PAPER 1 311/1
- The main sources of information on the history of the Kenya communities during the pre-colonial period (1mk)
- Oral tradition
- Give one major causes for increased slave trade in East African coast in the 19th
Century (1mk)
- Increased internal demand for slave labour on clove plantation in Zanzibar, Pemba, Malindi and Mombasa.
- State the main reason why the Somali migrated into Kenya in the 19th century (1mk)
- The expansion of the Ethiopia empire
- State two impacts of development of railway transport of Kenya during colonial (2mks)
- Facilitated easily movement of goods and people
- Led to development of urban centres
- Promoted expansion of trade in and outside Kenya
- Promoted growth of industries
- Led to loss of land by some Africans
- Name two agents who monitors the violation of human rights in Kenya (2mks)
- Police
- Lawyers
- Kenya National Human Rights Commission
- Human rights activities
- Give two reasons why African were not allowed to grow cash crops in colonial Kenya (2mks)
- European feared competition
- Europeans did not want poor produce in the market
- Europeans claimed that Africans crops would spread crop pests and diseases on these crops.
- State two objectives of Kikuyu central Association (K.C.A ) (2mks)
- Restoration of alienated land
- Abolishment of Kipande system
- Abolishment of racial segregation/discrimination
- Release of Hurry Thuku
- Advocate for growing coffee for Africans
- Give two reasons for the establishment of independent churches during colonial time.
- Maintained law and order
- Declared war and peace
- Presided over religious ceremonies
- Name the company that administered Kenya on behalf of British government up to 1895 (1mk)
- Imperial British East Africa Company (IBEACO)
- State two roles played by Mekatilili in Agiriama resistance (2mks)
- Inspired the Agririama to prolong their resistance through rathing
- Presented Agiriama grievances to the British and some were addressed later
- Rallied people together against a common enemy
- Became a role model to women who later played great roles in the struggle for independence
- Mobilized her people into resistance through oathing which was a symbol
- Mention two symbols of National integration in Kenya(2mks)
- National flag
- National anthem
- Coat of arms
- Public seal
- National awards
- Identify two items that were imported to East African coast from Arabia by 15 :00 AD (2mks)
- Guns
- Beads
- Glassware
- Swords
- State two terms of Helgoland treaty of 1890 (2mks)
- Germany officially recognized Uganda as a British sphere of influence
- Germany abandoned her claim over with the exchange of Helgoland island
- Germany acquired a trip of land on the lake Tanganyika nad purchased the coast of Tanganyika from Sultan of Zanzibar
- The Sultan of Zanzibar retained 10 miles coastal n strip
- Identify the National philosophy adopted at independence to promote social justice (1mk)
- African socialism
- What is the main function of Kenya defense forces
- Defending the county from external aggression /invassion
- Name one way of resolving conflicts
- Mediation
- Arbitration
- Court
- Religious means
- Negotiation
- (a)State three functions of the council of elders among the Mijikenda in Pre-colonial period in Kenya (3mks)
- Preside over religious ceremonies
- Maintained law and order
- Acted as ritual experts
- Settled disputes
- Made community decisions
(b). Describe the social organization of the Maasai community in the pre-colonial period (12mks)
- Divided into two groups ;pastrola Maasai (purko) and agricultural Maasai (iloikop/kwa
- Kwari were looked down upon by the Purko, who saw the adoption of agriculture practices as a weakness
- Organized on clan basis each associated with a particular type of cattle
- Circumcision of both boys and girls at puberty
- Boys entered age-set after circumcision
- Boys joined the warrior-class known as Moran
- Moran’s live in Manyatta for t ten years .They were not allowed to marry until they became junior elders
- Moran’s adhered to ritual and dietary restrictions to ensure discipline e.g not taking milk from mothers house
- Existence of religious leaders (diviners and medicines men)
- Purko created the institution of oloibon who officiated religious ceremonies and was the custodian of religious rituals
- Oloibon blessed the warriors before war and performed rituals to word off epidemics and droughts
- Maasai believed in God whom they called Enkai
- Prayers and sacrifices were offered at the shrines
- Several social ceremonies that marked their rites of passage
- The rites of passage included birth, circumcision and death
- The eunoto ceremony marked the graduation of Moran’s into junior elders
- (a) Identify the five causes of the Nandi rebellion against the British (5mks)
- Safeguard their independence
- Protect their land from alienation
