Join the world in 2014 by praying night-and-day for revival among the nations!

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January 2014 onwards



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How to use this 1 Hour Prayer Watch

  1. How can I pray for 1 hour?
  2. Can you pray for 5 or 6 minutes? Yes! Well then you just pray it several times and you have been praying for an hour!
  3. This One Hour Prayer Watch guide has got 8 topics for which you may pray 5 -13 minutes each. You find them on the next “Summary of an Hour’s Prayer” page.
  1. Furthermore each of the time slotsare expanded in detail in the following “More Detail for One Hour Prayer” pages. There is even some prayers which you may just pray as they stand.
  2. You use whatever will assist you to pray for an hour. For example: Give only the Summary of an Hour’s Prayer to seasoned pray-ers and the entire document for people not used to praying for an hour.
  1. This 1 Hour Prayer Watch is only a guide and can be used in various ways with the "7 Days on the Wall" project:
  2. As a guide for every believer taking part in a 24 hour prayer watch. Normally the believer will have a specific time slot for his/her one hour.
  3. As a guide to pray for one hour as part of a 24 hour prayer watch at any time or in any other 7 day period. (That is outside of your specific 7 Days on the Wall)
  4. Do not forget the challenges given to you, for example:
  5. To care for 5 instances of social injustices in your community on a specific or continuous basis. (See the 40-45 minute slot)
  6. To pray and do your Take Five every day. (See the 45-55 minute slot)
  7. This 1 Hour Prayer Watch can also be used by every believer to pray for an hour at any time. Examples:
  8. Select and book an hour somewhere every week in which you spend an hour unhindered with the Lord. The topics in this One Hour Prayer Watch covers many important thingsthat you can pray for on an ongoing basis.
  9. You might also want to slot your own topics into some of the time slots – it is Your time with the Lord!
  10. Further Information and Registration
  11. Please remember to register your 7 Days on the Wall.
  12. To do that and to get more information go to
  13. For more information subscribe to the weekly Global Prayer Alert (see any of the two websites) or go to Jericho Walls International Website
  14. Follow 7 Days on Facebook ( or Twitter (


0-5 / PRAISE & WORSHIP / Focus all attention on God; praise Him and worship Him for all His magnificent qualities and deeds. (e.g. Ps.145-150)
FORGIVENESS & RECONCILIATION / Personal – Preparation to stand before God as an intercessor; Repent of all known and unknown sin; then come to him in surety of being fully part of the new covenant in Christ’s blood and in humility. Commit to be ethical in all you do. Thank Him for mercy and goodness.
Yourself: Forgive anyone that angered or upset you since your last prayer. Is there anyone you wronged whom you should ask to forgive you? Are you reconciled with all around you? Ask the Lord to bless them.
Others: Ask the Lord to forgive the sins of your family, and community/city/region. Ask Him to bless them. (Neh. 1)
12-22 / PERSONAL REVIVAL AND SPIRITUAL AWAKENING OF THE CHURCH / Ask the Lord to revive you spiritually. The previous 3 sessions prepared you to stand before Him as a sinner washed clean by Jesus’ blood. Ask the Lord to let revival start with you and ask him to change you inside out. Then pray the same for your family.
Ask the Lord to awaken your church spiritually. Pray the same for the churches in your town/city/region. Repent of pride, false gospel, competition and sin in the church. Specifically pray for Church leaders: pray for Godly wisdom & guidance; members; finances; growth; God’s presence; protection against deception. Pray for all denominations and church types. Ask the Lord to visit your church and region with His cleansing fire.
22-27 / LISTEN / Listen to what God says & make notes (self; city/region & country). To still mind: meditate on Scripture.
LEADERS AND ALL IN AUTHORITY IN THE CITY/REGION & COUNTRY (1 TIM 2:1-3) / God’s heart is for us to love our neighbour, but even more if our neighbour has a need (Matt.24:31-46; James 1:27). Pray for social justice for the hungry, thirsty, in need of clothes, prisoners, ill, widows, orphans, strangers, those treated unjustly in any way. Specifically plead the case of thousands of children being aborted without cause in SA each year. They cannot plead their own case, but their blood cry out to God (Gen.4:10).
Leaders in every area of life play a major role in good governance, justice including social justice and peace.
Ask the Lord to bless and guide the leaders in your country/province or city/town: president & cabinet; provincial/state; city mayor & councillors. Business; Justice, Safety & Security, Education, Arts, Entertainment, Media, leaders of false religions.
40-45 / SOCIAL JUSTICE - PERSONALLY / Ask the Lord to tear your heart for those suffering social injustice in your community, starting from your own family. Identify 5 areas where injustice prevailand pray for that. Ask the Lord to show you what you should do and go and do it!
TAKE FIVE – PRAYING FOR 5 LOST PEOPLE YOU KNOW / Pray for future and current workers in the harvest far and near by all means, (Luke 10:2). Pray for their protection.
Pray for thelost in your country, city/region. Approximately 40 million (80%) of South Africa’s population have no active relationship with Jesus as Lord and Saviour.
Pray for your Take Five: pray for their salvation now and continue praying for them in your Take Five time daily. Pray for your relationships with them & their needs! (See detail for how Take Five works)
55-60 / PRAISE & THANKS / For what God does for you personally and through the 7 Days programme. Glorify & thank Him for all His goodness.

