan if your district is in four year status.
In an effort to ensure the district is meeting all AMAOs, and that ELs have the best opportunities to learn, the district must address all of the items on the following pages in its improvement plan.
Part I AMAOs. Download your district’s AMAO report form from the Achievement Data Insight app on the ODE District Secure Site.
- Which AMAO Targets were not met?
- Scan across the district total values (1st district row). Use the AMAO percentage columnsto identify the AMAO performance for your district.
AMAO 1 / AMAO 2(a) / AMAO 2(b) / AMAO 3
Developing your AMAO Improvement Plan
Webinar – September 19, 2013 / 1
Office of Education Equity
EL Improvement Plan – Pilot - Fall, 2013
- AMAO 1:
- Even if the district met the 61% AMAO-1 improvement target, identify specific schools needing improvement.
- Analyze thePercent AMAO 1 to locate the percentages that have less than 61% of students making targeted improvement.
- Indicate below any schools falling below 61% students showing improvement. Do not include schools with less than 10 matched students.
- AMAO 2:
- Even if the district met the 19% AMAO-2(a) transition target, identify specific schools needing improvement.
- Analyzethe Percent AMAO 2B column to locate the percentages that have less than 29% of students transitioning from ELD programs after 5 years of program services.
- Do not include schools with less than 10 tested students.
- AMAO 3:
- The percent meeting standard in OAKS reading and math are shown in the last set of AMAO columns (AMAO 3 Status). Cells that prevented the district or school from meeting the targets for AMAO3 are indicated by a “Not Met” in these columns.
- Indicate below schools not meeting AMAO3 (AMO).
- “Not Rated” indicates the entity met due to N<20. Treat “Not Rated” as meeting AMAO-3.
Schools / AMAO 1 / AMAO 1 Percent / AMAO 2(a) / AMAO 2(a) Percent / AMAO 2(b) / AMAO 2(b) Percent / AMAO 3 / AMAO 3 Percent
Copy extra pages as needed to include all schools not meeting AMAOs.
Developing your AMAO Improvement PlanWebinar – September 19, 2013 / 1
Office of Education Equity
EL Improvement Plan – Pilot - Fall, 2013
- Title III Improvement Team
Please list the names and contact information for the individuals who will serve on the Title III Improvement Team. Should you need additional room, please add rows to the chart. Members of the Title III Improvement Team should have experience in Title III requirements, use of funds, achievement data, English language acquisition, and the process of cultural adjustment. A Title III Improvement Team might include a District Superintendent, Title III Director/Coordinator, teachers, testing coordinator, family or parent liaison, counselor, Special Education representative, and budget or fiscal personnel. The Title III Improvement Team will provide the necessary expertise to address student needs to meet AMAOs for the 2013-14 school year.
Title III Improvement Team
Name / School/Institution / Role / Email Address / Phone Number
Developing your AMAO Improvement Plan
Webinar – September 19, 2013 / 1
Office of Education Equity
EL Improvement Plan – Pilot - Fall, 2013
- Analyze the Data, Part A
Analyze the data gathered on page 3 to determine how and why strengths and challenges exist. Results from this data analysis will inform goal setting and action planning.
Language Programming and Resources - Please identify your district’s strengths in helping ELs acquire English language proficiency and achieve academic success by marking X in the boxes below.
ELD Class period / Dual Language Immersion / Other:
Pull Out ESD / Sheltered Instruction (i.e., SIOP, Constructing Meaning)
Push In ELD / GLAD training
Content Based ESL / 21st Century Grant
Late Exit (K-5) Bilingual / Staff Qualifications (i.e., ESOL, BESOL, reading endorsement)
In 500 words or less, please use the space below to describe the reasons for the strengths outlined above. What has contributed to the strength of these programs and resources?
Developing your AMAO Improvement Plan
Webinar – September 19, 2013 / 1
Office of Education Equity
EL Improvement Plan – Pilot - Fall, 2013
- Analyze the Data, Part B
Analyze the data gathered on page 3 to identify existing challenges. Please use the space below to describe (in 500 words or less)your district’s challenges with EL achievement. What has contributed to the challenges your district must face in order to meet AMAOs for the 2013-14 school year?
Developing your AMAO Improvement Plan
Webinar – September 19, 2013 / 1
Office of Education Equity
EL Improvement Plan – Pilot - Fall, 2013
- Set the Target
Based on your district’s data analysis, check the areas in the box below that will be addressed in order to meet AMAOs for the 2013-14 school year. Then, please create a SMART Goal for each of the AMAOs.
Language Programming and Resources - Please identify the services your district will provide in order to achieve AMAO outcomes by marking X in the boxes below.
ELD Class period / Dual Language Immersion / Other:
Pull Out ESD / Sheltered Instruction (i.e., SIOP, Constructing Meaning)
Push In ELD / GLAD training
Content Based ESL / 21st Century Grant
Late Exit (K-5) Bilingual / Staff Qualifications (i.e., ESOL, BESOL, reading endorsement)
SMART Goal Setting
In the box to the right, state the target your district will set in order to meet AMAO 1. / AMAO 1 Goal
(Reduce the gap between, increase)______the percentage of ELs in the ______(district, school, grade)that make progress and the goal set by the Oregon Department of Education by _____% by ______(date).
In the box to the right, state the target your district will set in order to meet AMAO 2(a). / AMAO 2(a) Goal
(Reduce the gap between, increase)______the percentage of ELs in (the) ______(district, school, grade) who attainEnglish proficiency by ______% by ______(date).
In the box to the right, state the target your district will set in order to meet AMAO 2(b). / AMAO 2(b) Goal
For ELs who have received 5 or more years of ELD service, (reduce the gap between, increase)______the percentage of ELs in the ______(district, school, grade) who attain English proficiency by ______% by ______(date).
