(Eight blank lines on first page)

Instructions for authors of papers – Title of the paper (font type - Arial Narrow, font size - 14-Point, bold, left-hand margin, in capitals)

(one blank line – 14-point)

First Author 1, Second Author 2, Third Author 3, … (12-point, Italic, Bold, left-hand margin )
(one blank line – 14-point)
1 University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski”, 1700 Sofia, E-mail (10-point, italic)
2 Geological institute, BASc, 1113 Sofia
3 Laboratory of geophysics, 11527 Athens

(one blank line – 14-point)

ABSTRACT. The abstract should be limited to 100 or 200 words and giving a brief summary of the most relevant aspects of the paper. Use paragraph format without indentation and the entire paper width (single-spaced, plain text, 8 point, justified).

(one blank line – 14-point)

TITLE (10-POINT, Bold, all caps, at the left-hand margin, in english)

First Author 1, Second Author 2, Third Author 3, … (10-point, Italic, Bold, left-hand margin, small caps )

1 University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski”, 1700 Sofia, e-mail (10-point, italic)

2 Geological Institute, BASc, 1113 Sofia

ABSTRACT IN BULGARIAN. The Organizing Committee of the International Scientific Session at the University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski” will provide a translation of the abstract into Bulgarian. Please, leave as many empty lines as you used to write an abstract in English. You should use the whole width of the printing area, no columns, no formulas, (8 points).

Introduction (bold, 12 point, on the left)

These instructions refer to preparation of papers for the International Scientific Session‘2009 of the University of Mining and Geology, which will be held from 19 to 20 October 2009 in Sofia. Maximum paper length is 6 (six) pages, prepared according these instructions. The first page contains the title, authors’ names, company (organization) of affiliation, country, abstracts and text. The text file is saved as a *.doc file in WORD ’97 or WORD ‘2000 for WINDOWS. Large files are archived by ZIP or RAR. Files, submitted by the Internet are also archived ZIP or RAR.

All text should be written in Arial Narrow, 10 point. The paper is prepared on pages of size A-4 (210mm x 297 mm). Margins for each page are as follows:

Page Setup:

top: 1.8 cm; bottom: 2..2 cm; left: 2 cm; right: 2 cm.

Paragraph: Line spacing: Single; Alignment: Justified.


The text is presented in two columns of 0.8 cm space between them. Graphics, figures and photographs should be adjusted to adhere to a single column width. Exception (using both columns) is admitted only if positioning of a certain table of figure by the standard approach is absolutely impossible.


Papers are printed by a high quality laser jet on standard A-4 sheets (210 mm × 297 mm), use white paper and black ink, on one side only. Text is single spaced, Arial Narrow 10-point. There is a space between the end of a sentence (after the period) and the beginning of the following sentence. The first line of each paragraph is intended three spaces.

Main headings

The use of three types of headings is possible. Main headings (first level) are typed with bold, 12-point, left-hand aligned. There are two blank lines before and a blank line after first level headings.

Second level heading

Second level headings are left-hand aligned and typed by Arial Narrow, bold, 10-point. The text follows immediately. There is a blank line before second level heading.

Third level heading

Third level headings are left-hand aligned by bold, 10-point, italic. There is a blank line before third level heading.


Footnotes should be avoided. If they are absolutely necessary, they may be denoted in the text with consecutive numbers[1] and a font size of 8 points. Separate footnotes from the main text by double-spacing and drawing a line extending halfway across the column, immediately above the footnote.


Graphics, illustrations and drawings are positioned as close as possible to the first reference to them. Graphics are centered within the column margins. There is a blank line above and below each graphics. Figure number and caption is positioned below the graphic.

Fig. 1. Figure caption is left-hand aligned (8-point, bold)


Tables are positioned as close as possible to the first reference to them. They are centered within column margins. There is a blank line above and below each table. The table number and title should be positioned above the table and left-hand aligned within column width .

Table 1

Number tables in a consecutive order (10-p., italic)

Number / Point / Measurement
1 / 2 / 3
5 / 987 / 784


Equations are typed by Equation 3.0 on a separate line with a blank line above and below the equation. Equations are numbered consecutively and aligned to the right-hand margin of the column.


Numbering of pages

Do not introduce page numbers in the file. Slightly hand-write the page number by a pencil at the upper right—hand corner of each page of the paper.


References to bibliography are referred in the main text by author’s name and year of publication, for example: “Similar results is published in Smith (1993)” or “Data are published (Smith, 1993) ...”

If sources and authors that are cited are more than once, they are put in parentheses and order in the following way: (Иванов et al., 1983; Davis et al., 1989; Биков и Петров, 1990; Jones and Miller, 1990).

List of reference sources specifies the names of all the authors.

References are listed alphabetically at the end of the text. Name of journal is typed in italics, if the source is from a journal, the title of book or proceedings, if the source is from a symposium or congress. If the source is a book or proceedings the town of publishing is types (abbreviated for Sofia – S and Moscow – М.), publisher and pages (if the source is from the Latin alphabet – publisher, town and pages).

Examples (hanging 0.5 mm)

Asenov, A. 1991. Fundamentals of Geology. Nauka i Izkustvo, Sofia, 234 p. (in Bulgarian)

International Tables for X-ray Crystallography. Vol. 1. Symmetry Groups. 1969. International Union of Crystallography, Kynoch Press, Birmingham, 588 p.

Johnson, P., R. К. Richards. 2003. Ecological problems in the environment. – In: Ecology and Man (Eds. Evans, P., G. Sotirov, I. Ivanov). John Wiley, New York, 345–356.

Kleber, W. 1990. Einführung in die Kristallographie. 17 Aufl., Verlag Technik, Berlin, 416 S.

Morphology of Crystals. Part A & B (Ed. Sunagawa, I.). 1987. Terra Scientific Publishing Co., Tokyo, D. Reidel Publishing Co., Dordrecht – Boston – Lancaster – Tokyo, 743 p.

Vasilev, O. 1999. Geochemical content of coals. – In: European Coal Geology and Technology. Geol. Soc. Spec. Publ., 125, 141–149.

Additional items

Items concerning the technical preparation of the text may be consulted by Eng. Teodora Hristova – Publishing House at the University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski”, phone number: + 359 2 962 72 20/560; + 359 2 962 54 33.

Submission of papers

The following is prepared for submission of paper:

1.  Original and a copy of perfect quality, printed on sheets A4 (210mm x 297m) and a 3,5” disc or CD or via the Internet to the e-mail of the session – .

2.  A disc (3.5") or CD, with a label of authors’ names and title of paper. Please use the WINDOWS 98 or WINDOWS 2000.

3.  Copy of a document, certifying the payment of registration fee.

[1] smaller font size (8 point), uppercase, at the bottom of the page on which they appear.