EGSA Meeting, April 5, 2010: 4:00pm, ASI
In Attendance:
Vanessa Aponte
Amanda Bachmann
Eric Bohnenblust
Tim Ciarlo
Tracy Conklin
Maggie Douglas
Ian Grettenberger
Sean Halloran
Holly Holt
Beth Irwin
Kerry Mauck
Dan Schmehl
Sheena Sidhu
Salil Siriwat
Jason Smith
General Info:
- At the last Faculty Meeting, Gary asked for student feedback on the new candidacy exam format. If you have comments, please email them to Dan.
- A student-led Taxonomy Club will begin soon to teach insect identification to those who are interested. Tracy has agreed to coordinate the details. There will be a planning session on Wednesday April 14 from 4-5pm in Head House 3 classroom 102. Please attend this meeting if you are interested in participating in the club, as important details concerning objectives, format, and scheduling will be discussed.
- New critters have joined our department! We now have two giant African black & red millipedes, four bumblebee millipedes, one southwest tiger centipede, and one chaco golden knee tarantula that will need lots of care. Holly will be creating name cards with fun facts for all of the critter tanks to help visitors ‘know what to look for.’ Also, thank you to everyone who signed up for the next round of critter care duty. Ian will post the updated Critter Care Instructions on the EGSA website, so please refer to it when you are caring for the critters.
- Departmental Committee Nominations will be taking place soon, so stay tuned!
- EGSA Officer Electionsare happening now! Please refer to the email Dan sent regarding nominations and voting.
- Collecting Trip: June 18-20. Holly reported that votes for the collecting trip location resulted in a tie between Prince William Forest and Douthat State Park (both in VA). She will look into getting collecting permits for both places and get back to us on the results.
- Outreach: Check out the Outreach Calendar on the EGSA website – it’s useful for seeing which events still need volunteers. Also, if anyone is interested in coordinating a Bug Display for this year’s Fourth Fest (July 4), please email Dan. Volunteers for that event get free VIP passes to State College’s impressive fireworks display!!
- Financial Report: Sheena will email the financial report soon.
- GSA Announcements: April 16: Adam Ruben, comedian/author, similar to PhD comics guy, ask Sheena for details; April 17: GSA Spring Banquet, Penn Stater Hotel, 7pm-midnight, $15 for students, free shuttle bus from HUB to/from banquet
Upcoming Events:
- GSA Events: April 16 – Adam Ruben: comedian/author; April 17 – Spring Banquet
- Next EGSA meeting: May 3, 4pm CEL