4867 N. DuPont Highway

Dover, DE 19901


Academy Handbook


“Academic Excellence at a Higher Level”









Academic Day

Absences (Excused)

Absences (Unexcused)

Excessive Absences


Early Dismissal

Inclement Weather



Make up work


Progress Report and Report Card


Honor Roll Recognition

Exemplary Leader Recognition


Dress Code

Hair Styles/Color/Hats


Academy Phone Use

Electronic Devices

Student Records

Bullying and Harassment

Students Contact


Rules of Conduct18

Student Conduct and Discipline

Submission of Pupils to Authority


Minor violation

Major violation



New Admission


Field Trips

Lost and Found


Classroom Celebrations

Health Policy

Medicine Administration

Parent/Volunteer Involvement

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Fellowship


REVISED JULY 2016. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES OUTLINED IN MANUALS DISTRIBUTED PRIOR TO THIS VERSION ARE NULL AND VOID. KCA reserves the right to revise, supplement, or rescind any policies or portions of this handbook as it deems necessary. Kingdom Christian Academy, Inc. admits students of any race, color, gender, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the academy. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, and other academy administered programs. KCA is a religious corporation and does exercise its right to discriminate based upon and to promote Christian principles. Kingdom Christian Academy is an affiliate corporation of Crossroad Christian Church, Inc.



Here at Kingdom Christian Academy We….

Love learning

Excel in all we do

Achieve goals together

Do what is right”

We “LEAD”!!!!


“Academic Excellence at a Higher Level”

Kingdom Christian Academy has the grace to commit to The FIVE T.I.E.R.S. of Education:

  1. Teaching Children.

Kingdom Christian Academy’s commitment is to nurture, direct and guide the student in the pursuit of knowledge through the principles of the Word of God.

  1. Instilling the truth of the Bible into the hearts and minds of students.

Kingdom Christian Academy believes that God’s word is the final authority and the only source of truth. We believe that God and/or a Godly principle can be discovered in every subject area and our students will be taught how to apply His word to every situation in life.

  1. Ensuring quality education for every student.

Kingdom Christian Academy provides teachers with high spiritual and academic supportand development.

The academy provides a well disciplined and conducive learningenvironment for every student. We believe that every student has the right to receive a quality education from teachers who are committed to them as individuals. We incorporate traditional and innovative teaching methods.

  1. Reinforcing the Parent’s Role.

Kingdom Christian Academy partners with parents in order to build up and support our students. Our teachers aim to establish and maintain close communication with parents in order to effectively address any matters pertaining to our students’ education.

5. Striving to lead students to Jesus Christ.

Kingdom Christian Academy’s ultimate goal is to lead every student to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Believing that wholeness in life comes only through a relationship with Jesus Christ, we emphasize the priority of believing, receiving and obeying Him as Savior and Lord.


We Believe…

  • The Bible is the inspired Word of God II Timothy 3:16
  • In the Born Again experience (salvation) John 3:3; Romans 10:9-10
  • Christians daily conduct is in God’s WordII Corinthinans 7:1; Romans12
  • Jesus paid the price for our healing and

Salvation, therefore healing is for all1 Peter 2:24; Isaiah 53:4-9

  • In sharing the good news of the Gospel,

“Jesus Christ” with others as commandedMatthew 28:19-20

  • In tithing10% of all our increase Genesis 14:20;Proverbs 3:9 Malachi 3:10
  • In keeping the ordinances of Water Baptism
  • In the Lord’s Supper (Holy Communion)Matthew 28:19-20 1 Corinthians 12:4-10
  • In the Operations of the gifts of the Spirit1 Corinthians 12:4-10

Romans 12:5-8; Ephesians 4:11

  • In the fruit of the Spirit for every believerGalatians 5:22-23
  • In the triune God; The Father, The Son,

And the Holy SpiritMatthew 28:20;1John 22-24; John 14:16,17,26


Each student has the responsibility to show respect to the American and Christian flags. Each morning during chapel students will recite the pledges and will participate in the Bible salute. Each student is required to show full respect to the flags and to the Word of God.

Pledge to the American Flag

I pledge allegiance to the Flag and the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Pledge to the Christian Flag

I pledge allegiance to the Christian Flag and to the Savior for whose Kingdom it stands, one Savior, crucified, risen and coming again with life and power to all who believe.

Pledge to the Bible

I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God’s Holy Word. I will make it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. I will hide its Word in my heart that I might not sin against God.