More Detail for One Hour Prayer

An extract of the five-minute slot is reproduced below, followed by prayers and/or notes. Notes on how and what to pray will always be in normal upright letters while prayers will be in italics.

0-5 / PRAISE & WORSHIP / Focus all attention on God; praise Him and worship Him for all His magnificent qualities and deeds. (e.g. Ps.145-150)

Our Father in Heaven, we come before you in the Name of Jesus Christ, Your Son and through the power of the Holy Spirit. We come before You in prayer and want to hallow Your Name. You are our God and there is no one like You. We bow before Your throne in deep reverence and humility. We declare that through Your love and grace you have saved us from certain eternal death through the New Covenant in the blood of Jesus Christ.

Father, we pray that Your Kingdom will come in our hearts and in the hearts of the people of our CITY/REGION and our country and the world. We also pray that your will be done as it is done in heaven, so also in our lives and in the lives of the people of our CITY/REGION and our country and the world.

Continue to praise and worship the Lord using the Holy Scriptures (such as the Psalms e.g. Psalm 145-150) to glorify His Name and to worship Him.

Furthermore, you may magnify more of God’s magnificent qualities and deeds by praying the Names of God:

Yahweh-Elohim, we lift up Your name as "God the Creator" over all the earth (Gen.2:4-25).

May all people profess and worship You as the one and only "Creator" of the earth and the heavens.

Yahweh-Elohay, we lift up Your Name as the "Lord my God" over all the earth (Zech.14:5).

May all people come to call You the "Lord my God."

Yahweh, we lift up Your Name as the "One who exists on His own", the great "I AM" over all

the earth (Ex.3:14).

May all people come to know You by Your covenant Name.

El-Shaddai, we lift up Your Name as the "All-sufficient One" over all the earth (Gen.17:2).

May all people acknowledge You as the one who satisfies all their needs.

El-Roi, we lift up Your Name as the "God who sees" over all the earth (Gen.16:13-14).

May all people fear and tremble at Your sight!

Elohim, we lift up Your Name as the "Supreme God", the "One to whom all power belongs"

over all the earth (Gen.1:1).

May all people admit that You are supreme and that all power belongs to You.

Elah (or Eloah), we lift up Your Name as the "One who can be admired" over all the earth


May all people from all nations adore You.

FORGIVENESS & RECONCILIATION / Personal – Preparation to stand before God as an intercessor; Repent of all known and unknown sin; then come to him in surety of being fully part of the new covenant in Christ’s blood and in humility. Commit to be ethical in all you do. Thank Him for mercy and goodness.
Yourself: Forgive anyone that angered or upset you since your last prayer. Is there anyone you wronged whom you should ask to forgive you? Are you reconciled with all around you? Ask the Lord to bless them.
Others: Ask the Lord to forgive the sins of your family, and community/city/region. Ask Him to bless them. (Neh.1)

This is a very special time for you as intercessor with your God. It is the time to repent of past sin (again if necessary) and to talk to the Lord about present sin in your life or in your house. Listen to His leading through the Holy Spirit, because He might reveal new sin in your life to you.

Of utmost importance is you commit yourself to God that you will forgive all who have sinned against you.If we do not forgive, we cannot expect forgiveness.

Yourself:Father, I pray that you will forgive my sins in the Name of Jesus Christ.

And when you sinned against others (Matt.5:23)?

Lord,please forgive me what I said or did against XXXX. Help me to go as soon as I can to say I am sorry, correct if possible what I have done wrong, ask forgiveness and reconcile with those who I have done wrong to. Then do it!

Now stand before Him for the sins of other people, other cities and the nation.

