Logan CommunityMental Health Network
Date: / 5th October 2016 at 2.10 pm – 3.30 pmChairperson: / Rod Buchner, MSAMHS
Minutes: / Karen Gale, Administration Officer MSAMHS
Venue: / Conference Room 51 Wembley Road Logan Central
No / Item:
1. / Opening and Attendance: Chair welcomed all members and introductions were made.
RB - Rod Buchner, Service Integration Coordinator, MSAMHS
AG – Alix Gibson, Service Delivery Manager, NEXTT
JP - Jo Pressick, Community Educator, Logan Women’s Health Centre
GS – Gail Symonds, Primary Care Liaison Officer, MSAMHS
MR – Michael Roennfeldt, Snr Coordinator, FSG
TO – Tammy Outridge, Facilitator, FSG
JF – Jen Fredericks, Post Release Support Worker, Aust. Comm. Support Org (ASCO)
SK – Sio Kite, ACSO
IR – Isabel Rivera, Program Manager, YFS PHaMS
BS – Brett Stevens, Relationship Manager, BSPHN
TS – Tanya Shih, Peer Support, Wellbeing Team MSAMHS
DC – Deb Campbell, BDM, Transitcare
JW – Joyce Westerman, Counsellor Group Worker, CASV Logan
EH – Emily Howarth, Student, CASV
AT – Anne Turnbull, MH Advocate Ryan’s Place, Multilink, Al Anon
RM – Ross Mountford, Intake, NEXTT
2. / Apologies:
Fleur Kenny
3. / Confirmation of Minutes
Minutes of previous meeting held on 3rd August 2016 confirmed as a true an accurate record.
4. / Business Arising / Attachments
4.1 / Strategy Group Update
- Discussed evaluation of GSJMHC report from Qld Alliance for Mental Health.
- All felt the Newsletter was useful and they read it.
- Need to look at priorities.
- Please provide feedback on report to
- Work on promotion and advertising collaborative.
- Number of members and agencies involved in the Collaborative could be used when applying for grants.
- Website – minutes and dates for all network meetings are uploaded.
- Events, training calendar, activities are available and advertised via both website and newsletter.
- How can we create a calendar of events/training for the next 6 months?
- Advertise events prior to one or two weeks before.
- Chairs and Secretariats meet monthly.
- Discussed having a survey to determine what people want/get from being a member of the collaborative.
- What do you want to achieve from being part of this network
- Do you attend meetings/ are you aware of these meetings
- Do / how do you share with your consumers
- What would you want to communicate to your consumers
- Does your organisation provide training and if yes who is the best contact for this.
- What other networks are you a member of?
- Are we able to have a consumer email list?
- Do you have consumers who would want to receive the newsletter?
4.2 / Mental Health Week activities
- Thrive by the Bay – 29th September.
- Location better this year as a log of walk through traffic.
- Well attended by all agencies and responses were good.
- School holidays allowed for families to attend.
- Would be good to do a Metro South event and look to apply for grants for funding.
- Who do you want attending, what you want to achieve.
- Strategic group don’t see it as their role to coordinate, up to the individual networks.
- Positive Mindset Creative Arts Festival – 11th October. Logan Entertainment Centre, 9.30 – 2.00 pm.
4.3 / Care Coordination Panel (CCP) update
- Next Logan panel 18th October
- Had good referrals, agencies involved appreciate information and input from other services.
- Also being held at Bayside and Inner South.
- In future may look to combine into a Metro South Panel.
- Identified needs for a housing network in Bayside area.
- Perception a higher socio-economic area so less number of issues.
- If issue cannot resolved at CCP then follow up meetings will be arranged.
- If unsure if a referral is best option, please contact Rod Bucher or Gail Symonds on 3089 4130.
- If concerns are acute, reminder to contact MH Call on 1300 64 22 55.
- Can help identify barriers which can lead to systems change.
4.4 / GSJMHC website
- Some found hard to navigate, especially if using a mobile.
- Wanted front page to show calendar of events rather than having to drill down for it.
- Please forward information to for inclusion in the fortnightly newsletter and the website.
5. / New Business
5.1 / Agency Updates
5.1.1 / Logan Women’s Health Centre
- Moved to new address at29 City Rd, Beenleigh.
- Close to public transport
- Free counselling for women 14 years and over.
- Self-referral.
- Free or by donation
- Contact Jo Pressick if you wish to receive their newsletter.
5.1.2 / FSG Peer Hub
- Tuesday & Thursday, 10 am – 2 pm.
- Drop in centre, conversation based.
- Looking in future to have pick-up service from Marsden Library.
- MR will provide updates
5.1.3 / Aust. Community Support Organisation (ACSO)
- New service in Logan specialising in working with offenders leaving custody.
- All referrals through Probation and Parole or Corrective Services
- Work with complex cases, create plan to stop re-entry.
- Currently co-locating with FSG.
5.1.4 / Brisbane South PHN
- Non service delivery, commission services.
- New PIR referral form attached.
- PIR – main focus transition to NDIS – Beaudesert will come in 1st July 2017.
- 20 PHN’s across Australia tasked with what are the gaps and how do we target them.
- Reviewing services.
- From 1st July 2016 – management of local Headspace centres and MH Nurse Incentive program in GP’s.
- ATAPS program – changing, diversify how you access and what can be accessed.
- Newsletter and “e: Blast, to sign up visit the website –
- Mapping services across region, when completed will be available for use by agencies.
5.1.5 / Transit Care
- Transport for both social outings and medical appointments.
- Costs – up to 10.9 km $5.00, 11-20 KM $10.00.
- Also have centre based care and activities.
- Gold Coast transport – Transcord or Able Australia.
- Northside – have 5 different services.
- Commenced Service Providers network, next meeting 5th December.
5.1.6 / Centre Against Sexual Violence (CASV)
- October Sexual Violence Awareness month.
- Number of events to highlight and celebrate.
- Break the Silence on Sexual Violence vigils at Logan and Redlands (flyers attached).
- “Reclaim the Night” March and Rally – 28th October (flyer attached).
- Postcard launch for distribution to clients, Art competition was held and the winning entry is on the card. If you require copies contact CASV.
- Provide counselling to victims and families.
- Referrals either self or warm referrals.
5.1.7 / Mental Health Advocate
- Works with Multilink, Ryan’s Place and Al Anon
- Al Anon 12 step program
- Young program advocate.
6. / Discussion Topic – how the peer workforce operates in Logan, how to utilise and support the workforce.
- 2017 MHPN Topics – what would you like to have.
- Send suggestions to
- Discussed peer workforce at Southside Network meeting a lot of ideas from there for speakers.
7. / Guest Speakers
8. / Information for Noting
- Consider aligning the time of this meeting with the Care Coordination Panel for 2017.
10. / Next Meeting
The next meeting scheduled for 7thDecember 2016 at 2.00 pm in the Conference room 51 Wembley Road Logan Central
Please send apologies and agenda items for discussion to:
Roderick Buchner
Service Integration Coordinator
Phone:3089 4132
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