Dear Families,

We are glad you have chosen Kingdom Christian Academy. Here at “The” academy, we strive for excellence in education through high expectations of our students.By usingthe ABEKA curriculum, your child will be instructed at an appropriate developmental level, while engaging in interactive activities. Our mandatory dress code aids us in providing a less distractive learning environment and we know with your support of this policy your child will flourish at the academy. Our staff at KCA is qualified to provide learning experiences and care to children ages 3-5.

Here at KCA, we believe parents are students’ first teachers and value their input and presence at the academy. We encourage our families to visit and volunteer at events and in the classrooms to share in the educational experiences with our students. Parents are also urged to participate in fund raising efforts that support the programs, field trips and graduation ceremonies.

Please remember to utilize this handbook as your first source of information about the policies, procedures, curriculum, and program fees of KCA. We thank you in advance for adhering to all of the guiding principles in this guide, as we work together to build a strong academic foundation towards the destiny God has for every child enrolled at…Kingdom Christian Academy

Academy Director


Prior to enrollment, a member of our staff team will meet with you to complete the enrollment paperwork, provide basic center Information, and to introduce you and your child to the classroom staff (if available). During this meeting, parents areencouraged to ask questions, inquire about volunteer opportunities and become familiar with our surroundings.

In order for your child to start their experience, your child’s file must include the following:

• Child care registration form

• A current physical with up to date immunizations, signed by the physician

• First payment

• If applicable, Purchase of Care authorization form


If, at any time, your address or any phone numbers change, please inform the administration and your child’s teachers immediately. It is extremely important for both teachers and the office to have your current information to be able to reach you at all times.


An annual physical and up-to-date immunization record are required for all children at the time of enrollment. Children over the age of 1 must also have a documented lead screening on file. Please help us keep your child’s file up-to-date with shots received throughout the year. Children in our Full Day Child Care programs must have proof of a physical every 12 months. Children in our School Age & Camp programs must submit a current physical at the time of enrollment and are encouraged to submit annual physicals.


Your child’s records are confidential. The staff will not share your child’s records with anyone without written parental consent or court order. Parents have access to their child’s records upon request and may request additional relevant information be added to the records.


Upon acceptance to KCA, all students are placed in a probationary status for 60 days. The administration will evaluate each new student upon completion of this allotted time frame. In order to receive permanent status, the student must not

be on either academic or disciplinary probation. This time allows for a period of adjustment for the child, the family and the staff to learn to one another. After the 60 day probationary period, if Administration determines the student has needs that KCA is unable to accommodate, the parents will be encouraged or remain required to seek alternative educational arrangement.

The Academy retains the right to terminate, at its sole discretion, the enrollment of a child throughout the probationary period. Any decision to discontinue enrollment in the Academy will occur within sixty (60) days of entrance into the academy unless the Academy agrees to extend the probationary period in an effort to assist the child’s adjustment.

Any termination will be documented in writing, and depending on the issue, parents may be granted a reasonable period of time, not to exceed 2 weeks, to make alternative arrangements.

Below are a few examples of reasons for termination, but are not limited to the following:

1) It is a requirement that all students use the restroom independently. If it is determined that a student is still facing challenges in this area, thenthe Academy administration will consult with the parents about the student’s enrollment.

2) Some children become emotionally upset for extended periods of time due to separation or other emotional issues. This resistance on the part of the child will often dissipate with maturity; however a child’s inability to adjust may result in the suspension of matriculation at KCA.

3) Somechildren may have more difficulties being a part of a structured academic program. If the student continues to exhibit traits of resistance to the order and structure of the academic program, the Academy will recommend that the child be placed in a less intensive, structured environment in order for the child to mature and develop, this may often take place in a typical childcare facility.

4) Particular children display aggressive or uncooperative behaviors, which pose a threat to themselves or others. For the protection of the student, other classmates and the staff, these situations will be addressed quickly. Consultations with the parents are conducted on a frequent basis. If the behavior continues to be a safety concern, a decision will be made as to whether the student will remain at KCA or if the student will be expelled for the current academy year. Parents will be notified in writing about the decision of the Academy Board.

5) If it becomes apparent that the parents no longer agrees with Academy’s philosophy, policies, procedures, religious practices and beliefs and a resolution is unattainable, the Academy will require that the family seek a setting that is compatible to the parents’ point of view.

6) If it becomes evident that parents are unwilling to partner with teachers and KCA staff, and a resolution is unattainable, the Academy will require that the family seek a setting that is compatible with their practices. The Academy staff sees its role in partnership with parents, as nurturers and educators, and feels strongly that teachers and other staff should not become involved in any family controversy.


