EGR Junior Badges
(Updated 2011)
First Step
1. Make a craft item.
2. Skip 25 times forward and 20 backwards.
3. Know the green Cross Code.
4. Make your bed every day for 1 week.
5. Know how to set a table for a meal.
6. Tie shoe laces.
7. Tell the parable of the lost sheep and repeat John 10 v 11.
8. Throw and catch a ball at a distance of 3 metres 9 times out of 10.
9. Demonstrate how to clean your teeth.
Second step
1. Make a craft item.
2. Peel a potato.
3. Demonstrate 3 skipping steps, fold & tie the rope up neatly.
4. Learn the books of the New Testament.
5. Know how to treat a cut finger and a grazed knee.
6. Keep an interest scrap book or design a poster.
7. Tell the parable of the lost coin and learn Luke 15 v 10.
8. Show how to clean shoes.
9. Address an envelope and wrap up a parcel for posting.
Third Step
1. Sew on a button.
2. Make scones or small cakes.
3. Show how to fold clothes and pack a case.
4. Grow a plant from seed or bulb.
5. Keep a diary for a week and include interesting items of news.
6. Tell the parable of the prodigal son and learn Luke 15 v 21.
7. Know something about personal hygiene.
8. Learn the books of the Bible.
9. Know how to contact the emergency services by telephone.
Proficiency Badges
1. Demonstrate stretching exercises.
2. Discuss the importance of a warm up and a cool down.
3. Learn how to do the following exercises in Rally:
Star jumps Sit ups
High knees Jogging on the spot
Jumping side to side over a line
Practice these 3 times at home and bring a signed note from a parent/guardian to confirm this.
For the test spend 1 minute on each of the above exercises with a 30 second break between each one.
1. Paint or colour a picture of a Bible story.
2. Know how to care for your paints and brushes.
3. Know the primary colours and know how to make other colours from these.
4. Print and colour a Bible text.
5. Paint or colour a pattern of your own design.
Collect the following:
1. 20 different stamps.
2. 10 postcards from different countries.
3. 5 different shells.
4. Press and label 6 different species of tree leaves and 6 flowers
5. Present your own chosen collectables and talk about them.
1. Prepare, cook and serve a simple 2 course lunch.
2. Make some cakes or tray bakes.
3. Know about a balanced diet.
1. Make 3 craft items from 3 different types of materials
For example, card, foam, felt, shells, beads etc.
Compile a scrapbook which includes the following:
1. A decorated cover
2. A neatly written contents page.
3. A theme such as sport, fashion, hobbies, animals or birds.
4 Write a description of how you would like to have your bedroom decorated.
This should include colours for the walls, patterns for the curtains and bed
covers. You can make drawings to illustrate the room.
Dental Health
1. Show how to brush your teeth correctly.
2. For a month keep a record of brushing your teeth each morning & evening. 3. Understand which foods and drinks can cause tooth decay.
4. Either on your own or with others make a “good foods” scrapbook.
5. Understand the structure of a human tooth.
Design an outfit for;
1. A special occasion.
2. A casual event.
Show the front and back of the clothes.
Give details about the choice of fabric and colours.
1. Embroider 2 of the following:
Table mat, bookmark, scarf, pencil case or needle case.
2 Show at least 5 different stitches on your items.
1. Make a miniature arrangement.
2. Make a suitable arrangement for a table centre.
3. Know about the care of pot plants and cut flowers.
1. Plant and grow successfully 3 kinds of vegetables.
2. Plant and grow successfully 3 kinds of flowers.
3. Be able to give a progress report on what you have grown.
4. Know about watering and weeding.
1. Do a forward and backward/sideways roll then come up to a standing position.
2. Demonstrate 3 different balances.
3. From standing make a sequence with the 3 balances moving from one into the next and finishing standing.
4. Balance walk along a bench or line for a distance of 6 metres.
1. Explain what you must have with you for a day’s hike.
2. Know how to prevent blisters.
3. Accompanied by a leader go on a 3 mile hike.
4. Talk about your hike - you can use photographs to help you.
Home Nurse
1. Know how to treat a faint, a person in shock and a nose bleed.
2. Know about safety in the home.
3. Set up an attractive tray for a patient’s meal.
4. Know how to call an ambulance.
5. Know how to treat a minor burn.
Home helper
1. Clean a wash hand basin.
2. Wash and dry dishes.
3. Brush a floor.
4. Do a tidying up job in Rally.
5. Bring a note signed by her parent or guardian stating that she has made her bed and kept her room tidy for a period of 2 weeks.
6. Carry a message of at least 12 words in her head and deliver it correctly after 5 minutes.
1. Be able to cast on and off.
2. Be able to do rib, garter and stocking stitch.
3. Knit an article.
Model from clay, play dough or plasticine;
1. A group of 6 different animals, a garden or a village.
2. Make a model of a Bible story.
1. Know a missionary’s name and the country where he or she works.
2. Be able to show on a map where this country is.
3. Find out about some of the work the missionary does and also about the people they work amongst.
4. Be able to repeat Mark 16 v 15.
1. Play simple scales.
2. Play a chorus.
3. Play 2 pieces of your own choice.
1. Produce a project about fish, animals, or birds.
2. Go for a walk and then write about what nature you saw. Illustrate this with pictures or photographs.
3. Be able to recognise the common trees, birds, wild animals and wild flowers found locally.
1. Read a book by C S Lewis or Patricia St John.
2. Read 2 books of your own choice.
3. Know how to look after your books.
1. Recite a poem of at least 4 verses before an audience.
2. Recite a poem of your own choice.
3. Read a prepared passage chosen by the examiner.
1. Learn John 5 v 24.
2. Learn Psalm 23.
3. Learn Isaiah 53 v 6.
4. Learn Romans 3 v 23.
5. Use daily Bible study notes e.g. Topz for a period of 1 month.
1. Swim 25 m freestyle.
2. Swim 25 m backstroke.
3. Jump or dive into the water.
4. Mushroom float for 5 seconds or tread water for 1 minute.
Make 2 toys from different materials.
1. Write about a visit you have made.
2. Produce a poem written by yourself.
3. Write your own short story.
All items must be neatly presented.