- Trader/ Exporter’s name: BOX 1
2. Packer/production unit code identified on packaging (if other than trader)
BOX 3 /
- Official authority/Competent authority:
Inspection body:
Perishable Products Export Control Board (PPECB), designated by the Minister of Agriculture as Assignee
4. Country of origin
Republic of South Africa / 5. Country of destination
6. Means of Transport: BOX 5 / AIR / SEA / ROAD / 7. National regulations:
Issued in terms of the regulations regarding control of the export of certain products, published under section 15 of the Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990)
Container numbers:
8. Packages(number and type)
BOX 7 / 9. Type of product (variety if the standard specifies)
BOX 8 / 10. Quality class
BOX 9 / 11. Total weight in kg gross/net
BOX 10
12. This is to certify that samples of the products specified herein have been inspected and, at the time of inspection complied with the standards and requirements specified in terms of section 4(3) of the Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990.
…………………………………………………………. Customs office foreseen: entry BOX 11
13. Period of validity days: 40 days by Sea or Land and 10 days by Air BOX 12
Inspection Stamp
BOX 13 / Date of Issue: BOX 14
Place of Issue: BOX 15
Inspector: BOX 16
Signature: BOX 17
14. Comments/observations: BOX 18
” Any person who alters this certificate or makes a document or causes a document to be made which purports to be this certificate shall be guilty of an offence in terms of the Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990.”
EJVR/tp5/Export Certificate - Fresh Vegetables&Notes.mas
The following notes are intended to help certifying officers as well as persons responsible for the preparation of the certificate.
Box 1:
The name and address of the exporter or exporting company. An identification code issued or approved by the competent authority may also be used.
Box 2:
Indicate the serial number that is constituted as follows: The PPECB Area code followed by an unique serial number. The unique serial number will constitute the number of the security paper once the security paper has been issued.
Should the exporter for his/her own record wish to include a unique reference it may be inserted after the unique serial number provided it is proceeded by a front slash “/”.
Box 3:
Name and Identification code indicated on the packages if they differ from those given in Box 1. It is not necessary to complete this box when the exporter and packer/production unit code is one and the same. The entry “various” may be used if there are several packers/production unit codes (PUC).
Box 4:
Specify the name of the country to which the produce is being sent thus the country of destination. However if the country of final destination is not yet known at the time of inspection or certification, this entry may be replaced by the indication ”unknown”.
Box 5:
Indicate the means of transport by changing the colour of the font of “AIR” or “ROAD” or “SEA” from white to black as in the example below OR marking the relevant means either “AIR” or “SEA” or “ROAD” with an X.
Means of Transport: BOX 5 / AIR / SEA / ROADMeans of Transport: BOX 5 / AIR / SEA / ROAD
Box 6:
Specify the name of the vessel, if applicable or the word “unknown”.
Specify the container number(s) in which the produce are shipped, where applicable. The entry “various” may be used if there are several containers. The entry “not applicable” may be used if produce is not shipped or transported in a container.
Box 7:
Specify the number and type of packages. (e.g. 10 boxes, 10 cartons, 10 pockets, 10 crates, 10 trays)
Box 8:
Type of product (apples, pears etc)
Cultivar or variety when required by the marking requirements of the standards and requirements for that specific product. (Golden Delicious, Topred etc)
Box 9:
Specify the quality class: “EXTRA”; “CLASS 1”; “CLASS 2”.
Box 10:
Specify the total net OR gross weight in kg of each of the types of produce in the consignment approved for export, if known. This can be obtained from the weighing slip or consignment note. If the weight is not known the entry “unknown” may be used. NOTE: Delete the net or gross which is not applicable.
Box 11:
To be completed by the authority of the importing country.
Box 12:
Specify the period for which the certificate shall be valid. In the case of export by sea or land (road) specify 40 days and in the case of export by air 10 days. THIS IS FROM THE DATE ON WHICH THE CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED.
Box 13:
ONLY inspectors authorised as certifying officers may stamp and sign certificates.
Stamped with a stamp indicating Republic of South Africa, Agricultural Products Standards and with a date of certification. The stamp should preferably be of a colour that is not easy to photocopy.
Box 14
The date on which the certificate was issuedshall be indicated here.
NOTE: In the event where a certificate is not issued on the day of inspection the exporter will provide the PPECB with a correctly completed signed Addendum document that contains all required information.
Box 15:
Enter the town or city name of the PPECB office where the certificate is issued.
Box 16:
The name and surname of the PPECB inspector who inspected/certified the product shall be entered here in easy readable letters.
Box 17:
An inspector appointed as certifying officer and authorised to approve consignments shall enter his or her signature.
Box 18:
Reserved for additional observations. The inspector shall delete this box when no observations are entered.
EJVR/tp5/Export Certificate - Fresh Vegetables&Notes.mas