EHS Baseball Booster Club Meeting Minutes:

December 12, 2016 at 7:00 PM (Emmaus High School, Rm 353)

Present: Gayle Cichocki, Dawn Lynch, Linda Gery, Karen Schichtl, Andy Moxey, Allison Moxey, Joe Petrizzi, Melissa Shaner, Staci Foley, Chris Foley, David Hahn, Marianne Alliston, Sue Featerby

Secretary Report (Linda Gery):

November meeting minutes were posted on the website. Motion to approve by Dave, seconded by Staci. Minutes approved.

Treasurer’s Report (Dawn Lynch):

Lots of old files were passed onto Dawn when she took over - discussion about guidelines for document retention. No need to keep files older than 7 years, with the exception of income statements or important info for historical reference.

Web Coordinator (Karen Schichtl):

Gayle will clean up the Booster info page.


·  Weis/Giant gift cards (Staci Foley) – ~$869 in food card profit so far, will continue to promote to players and their families. Pretty much only 4 families purchase consistently.

·  Applebee’s Pancake Breakfast – Allison reserved 4/2/17. Melissa Shaner will help coordinate. Gayle has some gift cards and items left over from the Golf Tournament that can be used for raffle.


·  Insurance – Gayle will renew in January - $205/year

·  Meet the Player – Cafeteria is reserved for 3/23/17 from 5-8 PM

·  Banquet (Allison Moxey & Karen Schichtl) – Liz talked to the Alburtis Tavern, the date is good. Still waiting to hear back from Brookside and Bear Creek. Soccer recently used Bear Creek and said it was nice, but expensive. Italiano Delight was also mentioned, but baseball had tried that venue in the past and did not work out the best. Quick discussion about gifts: a suggestion was made to create Shutterfly books.

·  Scholarship – The criteria and purpose of the “Spirit of the Game” scholarship was reviewed. All agreed to increase the budget and split between 2 senior players; $300 awarded for academics and $300 based on essay responses. It was also decided to require less questions and essay responses in order to help keep the applicants anonymous. Judy Marushak will still oversee, hopefully get 1 parent from grades 9-11 on the committee.

·  Annual and Program Sponsors – More options to be offered. Maybe a credit to those who sponsored the Golf Tournament? Karen was asked for her feedback, as a sponsor last season.

·  Amazon Smile – Working, but does not generate a lot of profit. Not all purchases qualify. We will watch quarterly earnings and continue to get the word out. A suggestion was made to add the info onto the Letter Campaign correspondence so we can build awareness and offer another way to support the team.

·  Fundraising Options – While we are set with our fundraising for the upcoming season, Gayle will file other options that could be considered: a company that assists with fundraising, for a fee; restaurants that offer fundraising nights; Reading Phillies booklets

·  Open Committee Chair Positions – Spots are beginning to fill. The Marushaks just offered to chair Youth Night (no date set). Still need help with:

o  Miracle League, Annual Sponsorship, Away Game Meals, Election, Mentor Night

Coach’s Report (Mike Mihalik): presented by Gayle in coach’s absence

·  Game Schedule – 20 game schedule is posted on Schedule Star (link on our website)

·  Spring Trip – Tentative for March 17-18. Trip may include games at University of Maryland and/or swing by University of Delaware. Latrobe High School offered their field for a scrimmage.

·  Batting Cage – Emmaus Borough has agreed to pave/stone a 70’ X 30’ area (2 cages) to the far left by the daycare at Community Park. The Booster club would pay for the turf and structure. In the future it could be enclosed. It is hoped that this project will be completed this year.

Next meeting: January 9th at 7 PM, EHS Room 353

Submitted by Linda Gery, Secretary