All payments are due the Friday BEFORE the upcoming week of attendance and will be made using the Procare system.


1.Payments received after your scheduled payment day, are subject to a $20 late fee. (Late fees do not apply to Purchase of care participants)

2.If tuition is not current by the grace period end date, 10 days after scheduled payment date then the student will be placed on financial suspension until the tuition is current.

Families whose accounts are delinquent will not be allowed to reenroll until accounts are satisfied.

3.Report cards and/or student records (transcripts) will not be issued for students with delinquent accounts.


1.KCA reserves the right not to accept a check for payment of fees.

2.Post-dated checks will not be accepted.

3.Parents will not be allowed to pay by check if their bank has returned two or more of their checks.

4.All returned check payments must be made within 5 business days of notification.

5.Payments for the returned check must be made by certified check or money order.

6.A return check fee of $20.00 plus any applicable late fees will be added to your account.

7.If payments have not been received within 5 business days of notification, then the student will be placed on financial suspension until the total payment is made.


1.All withdrawals from the Academy must go through the Main Office.

2.All financial obligations must be met in accordance with the signed contract agreement

3.Student transcripts and records will not be forwarded until all financial obligations at the Academyare met.


Sign in procedure

You must accompany your child into our center and place the child under direct supervision center and place the child under direct supervision of KCAstaff by signing your child in at the beginning of the day using the PROCARE system. This as a mandatory procedure and an important safety precaution that ensures each teacher knows which children are in attendance.

Pick up Procedures

You must sign your child out each day. In the event of a handbook change, parents will be notified. During registration, you must designate a list of persons authorized to pick up your child. Those “authorized” to pick-up must be at least 18 years of age and may not be listed in any “Megan’s Law” or sex offender databases, as these individuals will be denied access to the building. Your child may be picked up by the adults listed on the application who meet these requirements. All other persons must have written consent from you in advance. Identification will be requested of all unfamiliar people picking up your child. In an emergency, verbal consent along with a faxed copy of written consent will be accepted only when the Center Director can reach you at a phone number previously provided on the registration form. This call back system ensures that you are actually the person giving permission for the change. Please ensure that we have your current phone numbers and updated emergency contact information on file at all times.

If someone is listed in your child’s file as “Unauthorized to Pick-Up” and attempts to do so, staff members will use the following guidelines (not necessarily in this order):

• Ask person to speak with administrator on duty.

• Call parent(s).

• Call 911.

• Take child as far away from person attempting to pick up as possible. If a person threatens our center staff or other children, we are required to release the child and call 911. If the person attempting pick- attempting pick-up is a legal parent or guardian, we are required up is a legal parent or guardian, we are required to release the child unless we have a copy of a court release the child unless we have a copy of a court order stating otherwise. The safety of your child is our highest priority. We respect the rights of parents to access their own child. However, if our staff feel a parent or designated pick up person is in an unsafe condition to drive or otherwise leave with their child (such as under the influence of drugs or alcohol), the staff may suggest that the parent or the staff call another person on the approved list, a friend or relative, or a cab. The staff may also call 911 for assistance and to report the incident.


The Academy day begins at 8:00a.m.; however,students may arrive between 8:00a.m and 8:15a.m. If a student arrives after 8:15a.m., the parent must check in him/her in the Main Office. The Before Care program is available for students arriving between 7:00a.m. -8:00a.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room. Students arriving prior to 8:00.a.m, and are NOT enrolled in the Before Care program, must remain in the lobby with an escort of legal driving age until they are released to their teacher. If a student isleft in the lobby alone, they will be placed in the Before Care and student accounts will assess the fees.

The Academy day ends at 3:00p.m., so students who are not enrolled in the After Care program must be retrieved promptly at 3:00p.m. Please refer to the section outlining our Before/After Care Policy which explains “drop in” policy fees and notice requirements.The After Care procedures and policies become effective at 3:00p.m.!

Students will not be released to anyone not listed on the Student Authorized Pickup form. Identification will be required if anyone other than the parent retrieves the student. Students will not be dismissed from the Academy without an adult escort.


There are times when students must be absent. Unanticipated occurrences, illnesses, death in the immediate family, or emergency situations are excused. Anticipated occurrences, funerals, medical appointments, trips, etc. are also excused but a note must be provided prior to the absence. The signed note must explain the reason for the absence. Teachers record the absence as excused. The written excuse will be retained in the student files. Students will be allowed to makeup assignments and tests with excused absences.

**A note that merely states, “Please excuse Johnny for this absence/late” will be treated as an unexcused absence, as details are not provided for the absence/tardiness. **