Sins of the city or nation:Father, we confess the sin of bloodshed, idolatry, broken covenants and sexual immorality in our CITY/REGION and country and we know that You have said in your Word that You will demand an accounting for all sin (Gen.9:4). We acknowledge that these and other sin have been committed in various ways in our CITY/REGION in past generations and in the present generation and recent times. We pray in the Name of Jesus that You will forgive the sin of bloodshed, idolatry, broken covenants and sexual immorality in our CITY/REGION and will lift any curse that may rest on our CITY/REGION due to this. We thank you that we can know that through the New Covenant in the blood of Jesus these sins will be covered by the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus (Heb.12:24)

Continue to pray about the sin of bloodshed,idolatry, broken covenants and sexual immorality along the lines of your own specific experience or knowledge.

Other sin: Ask the Lord to guide you in praying for repentance of other sin in your country/city/region for the rest of your time.

12-22 / PERSONAL REVIVAL AND SPIRITUAL AWAKENING OF THE CHURCH / Ask the Lord to revive you spiritually. The previous 2 sessions prepared you to stand before Him as a sinner washed clean by Jesus’ blood. Ask the Lord to let revival start with you and ask him to change you inside out. Then pray the same for your family.
Ask the Lord to awaken your church spiritually. Pray the same for the churches in your town/city/region. Repent of pride, false gospel, competition and sin in the church. Specifically pray for Church leaders: pray for godly wisdom & guidance; members; finances; growth; God’s presence; protection against deception. Pray for all denominations and church types. Ask the Lord to visit your church and region with His cleansing fire.

You have praised and worshipped the Lord; You have repented from your sin and committed to live ethically. You have forgiven those who wronged you and reconciled where possible. You have asked for forgiveness and reconciled with those you wronged. Now stay before the Lord and ask Him to revive you spiritually.

Lord God, I come before you as a sinner cleansed by the blood of Jesus. Father God, I pray in the Name of Jesus and Through the Holy Spirit to revive me spiritually so that I can hear Your voice and follow You with my entire heart, soul and body. I acknowledge that I cannot do this, but through you, Lord Jesus, this can happen. Allow me to live a life that glorifies Your Name.

When you have finished calling out to the Lord, pray that He will do the same for your family.

Pray for revival of the church:

Lord, we pray for the season of Peter to come to the church in our country, city/ town or region.

In Matt.16:16-19 Simon Peter answered your question: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus replied: “… And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

We pray that You will raise up leaders who walk in integrity, who are strong in authority and lead their flocks according to biblical principles. We pray that You will give them authority to overcome the power of the enemy, that they may increase in the knowledge of Christ and for them to have the mind of Christ.

Repent of pride, false gospel, competition and other sin in the church.

Pray Jesus’ prayer for the church (John 17:20-26) – His emphasis is on unity.

Ask the Lord to visit your church and region with His cleansing fire.

22-27 / LISTEN / Listen to what God says & make notes (self; city/region & country). To still mind: meditate on Scripture.

Enjoy this time by just resting in the Lord and listening to Him. Remember to note any scripture or message that you felt the Lord spoke to you about! If your mind jumps around, just meditate on a scripture (such as Psalm 23) to still your mind.

LEADERS AND ALL IN AUTHORITY IN THE CITY/REGION & COUNTRY (1 TIM.2:1-3) / God’s heart is for us to love our neighbour, but even more if our neighbour has a need (Matt.24:31-46; James 1:27). Pray for social justice for the hungry, thirsty, in need of clothes, prisoners, ill, widows, orphans, strangers, those treated unjustly in any way. Specifically plead the case of thousands of children being aborted without cause in SA each year. They cannot plead their own case, but their blood cry out to God (Gen.4:10).
Leaders in every area of life play a major role in good governance, justice including social justice and peace.
Ask the Lord to bless and guide the leaders in your country/province or city/town: president & cabinet; provincial/state; city mayor & councillors. Business; Justice, Safety & Security, Education, Arts, Entertainment, Media, leaders of false religions.

Pray according to the guidelines given in the table above after reading Matthew 24:31-46 and James 1:27. Hear the Lord’s heart before you start praying for social justice!

Other scriptures to read and pray:

Concern for vulnerable ones reflects God’s character: Read Ps.146:7-9; Deut.10:17-18.

God wants us to pray and speak up on behalf of the vulnerable ones: Prov.31:8.

Praying for those in authority:

We pray for those in authority in general but specifically that they will ensure that justice is done in their areas of influence. The Lord is so serious about it that He pronounced a curse on authorities and all people that withhold justice to the vulnerable ones (Deut.27:19)