In the box to the right, state the target your district will set in order to meet AMAO 3. / AMAO 3 Goal
(Reduce the gap between, increase) ______for ELs in the ______(district, school, grade) by ______% by ______(date).
Developing your AMAO Improvement Plan
Webinar – September 19, 2013 / 1
Office of Education Equity
EL Improvement Plan – Pilot - Fall, 2013
- Action Plan – AMAO 1
Describe the action steps to be taken in order to address the areas checked below and the AMAO goals. Rows may be added or deleted as needed.
Language Programming and Resources - Please identify the services your district will provide in order to reach your AMAO goals by marking X in the boxes below.
ELD Class period / Dual Language Immersion / Other:
Pull Out ESD / Sheltered Instruction (i.e., SIOP, Constructing Meaning)
Push In ELD / GLAD training
Content Based ESL / 21st Century Grant
Late Exit (K-5) Bilingual / Staff Qualifications (i.e., ESOL, BESOL, reading endorsement)
AMAO 1 Action Plan – How will you achieve your AMAO target?How will you know when you have reached success?
Please create a narrative description of your action plan. Use the organizer below to plan the necessary steps to realizing your target goal.
AMAO 1 Goal Narrative
Action Items / Person Responsible / Interim Check In Dates[1] / Final Deadline / Completed / Date Complete / Evidence
Developing your AMAO Improvement Plan
Webinar – September 19, 2013 / 1
Office of Education Equity
EL Improvement Plan – Pilot - Fall, 2013
- Action Plan – AMAO 2(a)
Describe the action steps to be taken in order to address the areas checked below and the AMAO goals. Rows may be added or deleted as needed.
Language Programming and Resources - Please identify the services your district will provide in order to reach your AMAO goals by marking X in the boxes below.
ELD Class period / Dual Language Immersion / Other:
Pull Out ESD / Sheltered Instruction (i.e., SIOP, Constructing Meaning)
Push In ELD / GLAD training
Content Based ESL / 21st Century Grant
Late Exit (K-5) Bilingual / Staff Qualifications (i.e., ESOL, BESOL, reading endorsement)
AMAO 2(a) Action Plan – How will you achieve your AMAO target? How will you know when you have reached success?
Please create a narrative description of your action plan. Use the organizer below to plan the necessary steps to realizing your target goal.
AMAO 2(a) Goal Narrative
Action Items / Person Responsible / Interim Check In Dates[2] / Final Deadline / Completed / Date Complete / Evidence
Developing your AMAO Improvement Plan
Webinar – September 19, 2013 / 1
Office of Education Equity
EL Improvement Plan – Pilot - Fall, 2013
- Action Plan – AMAO 2(b)
Describe the action steps to be taken in order to address the areas checked below and the AMAO goals. Rows may be added or deleted as needed.
Language Programming and Resources - Please identify the services your district will provide in order to reach your AMAO goals by marking X in the boxes below.
ELD Class period / Dual Language Immersion / Other:
Pull Out ESD / Sheltered Instruction (i.e., SIOP, Constructing Meaning)
Push In ELD / GLAD training
Content Based ESL / 21st Century Grant
Late Exit (K-5) Bilingual / Staff Qualifications (i.e., ESOL, BESOL, reading endorsement)
AMAO 2(b) Action Plan – How will you achieve your AMAO target? How will you know when you have reached success?
Please create a narrative description of your action plan. Use the organizer below to plan the necessary steps to realizing your target goal.
AMAO 2(b) Goal Narrative
Action Items / Person Responsible / Interim Check In Dates[3] / Final Deadline / Completed / Date Complete / Evidence
Developing your AMAO Improvement Plan
Webinar – September 19, 2013 / 1
Office of Education Equity
EL Improvement Plan – Pilot - Fall, 2013
- Action Plan – AMAO 3
Describe the action steps to be taken in order to address the areas checked below and the AMAO goals. Rows may be added or deleted as needed.
Language Programming and Resources - Please identify the services your district will provide in order to reach your AMAO goals by marking X in the boxes below.
ELD Class period / Dual Language Immersion / Other:
Pull Out ESD / Sheltered Instruction (i.e., SIOP, Constructing Meaning)
Push In ELD / GLAD training
Content Based ESL / 21st Century Grant
Late Exit (K-5) Bilingual / Staff Qualifications (i.e., ESOL, BESOL, reading endorsement)
AMAO 3 Action Plan – How will you achieve your AMAO target? How will you know when you have reached success?
Please create a narrative description of your action plan. Use the organizer below to plan the necessary steps to realizing your target goal.
AMAO 3 Goal Narrative
Action Items / Person Responsible / Interim Check In Dates[4] / Final Deadline / Completed / Date Complete / Evidence
Developing your AMAO Improvement Plan
Webinar – September 19, 2013 / 1
Office of Education Equity
EL Improvement Plan – Pilot - Fall, 2013
Title III Improvement Plan
Signature Page
Submission Date:
District Name:
District Address:
City, State & Zip Code:
District Phone Number:
District Superintendent:
Title III Director:
Developing your AMAO Improvement Plan
Webinar – September 19, 2013 / 1
[1] It’s recommended that the Title III Improvement team meet to measure progress toward the AMAO goal at the end of each marking period.
[2] It’s recommended that the Title III Improvement team meet to measure progress toward the AMAO goal at the end of each marking period.
[3] It’s recommended that the Title III Improvement team meet to measure progress toward the AMAO goal at the end of each marking period.
[4] It’s recommended that the Title III Improvement team meet to measure progress toward the AMAO goal at the end of each marking period.