lkbal QkWj lksf’k;ks bdksukWfed MsOgyiesaV
Science for Socio-Economic Development
dk;Zdze gsrq izi=
Format for programme
1-laLFkk dk uke------
Name of the organisation------
2-foHkkx dk uke ¼;fn 'kkldh; gks½------
Name of the Department------
3-dk;ZØe leUo;d dk uke] irk ¼fiu dksM lfgr½] Qksu] bZ&esy ¼gLrk{kfjr ck;ksMkVk] QksVks lfgr layXu djsa½
Name, address (with Pin code), phone, email (enclose Signed bio data with photograph) of programme Co-ordinator------
4-dk;ZØe fooj.k
Programme Details:
v-izLrkfor dk;ZØe dk 'kh"kZd------
Title of the proposed programme------
c-dk;Zdze LFky ------xzke@’kgj------ftyk------jkT;------
Venue of the programme ------Village/Town------District------State------
l-dk;ZØe vof/k------fnuakd------ls------rd
Duration of Programme ------Date------From------to
n- Yk{; lewg & lkekU;@vkfne tkfr@vuqlwfpr tkfr@vU; detksj oxZ@efgyk;sa ¼izR;sd oxZ dh la[;k dk mYys[k djsa½ ------
Target Group (General / SC/ST/Other Weaker Section /Women (mention no. of each category) ------
b- dk;ZØe dh Hkwfedk ¼{ks= dh LFkkuh; vko’;drk dh tkudkjh lfgr½] mn~ns’;] dk;Zfof/k ,oa nSfud
Introduction (including local needs), Objectives, Methodology & Date wise Action Plan of the Programme
5-lg;ksxh laLFkkvksa ds uke ¼laLFkk dk lgefr i= layXu djsa½------
Name of the collaborating agencies (enclose consent letter) ------
6-izLrkfor dk;Zdze@izdYi ds fy, L=ksr O;fDr;ksa dh tkudkjh
Information about resource person for the proposed programme
dz-No. / uke ,oa irk
Name & Address / 'kS{kf.kd ;ksX;rk
Educational Qualification / izLrkfor dk;Zdze dk vuqHko
Experience of proposed programme / izLrkfor dk;Zdze ds fy;s L=ksr O;fDr;ksa dk lgefr i= layXu djsaA
Enclose consent letter of resource person for proposed programme
7- laLFkk esa miyC/k lqfo/kk, ¼ laLFkk dk Lo;a Hkou@fdjk;s dk Hkou] miyC/k QuhZpj dh tkudkjh] bysDVªkfud midj.kksa dh tkudkjh] laLFkk LVkQ dh tkudkjh½
Infrastructure available in the institution (Institutions building own/rented, Available Furniture, Available Electronic Equipment, Information about Staff of Organization)
8- laLFkk dh vU; ftyksa esa 'kk[kk,aW------
Branches of the Organization in other districts------
9-dk;Zdze esa foKku ,oa izkS|ksfxdh vk/kkfjr izfdz;kvksa@rduhdh dk mYys[k djsa ¼U;wure 200 'kCnksa esa½
Mention Scientific methodology/techniques in the proposed programme (max. in 200 words)
10-izLrkfor dk;Zdze dk ifj;kstuk dk vuqekfur ctV en lfgr------
Itemwise budget for proposed programme / project
11.izLrkfor dk;Zdze ds fy;s vU;laLFkksa ls izkIr vuqnku jkf’k ………….
Amount taken from other agencies for proposed programme.
fu;e vkSj 'krsZa
- dk;Zdze dk izLrko 09 izfr;ksa esa izLrqr djsaA
- dk;Zdze izLrko ds lkFk fuEu fyf[kr nLrkost ¼,d izfr esa½ layXu djsaA
O;k[;k i= ¼covering letter½] iath;u lfVZfQdsV] mifu;e ¼ck;ykt½ dh Nk;k izfr] laLFkk ds dk;Z dk foxr 03 o"kZ dk izxfr izfrosnu] laLFkk ds 03 o"kZ dh vkMhVsM fjiksVZ] orZeku inkf/kdkfj;ksa dh lwph /kkjk 27 ds varxZr jftLVªkj QeZ ,oa lkslkbVh }kjk lR;kfir
- laLFkk dk cSad [kkrk u-] cSad dk uke] IFSC dksM
- ?kks"k.kk&i=
1- laLFkk dks jkT;@dsUnz 'kklu }kjk iwoZ o"kksZ esa dkyh lwph esa ugh j[kk x;k gSa
2- Ikfj"kn~ ds dk;Zdze@ifj;kstuk izLrko gsrq nh xbZ fu;e ,oa 'krksZ ds vuqikyu gsrq laLFkk lger gSA
gLrk{kj fnukad lfgr ¼laLFkk izeq[k½