- Safeguard their wealthy from raiding
- Thought Europeans were devils because of clothes and clour
- Prophecy of kimnyole had kept them alert
(b) Describe the reasons that contributed to Nandi’s long resistances against the British (5mks)
- Employed the guarilla warfare
- Discipline and efficient army
- Knowledge of manufacturing weapons using railway stolen material
- Regular supply of food and weapons
- Orkoiyot was their symbol of unity and strength .He gave them courage to fight on
- Nandi were naturally proud and hence could not allow defeat
- (a) List five factors that led to spread of Islam in Kenya up to 19th century (5mks)
- Growth of the Indian Ocean trade where by Arabs spread Islam as they traded
- Intermarriage between the Arabs and the Bantus along the least
- Establish of Islamic schools
- Islamic way of life appealed to African e.g. dressing
- Settlement of Muslims along the coast who interacted with indigenous Kenyans
- Muslims accepting some Africans culture e.g. polygamy
(c). Explains five factors that led to decline of Portuguese’s power among the coast of East Africa (10mks)
- Decline of Indian Ocean trade
- Inadequate administration
- In adequate funds
- Rivalry from Dutch, British and French
- Portugal annexation with spain weakened it
- Constant revolt from costal people
- Lon distance from Portugal and goa delayed reinfor ements
- The man eaters (wazimba)attacked looted property and killed some Portuguese
- The Portuguese administration was corrupt
- (a) Identify five factors that undermined African Nationalism activities in Kenya between 193 9-1963 (5mks_
- Lacked transport and communication facilities
- Division among the nationalism
- Lack of proper coordination
- Inadequate funds
- Harassment by colonial government
- Collaborators affected the causes of nationalist
- Inadequate army and weapons compared to the British ones
`(b). Explain five factors which hastened the achievement of independence in Kenya after 1945 (10mks)
- Western Education Enabling African s to articulate their grievarence
- The experience of WW II ex –soldiers
- Granting of independence of India and Bakstan
- Atlantic charter (1941) supported colonization
- Spirit of pan-Africanism boosted nationalism
- Labour party in Britain favoured decolonization
- The emergence of USA and USSR supported decolonization
- The taxpayers in Europe were against colonolism because it was expensive
- United Nations supported decolonization
- (a) Conditions one need to fulfill to be a registered Kenyan citizen(2mks)
- Be married t Kenyan citizen for at least seven year
- Lawfully resident in Kenya for a continues period of at least seven years
- A child who is not a citizen but is adopted by a citizen
(b Discuss the values of a good citizenship (12mks)
- Be law abiding
- Patriotism and loyalty to ones county
- Participating in development activities
- Participating in development process
- Mindfull of others welfare
- Proper use of public resources
- Cultivating high moral values
- Participating in natural debaties ,referenda and other issues of national importance
- Reporting law breakers
- Working together with other citizens
- (a). What factors limits the supremacy of parliament in Kenya (5mks )
- Parliament cannot pass laws which contradict the constitution of Kenya
- The president is empowered to sidestep parliament and declare a sate of emergency if there is threat to National security
- A powerful cabinet can influence parliamentary decisions
- Kenya may be forced to ratify and apply international
- County assemblies can make laws which limit parliamentary supremacy
(c) Describe the constitution making process in Kenya (10mks)
- Civil education to create public awareness
- Collection and documentation of views to facilitates the drafting process
- Concerning of public hearings to get feedback from public
- Constitutional conference to discuss the drafts
- Parliament discussion of the draft
- Holding of referendums
- Presidential assent and promulgation of new constitutions
- (a) state the composition of the county executive committee (3mks)
- Governor
- Deputy governor
- County cabinet secretaries
(c) Discuss the functions of the county governor(12mks)
- Deals with early childhood development education
- Deals with polytechnic education
- Management of infrustractural development in the county e.g access roads
- Promotion of healthy services in the county
- Preservation of environment
- Promotion of agriculture
- Promotion of culture
- Ensuring animals control and welfare
- Development of trade
- Regulation of county public works
- Ensuring the fighting services and disaster management centers are available
- Control of dung usage
- Ensuring the participation of communities in governance at the local level
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